
Rubby, do you agree that your guild has different expectations for how 29s should be played? Average players want a relaxed but objective oriented warsong. You guys want rbg quality coordination. Given that must pugs will quit instead of 'getting better', the only viable solution is to split the skilled players among both sides? Agreed?

rofl @ "rbg quality coordination". makes me wonder if you've ever even participated in any kind of competitive game

most of MB didn't even have a mic
rofl @ "rbg quality coordination". makes me wonder if you've ever even participated in any kind of competitive game

most of MB didn't even have a mic

You, Toast, Dori, Lrig, Hail, Amenda Skanky, Zeiren, could call targets and focus targets, CC and interrupts.

But you still deflect and can't answer the actual questions I posed- MB had different expectations for how games were supposed to be run from the rest of the bracket. C/D?
You, Toast, Dori, Lrig, Hail, Amenda Skanky, Zeiren, could call targets and focus targets, CC and interrupts.

But you still deflect and can't answer the actual questions I posed- MB had different expectations for how games were supposed to be run from the rest of the bracket. C/D?

again, stop posting for us. you don't know anything and you're just making yourself sound dumb. MB did not communicate well, but it sounds like what little we did was far more substantial than what horde had.

Zeiren, Shaket, Kao, Dayman, Broastage, Accident, Tess, Zolt, Ghoast, Emonster all did not have mics (or never talked ever)

Lrig was not part of MB

Skanky never played with us

if you're talking about deflecting questions, then please look at the majority of my posts addressing you (which you ignored).

I'm not going to speak for all of MB, but I can tell you that I don't hold high expectations when I queue into pug games. I just give an honest attempt to win a game, and if I don't, then the first instinct for me is not to complain about hunters, group queueing, grandfathered gear, or whatever else you have ever $#*@#ed about in the past. This is becoming a waste of my time (and I haven't been keeping up) because you've made clear that you are going to complain about pretty much everything that contributes to you losing a game regardless of what I say.
Why beat around the bush? It was made very clear that MBs communication was far more substantial than Horde. Lrig, Pizza, Phat, Mightymouse, may not have been have been in MB, but they could certainly hop in vent and listen/make calls. Horde had no such capability.

Your posts directed at me sum to: "I don't want to hear your argument, so I am going to attempt to make it illegitimate it by telling you to stop complaining." I disagree and am carrying on with the discussion.

By getting into every game on the same team and coordinating in vent WELL, you very clearly make your stance on bracket balance known. In your actions you state "Horde will have to communicate better if they ever want to win a game". The action response was "No. We want to play pug games as pug games. A little banter in vent is good. But calling everything requires too much effort. But if we have no chance at winning, we will simply stop queueing."
Like Skank and Gig, Rubi wants to paint the horde as awful. It makes no sense to me why anyone would be proud of stomping a group of people that are awful at this game. It's like going to Special Olympics as a real athlete and winning everything.
wait...wasnt the thing before that alliance communicated much better than horde, which was why MB always stomped them?

obviously MB never used mic's
So a few things I've learned from this thread:

Joining MB gives you the ability to talk on vent without a mic

3-4 people talking is all you need to have RBG coordination. This is an unreasonable and absurd hurdle to overcome in pug games.

Pizza, Derv, Mightymouse, Skanky, and Phatshotz have all joined MB and are all extremely vocal players on vent

All of MB should faction/reroll immediately

The amount of $*@*#ing going on at 29 does not exceed that of any other bracket

MB is a "special olympics champion" guild

People tried to (indirectly) blame hunters but made a poll which 1) was terribly biased and 2) backfired anyway

29s will (definitely) be fixed once the monk class is introduced
So a few things I've learned from this thread:

Joining MB gives you the ability to talk on vent without a mic

3-4 people talking is all you need to have RBG coordination. This is an unreasonable and absurd hurdle to overcome in pug games.

