
No I didn't mess anything up. The needs of the many, the thirty or so that don't want Hunters or steam rolls, are put above the wants of the few, the ones that want to steamroll opposition with or without Hunters.

Your, and the rest of your comrades in MB decision to polarize faction skill came at the expense of the rest of the bracket (the few). Others (the many) decision not to queue is the result of a bracket that has gained a critical mass of players that just don't give a shit about the fun that the other team is having. DetoX did it. MB did it. Finally we saw that things weren't going to change until the bracket died again (in fact I called this months before the bracket actually died).
Small is not best. Small is a short term solution to not having activity. In the end, small always kills itself. You cannot have a sustained bracket by keeping it small.

Untrue. How do you think that competent raiding guilds are able to progress into difficult content? By minimizing the immigration and emigration rate so that accumulated gear and knowledge stays put. When I was in a guild that made the server first Vashj and Kael kills, we were required to raid 3 nights a week for 3 hours or so. Raids happened at the same time (fight nights) and the same 25 people showed up. Small works.

As Bwappo stated, things have changed. You don't get to have polarized activity anymore. It just isn't going to happen.

Hasn't that been proven to you yet?

If anything it's been proven that we need the tight knit community and NOT the large unapologetic one that 19s and 70s have. In those brackets, a few selfish players, hell tens of selfish players, don't bring down the fun of the 1000+ population of twinks. But 29s, 39s, and 49s will never reach those heights. We need NO selfish players ever. And when they appear, we collectively shut down games and let them be farmed. Growth is what killed this ability to weed out the assholes, and eventually killed the bracket.
your decision to not queue comes at the expense of everyone else who:

1) wants to play 29s

2) doesn't give a fuck about all the things you complain about

this is a terribly simplified analogy to begin with, and you still messed it up

Why didn't you queue on Thursday? Nobody was complaining and hunters were not banned.
your decision to not queue comes at the expense of everyone else who:

1) wants to play 29s

2) doesn't give a fuck about all the things you complain about

this is a terribly simplified analogy to begin with, and you still messed it up

In most situations I would agree with you, but this is a sort of special case. In this case, most of the people doing the complaining are the ones that worked hard to make sure this bracket could exist in the first place. If you had put in the same effort they put in, then it would be more reasonable for you to do whatever you want.
He could find and recruit 30 new people and start games whenever he felt like it. That'd really show us.
How do you think that competent raiding guilds are able to progress into difficult content?

Raids are not BGs. The process of putting together a raid or a raiding guild is not the same as queuing up for BGs. I wouldn't compare the two since the motives for participation are not the same. If you want to control every aspect of the games you're playing, why don't you just recruit all these people you claim to be just like you, and do war games? At that point you'd never have to see another hunter or group of 'asshole players' again. You'd literally have ideal play group.

I suspect the reason why you don't do that is because your attitude is entirely too volatile for the majority of the players here, and they would rather exclude you from such an effort than join with you.

In this case, most of the people doing the complaining are the ones that worked hard to make sure this bracket could exist in the first place.

I wasn't aware that it takes hard work to show up at a specific time on a pre planned date and queue up for games.
I wasn't aware that it takes hard work to show up at a specific time on a pre planned date and queue up for games.

you aren't aware of much, are you?
In the end valid points will be ignored. The bracket will get a couple games and then die again. There's not enough forward thinking going on here. I'd hate to have to do buisness in real life with you, as you'd most likely run them into the ground. Much like the bracket. Lol at you vetoing games atm as well. You didn't choose to veto games, the bracket died. You didn't knowingly control that too
you aren't aware of much, are you?

I can tell by your choice in forum signature that you're a high class upstanding American citizen and I should definitely pay attention to anything you say.

In the end valid points will be ignored. The bracket will get a couple games and then die again. There's not enough forward thinking going on here. I'd hate to have to do buisness in real life with you, as you'd most likely run them into the ground. Much like the bracket. Lol at you vetoing games atm as well. You didn't choose to veto games, the bracket died. You didn't knowingly control that too

Again, this.
In the end valid points will be ignored. The bracket will get a couple games and then die again. There's not enough forward thinking going on here. I'd hate to have to do buisness in real life with you, as you'd most likely run them into the ground. Much like the bracket. Lol at you vetoing games atm as well. You didn't choose to veto games, the bracket died. You didn't knowingly control that too

one thing i find very funny is the people who were totally fine, never said anything about things like banned gf'ed weaps, FAPS, etc until detox came back and then everyone was on their bandwagon and shit started because...ummm, what'shisname, was all about using whartever he felt like. throw in willy and his forum report spree, which eventually got me and others, permabanned from the forums and causing a lot more drama than we should have had, as well as increased thread deletion, which meant new players would be missing information. eventually detox got bored and things went back to the way they were until MB showed up and the exact same thing happened again, it just so happens that in-fighting was still going due to detox and the way games went during that period.

