
I <3 u 2 fgt
oshit how could i forget the other goose bRother fml dude fml
i remember back in '92 on mirc when it was cool to talk as fucked up as possible
Amazed this thread hasn't been locked yet....

STILL no 29s games.


Our fantasy league is hilarious.....im the only guy in my division with a positive record -.-

Our fantasy league is hilarious.....im the only guy in my division with a positive record -.-

Looking at my team I just have to laugh that I have CJ400 and Phillip "Interception" Rivers both on my team.

I don't think I could have managed my way out of that except to have attempted to sell one earlier in the year.
I think the thread is useful. It shows that there is still a passionate playerbase. The fight night attempts are great too; regardless of whether games happen, the attempts help to keep people interested. Carry on.
so what's with the mauradon items on 29s now? is it seriously possible to do mara at 29? i looked at a few 29 armories and the bracket looks more broken than it has ever been, which is sad, because before aimed shot 29 was one of the most balanced brackets
so what's with the mauradon items on 29s now? is it seriously possible to do mara at 29? i looked at a few 29 armories and the bracket looks more broken than it has ever been, which is sad, because before aimed shot 29 was one of the most balanced brackets

so what's with the mauradon items on 29s now? is it seriously possible to do mara at 29? i looked at a few 29 armories and the bracket looks more broken than it has ever been, which is sad, because before aimed shot 29 was one of the most balanced brackets

Get a high level to run you, drop off the waterfall to the final section, you get a popup quest... accept it and kill princess
Dota2 beta invite, get on my level
You cock blocked me on the waiver wire Ohai. You can't even make the playoffs!!!! Bastard <3

If only to make up for getting fucked by Fred Jackson hitting the IR for both of my fantasy teams
Playoffs dont talk about playoffs PLAYOFFS

this made me laugh. how the hell are ya Zul and happy turkey day to all y'all foos
this made me laugh. how the hell are ya Zul and happy turkey day to all y'all foos

chilling, im now bi-counsel and have a xbox360 AND PS3.....my poor swiss bank account although next month im taking leave to florida. So glad to be outa North dakota for 11 days
Too many bads and hypocrites like donteventry, hunters didnt stop you from winning, you stopped you from winning.

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