24 Premade WSG

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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

k gl with your 24 tinker skills premading
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Cheers Saint, I always fancied one of thoose cute little gnome wlocks :p
Got a work in progress atm, eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-steppes/Kíri/simple
When I finish that I'll hit you up m8 :)

w/e mate :) pm me here or i'm on baldi's main acc's RiD.

oh. you mean only loners can join?

it's just i can't find anyone i like more than me :'(

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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Every thing haves a limit, and if this doesnt happens be4 26/3/2013... Im Out.

Since we are arguing about whos in and out... I would mind if Juns didnt participate but from another side i want to beat her arse.

About the OT guys, choose who u want... i also would not let them join after the insults they made.

Keep the GJ Kilda and make this happen soon 1/2 weeks, or me and leot wont probably join.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Every thing haves a limit, and if this doesnt happens be4 26/3/2013... Im Out.

Since we are arguing about whos in and out... I would mind if Juns didnt participate but from another side i want to beat her arse.

About the OT guys, choose who u want... i also would not let them join after the insults they made.

Keep the GJ Kilda and make this happen soon 1/2 weeks, or me and leot wont probably join.

Juns is playing Horde so that work's out OK, please don't drop out.. ;-)

The game WILL be happening within the next 2 weeks. Can you get in touch with 2 healers and a DPS for Alliance?

We still need:

Alliance: 2 Healers, 1 DPS

Horde: 2 Healers, 1 FC.

- still unsure about 3 or 4 healers.. My monk only tickles healers so perhaps 4 is too many, 3 + hybrid classes enough guys?
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Jumps are legal yeah?

cripz why dont you want me taking part? im all seeing is fear mate.
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Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Keep on topic.
Re: 24 Premade Sign Up and Rules Discussion

No, jumps arent legal.

Isnt it obvious? i dont want u in cuz your an A$$HOLE.
But ur luck is that i like to beat ppl of ur kind. :)
OI OI OI YDE give him an infraction? this is some next level insulting
Re: 24 Premade WSG Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Right, Horde just need a flag carrier now.. I've joined Alliance on hunt , and we still need 2-3 more DPS and 2-3 more healers!

[MENTION=14667]CripzBlood[/MENTION] and [MENTION=14727]Vanillamilk[/MENTION], you got more from your guilds?
Re: 24 Premade WSG Sign Up and Rules Discussion

I'm working on a new 24 MW monk since I just can't get enough of mistweaving and didn't want to destroy my lvl 20 babe AND warrior gear farming sucked. I should be done with this guy within the week and will then report in as a healer for the horde team. :)

Edit: Ok nvm, I didn't read before posting. Put me in as backup healer on horde side then. ^^
Re: 24 Premade WSG Sign Up and Rules Discussion

Would love to join the first group on my holy paladin Sickcritz Ravencrest EU
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