i also find it funny that there were people who would q in groups and play a certain way in one bracket (which then died), and then moved onto another bracket, which subsequently also died shortly thereafter.

now, we have a few people trying to get games again, and the same people who didnt care about the quality of games before are blaming the people who brought back 29s for the reason they're dead now. you do realize that if not for myself, nastay, fc, franchi, and a lot of other people, back when cata launched, putting in a lot of effort to get games to pop.

making toons on both factions (or faction swapping in some people's case) was one way, agreeing to put away our GF weaps was another to help balance games and increase the population of the bracket. it seems some people forget about all the new players who complained about our gf gear, because they could not obtain it, as well as the new players who would q for 2 games and then never again due to the one-sidedness of the games.

...but hey, if nastay was nice to people, we would TOTALLY get games right?
I can tell by your choice in forum signature that you're a high class upstanding American citizen and I should definitely pay attention to anything you say.

actually, you shouldnt pay attention to what anyone in these threads say, since you have absolutely no useful input and dont even play (haven't even played), in the bracket.

also, i wish i was a high class american citizen. you know, just like the rest of them, debt they will never get out of, houses & vehicles they cant afford, paying for doctor visits, etc. ahhh...the american dream. unfortunately, i'm just a lowly canadian who is not in debt and has no worry of losing my house.
Because MB used GF'd weapons, banned items or consumables and the one hunter specced AS? Because MB had anything to do with 39s dying because they group q'd? You aren't making any sense. Continue to ignore valid points though. Continue to put alot of hard work into doing it all wrong. Enjoy your dead bracket. You can thank yourselves in the end.
Because MB used GF'd weapons, banned items or consumables and the one hunter specced AS? Because MB had anything to do with 39s dying because they group q'd? You aren't making any sense. Continue to ignore valid points though. Continue to put alot of hard work into doing it all wrong. Enjoy your dead bracket. You can thank yourselves in the end.

did i say it was MB? nope

are there people in MB who took part in those activities in 39s? most likely

continue to argue with the people who stopped playing about why they dont play.
No I didn't mess anything up. The needs of the many, the thirty or so that don't want Hunters or steam rolls, are put above the wants of the few, the ones that want to steamroll opposition with or without Hunters.

Your, and the rest of your comrades in MB decision to polarize faction skill came at the expense of the rest of the bracket (the few). Others (the many) decision not to queue is the result of a bracket that has gained a critical mass of players that just don't give a shit about the fun that the other team is having. DetoX did it. MB did it. Finally we saw that things weren't going to change until the bracket died again (in fact I called this months before the bracket actually died).

so you're once again changing your argument. this time back to the "MB group queued and we can't handle that" card. it's no longer about consumables, GF weapons, or hunters.

ok bro. we can do this until you run out of things to throw at the wall in desperation.

1) games were heavily horde favored after detox, before MB (this is what people told me, and this is why I rolled alliance in the first place).

2) people did not appear to learn, improve, or become more coordinated after losing games. this goes for horde and alliance. how often did you hear me complain about hunters, grandfathered gear, or group queueing after a loss? how often did YOU complain?

3) you are essentially saying that having people participate in 29s kills the bracket
In most situations I would agree with you, but this is a sort of special case. In this case, most of the people doing the complaining are the ones that worked hard to make sure this bracket could exist in the first place. If you had put in the same effort they put in, then it would be more reasonable for you to do whatever you want.

so let me get this straight. the more i complain, the more say i have in this bracket.
everyone should post in the poll i made on here about why you dont play 29s now so that way everyone can shut up about why games are not happening, and we can work on getting them again
Or you can leave the past and move forward. Your thread is lolworthy. You just open yourself up to more arguing. Its flawed. There's not one single reason. A poll can't quantify that. You are doing it wrong. Again.
actually, you shouldnt pay attention to what anyone in these threads say, since you have absolutely no useful input and dont even play (haven't even played), in the bracket.

also, i wish i was a high class american citizen. you know, just like the rest of them, debt they will never get out of, houses & vehicles they cant afford, paying for doctor visits, etc. ahhh...the american dream. unfortunately, i'm just a lowly canadian who is not in debt and has no worry of losing my house.

You're the typical societal trash that thinks 'he's smarter than the rest' because he chooses to be trash.

Gratz on 'winning.'

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