24 Premade WSG

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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

If I cant select all of you, will those of you I cherry pick, still want to play without your friends? I'm already seeing flaws in this 'fun time premade' when half a team already premades at 19. You could probs put together a Draenor Horde 10man..
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Saintwink and agreement? lol thats fun.
As I pm'd you back, we don't mind at all if he's in, but he is the one not wanting 5 players in. That is indeed bad management, but we have never asked you to replace us for him? What is bad management is excluding 5 players, because one guy doesn't like us. Oh.. and this guy happens to be the biggest troll and thread derailer on this forum.

what do you want me to agree to vian? that i want to be on a team with the guys that are the soul reason 19s are unplayable in the EU, no sorry. as for me not liking you, apart from imnot, none of you have ever given me a reason to like you. but you've given me plenty to dislike you.

[MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION], please take them over me. i'd love to see the EU get a 24 premade, and show f2ps we're not all here to steamroll trials.

lets face it it's not gonna happen without them. lets get the 1st one a green light, and i'll jump in on the 2nd :)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

As i don't have my 3rd account with twinks active at this moment in time I'm only able to play;

A Pandawân @ Burning Steppes - Community - World of Warcraft
H Qßall @ Burning Steppes - Community - World of Warcraft
H Leøtseddap @ Burning Steppes - Community - World of Warcraft
H Pandawan @ Burning Steppes - Community - World of Warcraft
H Êznrg @ Burning Steppes - Community - World of Warcraft

Also I won't be re-subbing with this account and will expire in 2 1/2 weeks for a little while so if you plan this for April i probably won't be participating.

I've made a thread on the wow forums [MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION] perhaps there are a few players who are not using Twinkinfo but still want to do this so I directed them to this thread from there. LFM level 24 locked bg wargames/premade - Forums - World of Warcraft

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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

So guys, after you got all heated yesterday, and I've had some time to think about everything that's been said, I've decided it's best if you didn't join the premade. Here's why;

What is bad management is excluding 5 players, because one guy doesn't like us.

There have been numerous complaints and criticisms. One guy, sure I can let that slide, but 5+ complaints? No way.

I can understand refusing them on attitude

Many people know TL from the 19 bracket, but I never played there, so I had to form my opinion of you guys from how you present yourselves here, which turned out pretty shit, really.

How come this moron is a Bracket Manager

I moderate the 20-24 forum, nothing else. I edited your post to replace 'moron' with 'sexy beast', instead of deleting it, because I am reasonable and don't want to appear as any kind of authority here. You then changed it back which only shows you have no respect.

dont wanna play with people like you or the rest of the mongo's

It's decided then. The number of people who are against including you, exceeds your 5 man i'm afraid.

I've been told you guys are skilled players, with bad attitudes.. I strive to keep this 20-24 community a nice place, in game and out, and I will always pick attitude over skill in this situation.

p.s There is nothing you can say now to change my mind, and I encourage you to stop posting in the thread. I know some of you might dislike me as BM, but I'm cool with that. I know I can't please everyone.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

I moderate the 20-24 forum, nothing else. I edited your post to replace 'moron' with 'sexy beast', instead of deleting it, because I am reasonable and don't want to appear as any kind of authority here. You then changed it back which only shows you have no respect.
He changed it back because you did not just remove the "moron", you replaced it with something that he did not want to have in his post.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Do not insult others.

A Bracket Manager is a forum position, not an in-game officiant for organizing games, by the way. He is certainly not obligated to organize games for anyone but the people he wants to play with.

Anyone maligning anyone else is certainly not acceptable. If any of you see another TI user posting in an inappropriate way you are free to report it.

If your attitude towards in-game objectives or previously accepted premade partners results in people deciding not to play with you, you should accept it, or contest their evaluation in a mature and polite manner. Standing up for yourself should involve honest explanations, not insults and inappropriate language.

I look forward to more constructive posting by everyone involved.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Listening to the majority, is not bad management, it's something the greeks invented, called democracy..:)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

i am still willing to stand out for the good of the premade. @TL members: i have never once said you shouldn't be in this game. all i've said is if you are, then i'm not gonna be. it seems once again, you've made up the organizers mind with your outstanding ​ attitudes.

if TL members are in this game i will still help as much as i can to make it happen, i just dont wonna take part.

