
Megumi that way of polling is flawed as Mong said. You need to ask non-biased questions and then delve into the answers with more questions.
So basically kids couldn't hang with detox

detox didnt outskill anybody, when they came back they won probably close to 75% of their games by turtling until 6+ stacks and then sending 3+ skullbreaker rogues on offense to sap healers and gib me with their hemo/goblin sapper/gnomish d-ray skills

if i had a dollar for every time they tried to return on me before debuff hit and failed miserably then i would be a rich man

Ohai knows

oh and bern cant land a kick <3
MB didnt have a problem beating the horde without using cheesy/no skill strats, hell alot of the time horde pugs couldnt get the flag across the field let alone get it inside our base for debuffs to start stacking

but i guess thats because MB's players were 10x better than those detox wannabes you guys trotted out under your guild name, lol

i hear 4k deathrays are skill
detox didnt outskill anybody, when they came back they won probably close to 75% of their games by turtling until 6+ stacks and then sending 3+ skullbreaker rogues on offense to sap healers and gib me with their hemo/goblin sapper/gnomish d-ray skills

if i had a dollar for every time they tried to return on me before debuff hit and failed miserably then i would be a rich man

Ohai knows

oh and bern cant land a kick <3

we didnt quit from detox, that didnt happen until MB showed up.. you know.. the guild that had skilled players

like i said you guys didnt stand a chance until debuff started stacking and you knew this which is why you rarely even tried offense until a global was possible, gotta wait for that dray to come off cd right bro?
i had company and couldnt get on to q tonight. i also fell behind in the discussion here, so just to catch up before i let skanky continue to argue people's opinions.

Lol. Masked personal attacks. I've given constructive feedback, yet because I dont agree with you its a personal attack? You can call it whatever you please. Enjoy your 29 games!!

Sorry I'm on my phone, at work, providing for my family. I can't possibly see that it can have multiple choices.

sounds like masked personal attacks directed to someone you know nothing about to me.

Thethread was edited from what it initially said as well. Should probably edit the title too.

the only edit to the poll was when i added "US" to the title so that we could try and keep the answers to what has been argued for months. if i edit a post for something other than spelling, i will point out that it is my edit. i dont hide my opinions or feel the need to mask them.

like i stated before, the poll is to collect peoples' personal opinions on why they are not currently queuing up for 29s so that we dont have to argue about why games arent happening and try to remedy whatever the reason(s) are.
No really I'm at work. Can't be any more straight forward (unmasked) Stay paranoid though. It looks cute on you. Also Mongro pointed out as well your poll is flawed. Is he personally attacking you?
the poll is always going to be flawed because you're only sampling from the group which always complains about everything (the people who actually read TI forums)
the poll is always going to be flawed because you're only sampling from the group which always complains about everything (the people who actually read TI forums)

There's entirely no reason for you to resort to that kind of logic, sir!
Rubby, do you agree that your guild has different expectations for how 29s should be played? Average players want a relaxed but objective oriented warsong. You guys want rbg quality coordination. Given that must pugs will quit instead of 'getting better', the only viable solution is to split the skilled players among both sides? Agreed?
the poll is always going to be flawed because you're only sampling from the group which always complains about everything (the people who actually read TI forums)

funny that you're jumping on the "your personal opinion for not playing is wrong" wagon with skanky and the willy wannabe naruto kid. this is the last time i explain anything about it; first off, thanks to willy, and now i assume prob skanky too since he seems to enjoy reporting, i've been perma-banned from the official forums for months, so its not like i could post it there. second, the majority of the people who "quit" playing 29s which resulted in games not happening, do happen to read TI.

i'm sorry you guys are getting so upset that hunters and lack of faction balance are leading the reasons, who would have thought that the reasons everyone has been saying they stopped playing, seem to actually be the reasons that a lot of people stopped playing

Given that must pugs will quit instead of 'getting better', the only viable solution is to split the skilled players among both sides? Agreed?

but that's not how you win!
which is why at least 3 had rolled horde. And I was leveling one up. Dory, Toast, Hail and myself.


also he's not attacking your opinion. He disagrees with the poll itself. Derp
You don't know why you and your friends quit, obviously I do.

And it was because of complaining.
Sometimes you should really think before you post. You and your friends do not equal the entire bracket. Hell lets give you half the bracket, as you and your friends. That leaves half a bracket and the COUNTLESS people who were in fact driven away away from the bracket for whichever reason. A poll can't quantify that. Hell most of them probably dont even read this site. That's why it is flawed. You can continue to throw out your juvenile responses though. They just make you look bad. Do you even play this game any more?

Focus more on your Fantasy Football team. You could use a little help. Be glad to give you some pointers!
Lol I loved that movie. On a side not FC hows the healing going? My father got tboned by a drunken driver a couple years back and he's still going through rehab and shit because of multiple surgeries to his back.
Lol I loved that movie. On a side not FC hows the healing going? My father got tboned by a drunken driver a couple years back and he's still going through rehab and shit because of multiple surgeries to his back.

lol, it is one of my favs >.< especially the coffee shop scene

and im doing good, luckily no serious injuries to my back or anything like your father went through, thanks for asking

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