Pizza, Derv, Mightymouse, Skanky, and Phatshotz have all joined MB and are all extremely vocal players on vent

All of MB should faction/reroll immediately

The amount of $*@*#ing going on at 29 does not exceed that of any other bracket

MB is a "special olympics champion" guild

People tried to (indirectly) blame hunters but made a poll which 1) was terribly biased and 2) backfired anyway

29s will (definitely) be fixed once the monk class is introduced


i've played with you guys in 39s and 70s. you have a mic. dori has a mic, zeiren has one, lrig, skanky, phat, hail, toast and zolt all have mics.

the amount of the bitching about nastay's bitching is just as bad

i didnt "indirectly" blame hunters, i absolutely put the amount of hunters on alliance, over the last few weeks of my gameplay, as the #1 reason i found games no fun to q for and therefore stopped.

dont forget how many 39s loved multi-hunter games too. they were sooo much fun.

it's odd too that you wont argue with anyone in the 39 thread who said they gave up on 39s because of rogue stacking. i guess you would say that those 6 ally rogue games had nothing to do with the reason 39s are staying dead now even though people cite that as a main reason not to queue up.

"hey guys, im going to roll a hunter in a bracket that i know people complain about hunters, and then complain for months that they're complaining about my hunter."
I quit 39s because they didn't discourage Hunters as 29s did for so long.

Nobody said all of those players were in your guild. But you still played and coordinated with them in vent instead of hopping on the opposite faction to balance games.
Like Skank and Gig, Rubi wants to paint the horde as awful.

I don't think I ever said the horde were awful. I did point out that the bitching about shit from a vocal minority is ridiculous and makes those individuals pretty retarded.
Rub. I played in a few game nights when you didn't q. However I'm not very vocal in vent because I never have to be besides calling for peels, where to cut off support, when I was cc'd etc etc. I just know how to play, positioning and coordinate based off the fact I've been doing it for years. Like he said alot of MB didn't even have a mic. They took direction from Toast extremely well however and had one person calling out targets at all times. Honestly there's probably 3-4 people talking in vent but that's about it. I must say in my time playing both brackets that 39s just had a much better understanding how to play the game, where they had to be, their positioning etc etc. Not to mention the games slow down quite a bit when you are going from 39 down to 29 because of burst and other things. Hell when we were premading in Fuse we NEVER called out dose targets, we just mashed an /assist macro. We simply understood what had to be done. Should MB had rolled horde. Certainly. Like I said 3 had and I was leveling. Between the time MB had completed their Alliance and rolled horde was just a couple weeks.. Everyone wants to ignore that or in turn cry about something else. That's Rubik's point. If its not one thing its another. Instead of harping on it, move forward. If you dont the bracket will stay dead. If its not Detox its MB, if its not MB its going to be someone else. It will always be that way always has been. You can't control or micromanage that,

i've played with you guys in 39s and 70s. you have a mic. dori has a mic, zeiren has one, lrig, skanky, phat, hail, toast and zolt all have mics.

zolt, zeiren, and skanky have mics but don't talk much. just to actually put in perspective how stupid your point is, in all the games zeiren played on his 29 (less than 5 i can clearly remember), he never talked oncecause his mic was broken

lrig and phat are not part of MB. phat doesn't say more than a few words per game.

i'm telling you that they don't talk. i'm telling you that you're wrong. if you still don't want to believe me, then it's your loss.

dont forget how many 39s loved multi-hunter games too. they were sooo much fun.

it's odd too that you wont argue with anyone in the 39 thread who said they gave up on 39s because of rogue stacking. i guess you would say that those 6 ally rogue games had nothing to do with the reason 39s are staying dead now even though people cite that as a main reason not to queue up.

"hey guys, im going to roll a hunter in a bracket that i know people complain about hunters, and then complain for months that they're complaining about my hunter."

reason 39s died isn't really up for debate, had nothing to do with rogues, and noone (except clueless 29s) actually have any need to discuss it. Not relevant anyway, since 29s never get 6 hunters in a game and people at 29 will complain even if i'm the only hunter on alliance and even if horde has more hunters than alliance.

you don't think that the fact that adding one hunter to a bracket leads to months of complaining is a problem?

"hey guys, i'm going to pretend i know what i'm talking about and make more stupid polls that backfire on me"
I quit 39s because they didn't discourage Hunters as 29s did for so long.

Nobody said all of those players were in your guild. But you still played and coordinated with them in vent instead of hopping on the opposite faction to balance games.

Hunters weren't a problem in 39s. Period. The only time was when you'd run into a 2 hunter d. Which rarely happened.
Lol@whoever brought up the rogue complaining in the 39 forum. Its Scer bitching about them. That's it. Have you ever talked to him. In game or vent? Talk to him in vent then get back to me if you take him seriously.
39s never got to a point where 1 rogue joining a game meant 3-4 people posting on the forums / joining his vent channel telling him he had to reroll because he was "destroying the bracket"

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