
Sometimes you should really think before you post. You and your friends do not equal the entire bracket. Hell lets give you half the bracket, as you and your friends. That leaves half a bracket and the COUNTLESS people who were in fact driven away away from the bracket for whichever reason. A poll can't quantify that. Hell most of them probably dont even read this site. That's why it is flawed. You can continue to throw out your juvenile responses though. They just make you look bad. Do you even play this game any more?

Focus more on your Fantasy Football team. You could use a little help. Be glad to give you some pointers!

I was friends with the majority of players who played, and most importantly the people who spent the time to get this going again. Basically the only people I didn't really know were the random undergeared players, and about half of MB. The only people I guess I didn't know are the "the COUNTLESS people who were in fact driven away away from the bracket for whichever reason." I'll give you that, and I'm sure our complaining made them wary. That said, we weren't exactly rolling in new players and recruits at 29s back before this most recent 'whining', the middle brackets don't quite get as much interest. The players who WERE checking out the bracket were being kicked for being undergeared so we could stand a chance against the "GET OUTPLAYED" alliance team that was grouping and kicking the shit out of us. I know that happened on both sides as well, because I spent a good amount of time on both sides of the nightly ass whooping.

I agree, the poll is retarded, but everyone (read: MB and willy) saying that hunters and skill stacking didn't (heavily) contribute to casual players leaving makes me confused. And no, I don't play, but jesus "Supporting IT systems" is a joke of a class at my school.

Ohai I still love you though. Do you need a QB? I have Matt Ryan sitting on my bench.

My team is fucked, I'm mainly focusing on my IDP league where I'm 3rd out of 10, and looking to make the playoffs. Phillip Rivers and CJ sucked cocks for the season so I was really fucked. TBH I didn't even want CJ on my team I think I was high when i drafted him.

My lineup in the IDP - http://i.imgur.com/2wrez.png

Similar but with 90% less suck

Also I <3 you too forever

hahahhaha i forgot about that scene
Rolling Horde is not playing Horde. Toast played maybe 3 games Hordeside. Dori maybe 6. Hail- none.

In all fairness, between the time characters were rolled and games stopped was very short. Much like when you rolled an alliance character and then alliance started winning again. The effort was being made, yet I continue to see complaining that it wasn't. Not a jab at you but how many games did you switch to alliance post Detox pre MB?
I started making one. Let's not forget why I was Horde in the first place. Back in March I and a few others faction changed to Horde after they were crushed nightly for the first week.
I started making one. Let's not forget why I was Horde in the first place. Back in March I and a few others faction changed to Horde after they were crushed nightly for the first week.


You never played a hunter either!!


Just having some fun you know I like you.
Rubby, do you agree that your guild has different expectations for how 29s should be played? Average players want a relaxed but objective oriented warsong. You guys want rbg quality coordination. Given that must pugs will quit instead of 'getting better', the only viable solution is to split the skilled players among both sides? Agreed?

Where you @ Rubby
I think your argument is based on presumptions. Which is worse than assumptions.

Let's try sticking to the facts. You bitched and whined at every turn, creating posts and threads speaking directly against things that you don't like personally. Then you got all mad when anyone came along with a reasonable argument that didn't agree with yours.

You were never down to resolve anything unless it meant you got your way. Thems the kinds of politics that keep progress form happening. Just ask Obamacare...
gigzxx who is your 29 anyway?

The list of people I strongly dislike having an argument with on the forums is a really extraordinarily short list.

There is only one player in recent memory that gives a real "Talking to a wall." and "Impossible to have a discussion that progresses in any way." feeling to his posts.

I'll let you guess.
The list of people I strongly dislike having an argument with on the forums is a really extraordinarily short list.

There is only one player in recent memory that gives a real "Talking to a wall." and "Impossible to have a discussion that progresses in any way." feeling to his posts.

I'll let you guess.


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