24's Represent

You've clearly never done gnomer runs for charged gears or emissary cuffs lol. Double agi rings either makes him one hardcore SOB or one lucky SOB.

What are you talking about again...I have been twinking since late classic, why wouldn't i know the things you tell in the first place wich you assume, you are not anything better or special wich you think you are, or was this a challenge of rare timeconsumable farm items? let him get http://www.wowhead.com/item=46109 on his rogue without a booster lol then i will admit he has put more effort and time on his toon then me.

Now don't dodge the question again, who is your 24 alliance rogue?

Oh and btw achmed id never expected you to go faceroll on a level 24 in this bracket. Thanks for helping to promote it and making it worse.
What are you talking about again...I have been twinking since late classic, why wouldn't i know the things you tell in the first place wich you assume, you are not anything better or special wich you think you are, or was this a challenge of rare timeconsumable farm items? let him get http://www.wowhead.com/item=46109 on his rogue without a booster lol then i will admit he has put more effort and time on his toon then me.

Now don't dodge the question again, who is your 24 alliance rogue?

Oh and btw achmed id never expected you to go faceroll on a level 24 in this bracket. Thanks for helping to promote it and making it worse.

Well have YOU farmed the turtle on one of your F2P twinks...? Actually I already know the answer to that question: No you havent. Just because you're aware of a grind, doesnt mean you've actually done it. And if you have done gnomer runs for the Charged Gears and you cant respect the amount of time (or luck I suppose) that went into farming dual Agi Charged Gears then there really isnt anything left for me to say on the topic.

I have already posted the link to my 24 rogue in the F2P section, but if you insist:


Still imperfect because of:

All three professions (JC/FA/Engi)



Bracer (not sure I really want to try this hard yet)

Ranged wep (makes me midly irritated that my BOA is getting replaced by an item that had a guild named <Glass Shooter FTL> after it lol)

Legs (I have the petros already, they're just unequipped)
Then why does that thread in the F2P section indicate that it's impossible to even get this to drop?

Does it? I was the first to show that it is possible
If i didn't catch one everyone still would believe that it would not be possible ^^
Does it? I was the first to show that it is possible

I just saw that the thread has been updated, the first few pages were about people saying that if you couldnt get Cata drops as a F2P so this was impossible. I wasnt aware that you could still catch the turtle if you couldnt fish out Cata loot.

Edit: and I was planning on editing that post before you got to it but you responded too quickly
Does it? I was the first to show that it is possible
If i didn't catch one everyone still would believe that it would not be possible ^^

You got it on your second cast what a grind that must have been.
I didn't lie about anything.


I was fishing for wreckages like i'm always doing between bg's but i didn't went to Tanaris yet, i skipped on bg's because there were so many to find along the coast there. I was looking for a way, in south Tanaris, to climb up the mountains to get the flightpath and go around the mobs but i coudn't find a way then i decided to have a look at Uldum wich borders with Tanaris on the shore line and saw some silly 85 fishing in the sea on the border. I passed him, entered Uldum and saw a pool and thought let's see if it's true that i'm not able to catch anything from it and why the **** isn't the 85 fishing from those. But yeah, i didn't got anything but the pool disappeared anyway. Made a joke to a friend that i was going to make a ticket and ask why i'm not getting anything from the school but still disappeared. I went a little further and it was another school of some other fish and i tried. Didn't catch something my first and seccond cast but on the third i got the Sea Turtle

So there you have it, on my 6th cast, I guess im very lucky ^^

I still don't see where i lied... please explain...

Alright i will explain it to you.

First read this then i will break down how it applies to your posts.

Lying by omission

One lies by omission when omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a misconception. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre-existing misconceptions.

What are you talking about again...I have been twinking since late classic, why wouldn't i know the things you tell in the first place wich you assume, you are not anything better or special wich you think you are, or was this a challenge of rare timeconsumable farm items? let him get http://www.wowhead.com/item=46109 on his rogue without a booster lol then i will admit he has put more effort and time on his toon then me.

Now don't dodge the question again, who is your 24 alliance rogue?

Oh and btw achmed id never expected you to go faceroll on a level 24 in this bracket. Thanks for helping to promote it and making it worse.

In the above post you imply that you had done a grind of some significance for the sea turtle.

I was fishing for wreckages like i'm always doing between bg's but i didn't went to Tanaris yet, i skipped on bg's because there were so many to find along the coast there. I was looking for a way, in south Tanaris, to climb up the mountains to get the flightpath and go around the mobs but i coudn't find a way then i decided to have a look at Uldum wich borders with Tanaris on the shore line and saw some silly 85 fishing in the sea on the border. I passed him, entered Uldum and saw a pool and thought let's see if it's true that i'm not able to catch anything from it and why the **** isn't the 85 fishing from those. But yeah, i didn't got anything but the pool disappeared anyway. Made a joke to a friend that i was going to make a ticket and ask why i'm not getting anything from the school but still disappeared. I went a little further and it was another school of some other fish and i tried. Didn't catch something my first and seccond cast but on the third i got the Sea Turtle

So there you have it, on my 6th cast, I guess im very lucky ^^

Yet in this post you admit that you had no personal knowledge of your inability to catch fish from the only school's available to you on a F2P account that COULD drop said fish*.

In the above post you also state that it only took you two pools.

That's not a grind that's dumb luck

And again in the following post you state that it was the second pool of that day, implying that you had fished in cata pools previously, when your own post in the turtle thread (also quoted here) proved that you had never done so.

Don't believe everything you read lol. It was more like the 2nd school of that day ^^

You weave a web of half truths and deception to the point of lying by omission and or misleading statements.

lol, obsessed much? i never said ive grinded long for the sea turtle so i actually never lied. What are you trying to prove anyway?

You realy didn't read it did you?

O well 2 minutes of my life wasted on another idiot.
You realy didn't read it did you?

O well 2 minutes of my life wasted on another idiot.

Thanks for the insult and yes i read it.

Seriously, i never lied about anything. The problem is you going to deep into and thinking about my posts and not understanding them it seems. You even take them out of context and making some sort of made up quote story about lying by omission from it because i used a few ways with words to explain it and now im the idiot?
You realy didn't read it did you?

O well 2 minutes of my life wasted on another idiot.

lol franchi though ur too "holier than thou" to talk to us f2p 20s
lol franchi though ur too "holier than thou" to talk to us f2p 20s

You guys are so cute when you are giving me reasons to play my 24, lucky for you my crew and i are busy building 70's atm, but rest assured the meter is rolling.
Rofl seriously? You make it seem like you did some immense grind and then it comes to light that you only fished SIX times for it?





Bro I'd pay 5000g to get my Cuffs+Gears in that many runs LOL.

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