24 Premade WSG

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Re: 24 Premade Call to arms!

WSG jumps are a banable offense and have been so for a very long time. Yes, i also mean tunnelroof jumps, horde fence and gy jumps etc..
It's also been stated in multiple blues and posts on twinkinfo: here's one from 2011

I would prefer if jumps we're allowed, since i can do them, but never the less they are banable :(
Re: 24 Premade Call to arms!

everyone can do it, just youtube wsg jumps = done.

theres a difference between class only jumps or and the wsg jumps im talking about.

God i hate this, sorry juno i edited my post after you placed yours and corrected it a little. I mis my veteran account and the auto refresh on the site. When i did the edit i was the last post but seeing the times... meh this sucks.

And please, im playing wow from the start and twinking since classic.. i dont have to watch you tube for that.

Re: 24 Premade Call to arms!

if someone cant do the jumps then it most likely because they are wet behind the ears, not because they are afraid of being banned. Jump usage only increases the skill cap imo, something that the 20-24 bracket is in dire need of.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Jumps have never been allowed in majority of premades. Your best bet is for both raid leads negotiate rules.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Jumps have never been allowed in majority of premades. Your best bet is for both raid leads negotiate rules.

Already in motion, I just sent a mail to all those signed up already :)

LF Horde Tank!
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

i refuse to play if the other side say " LOL NO JUMPS" not my fault you cant take the time out to learn them.

i FC'ed 19s for 3 yrs playing "these" jumps, just cause you dont know them doesnt mean that shouldnt used. they take like 2 days to learn. learn the jumps or leave the premade.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Jumps have never been allowed in majority of premades. Your best bet is for both raid leads negotiate rules.

what premades are you speaking of?

cause yes they arent alowed in RBGS but in 19s they are alowed, thus 24s shouldnt make much difference. please stop commenting on 24 matters as you know nothing.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Jumps should be allowed. If some bad wants to do this premade and doesn't know how to jump then he should learn how to do it instead of whining. And jumps are not bannable. I use the jumps in WSG so many times and never got a warning once.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

it's simple person in charge makes the rules. If you don't like who gives a sh*#. As far as you Junoo make sure you invite that rogue that return all 5 flags from that epeen thread who carried you. GOML

Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

it's simple person in charge makes the rules. If you don't like who gives a sh*#. As far as you Junoo make sure you invite that rogue that return all 5 flags from that epeen thread who carried you. GOML


got no idea what your talking about. i personally have 0 respect for you as a player, a 24 nor a TI user.

compared to the avg level 19 player you're trash. to keep on topic, please refrain on posting on this thread which i may say has nothing do you with you and your useless posts are causing me to post off topic.

thanks in advance.

Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

At the end of the day, everyone must agree on the rules. So far people are either confused, not bothered, or don't want to have to learn the jumps just to play at optimal level. So at the moment it seems like people say no 'jumps'.

I'd rather not see people bail just because of a silly rule. I know what you mean Juno, about making the effort to learn the jumps for the 19 premades, but you didn't learn them for 24, and it would be really quite unreasonable to expect everyone to have to learn the jumps, when we could just play normally, using the 'common' terrain rule which everyone already knows. If you provide the links to where people can learn the jumps then I see no problem, because the information is there for people to use. Fair.

If people don't agree on rules, the premade simply can't go ahead. I think it's a good idea for people to know these jumps, but is it really necessary, don't you all just want to play?

p.s Will update again tomorrow, nn :)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

wsg jumps are necessary for FCs to effectively FC in wsg. Nuff said.

inb4 cripz thinks sitting on flag cap all game and tanking O = good FC.

PS anyone who is involved in the premade, i will show you the jumps in game by adding juno#2561
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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Kilda you talk about fair yet you put Cripz on the Alliance team to handicap the Alliance?
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

nah its fair, cripz decided to FC based on his class than his actual in game skill. its not horde problem is the guy is utterly clueless when it comes to FCing, i mean the guy still clicks.

the reason i soo aggresive when it comes to wsg is that i dont want this bracket dumbed futher by having new comers saying " LOL NO JUMPS" because they havent taken the time and effort to learn the jumps which have been in game for some time. saying that, alowing FAPs and speed pots will make this premade even more retarded than the bracket itself.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

thats one game out of 100s ive played not to mention the fact i play with 15fps, 180ms most games and redundathim is a beast.
please go post off topic posts on another thread.

thanks in advance.

Re: 24 Premade Call to arms!

if someone cant do the jumps then it most likely because they are wet behind the ears, not because they are afraid of being banned. Jump usage only increases the skill cap imo, something that the 20-24 bracket is in dire need of.

Exploiting has nothing to do with skill cap but with cheating. If you simply think that cheating increases skill cap then.... And that coming from you Ginger, i expected you to know better and stand for fair play. This bracket doesn't need these exploiters/cheaters. It ruined the 15-19 enough so just simply go back to that.

If you want to increase the skillcap in this bracket go play a crap dps class with alot utility and perform good just not a rogue, healer or a hybrid. So start an interesting class other then a shaman and a rogue Ging and Juno.

[MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION] you can take me of the list. I'm done with Twinkinfo and it's staff and community which only gives the fair twinkers a bad name.

(I have nothing against you Ging and don't take this all to personal but i don't agree with your opinion by a mile)
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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

if the dates are after 18th then im in - dont really care about rules : can play Spriest/disc, warlock, feral druid for ally or warlock, feral druid for horde. If its before this have fun and someone record the games <3

ps: im guessing the idea of this is for fun if your gonna get butt hurt over rules or losing you should probly stop playing :D
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