[MENTION=10771]Kiri[/MENTION], if you have any alli toons i'll boost them. i just dont have an high lvl horde.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

so when does it start ?
i so damn want to play this ill agree to almost anything
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Having a fully developed prefrontal cortex usually smoothes out many of the issues arising in this thread. You might have to wait some time though.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Listening to the majority, is not bad management, it's something the greeks invented, called democracy..:)
I'm pretty sure 5>1. [MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION],"you've been told we've bad attitudes"? is everything you hear true? for instance we're 5 guys saying you're a bad bracket manager and clueless about this game - is this neccesarily true?
I think this is bs and I also think you didn't understand my PM about GY containing and capping flags meanwhile (no Yde thats not an insult, thats my opinion)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Cheers Saint, I always fancied one of thoose cute little gnome wlocks :p
Got a work in progress atm, eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-steppes/K%c3%adri/simple
When I finish that I'll hit you up m8 :)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

I'm pretty sure 5>1. Kilda,"you've been told we've bad attitudes"? is everything you hear true? for instance we're 5 guys saying you're a bad bracket manager and clueless about this game - is this neccesarily true?
I think this is bs and I also think you didn't understand my PM about GY containing and capping flags meanwhile (no Yde thats not an insult, thats my opinion)

That is an insult.. Just because it's your opinion doesn't make it less an insult..
Example: "I think you're dumb and ugly, but hey that's just my opinion.." That is an insult but also my opinion
^(this is ofc pure examples, since i don't know you or how ugly you are)

Also, If Klinda doesn't want you to join he can have whatever reason he wants, hell he doesn't even need a reason, since it's him who is making the games...
(If that's the jizz, havn't really bothered to read the whole thread through.... )
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

I'm pretty sure 5>1. [MENTION=1552]Kilda[/MENTION],"you've been told we've bad attitudes"? is everything you hear true? for instance we're 5 guys saying you're a bad bracket manager and clueless about this game - is this neccesarily true?
I think this is bs and I also think you didn't understand my PM about GY containing and capping flags meanwhile (no Yde thats not an insult, thats my opinion)

NOpe I dont detect any baditudes, what so ever here..;)
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

That is an insult.. Just because it's your opinion doesn't make it less an insult..
Example: "I think you're dumb and ugly, but hey that's just my opinion.." That is an insult but also my opinion
^(this is ofc pure examples, since i don't know you or how ugly you are)

Also, If Klinda doesn't want you to join he can have whatever reason he wants, hell he doesn't even need a reason, since it's him who is making the games...
(If that's the jizz, havn't really bothered to read the whole thread through.... )
your example what directed towards one person.
my example is directed towards an episode, and I don't really feel like it's an insult as the "episode" doesn't get hurt, whereas directly insults towards people might sadden the guy.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

I'm pretty sure 5>1.
The number of people who are against including you, exceeds your 5 man i'm afraid.

Kilda,"you've been told we've bad attitudes"? is everything you hear true? for instance we're 5 guys saying you're a bad bracket manager and clueless about this game - is this neccesarily true?

Yes, I believe 5+ peoples comments about you, over your defense, which is so far non-existent.

It's been pointed out in at least 3 posts what the role of a Bracket Manager is. Not my problem if you still don't understand.

I think this is bs and I also think you didn't understand my PM about GY containing and capping flags meanwhile (no Yde thats not an insult, thats my opinion)

The fact you 'GY contain' played no role in my decision to remove you. The amount of people who don't want you in, outnumbers you, it's quite simple.
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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Yes, I believe 5+ peoples comments about you, over your defense, which is so far non-existent.
I still don't know what to defense.

It's been pointed out in at least 3 posts what the role of a Bracket Manager is. Not my problem if you still don't get understand.
I've never said anything against this, I was just talking in hypotheses, right?

The fact you 'GY contain' played no role in my decision to remove you. The amount of people who don't want you in, outnumbers you, it's quite simple.
How can you find 5+ people partaking in the horde side premade, not wanting us in?
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

How can you find 5+ people partaking in the horde side premade, not wanting us in?

They're not even all participants, some were just people 'warning' me about you, urging me not to include you. Everyone said exactly the same thing.. You guys are notorious.

I'm not responding to you TL guys anymore. I have better things to do than monitor this thread every 5 minutes. Any flames/OT posts will be removed from now on, so hopefully we can get this thread back on track.


Still need:

Horde: 2 healers, 1 FC

Alliance: 2 healers, 1 DPS
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