20s DH Guide (Shadowlands)

Yo all,
So i wanna make 20 Dh twink but if i level Via DH guide. How can i stop my xp in org then go back to contiune the quest to get the trinkets from the DH starting zone.

Thanks in advance !

You have to be on an unsubbed account
You can't level past 20 if you have no active gametime
From what I've experienced leveling a DH, you don't get the spells until you do the questline for them. Metamorphosis didn't show up in my spell book until I did the quest for it. Even though it said I have it in my specialization tab.

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I ended up working out my dilemma anyways, I was referencing blur/sigil of misery and got worried cause the person I replied to didn’t get them, worked out I needed to not pick altruis at the end of the dh campaign and I’d get them! So yeah all good now
ppl r saying that bug was only relevant @ beginning of slands
now u get the abilities regardless of which dork u choose in that quest
think only old dh twinx got shafted by this bug

wuteva tho dude
it is wut it is
early adopter emo hunters prolly need sum shit 2 b emo about
What if you remove and restore the old broken DH?
Skills won't show up?
Didn't find in the Blizz help what happens to the bags and bank after deletion - character recovery.

I definitely didn't choose Altruis.
But those skills my DH doesn't have. ((
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Has anyone tested exactly how aurora, harmonious and tbc sockets for more agi compare?

I've made a DH recently and after obtaining the gear and leveling to 20 I'm about to start gearing.

My main character at lvl 60 is a DH and stacks haste/versa so I like the quick playstyle. Mastery is ignored because some important spells don't scale with it but at 20 I guess the majority of dmg comes from chaos strikes. I've see Nilin's aurora DH in BGs and he's usually at the top of the damage chart so it definetely works well for dps. My question is have anyone directly compared aurora to harmonious and what about TBC socket gear for more agi?

This might not be a relevant comparison but when I found out that TBC socket gear provides much higher dmg that harmonious on an arcane mage. Could DH be the same?

I've seen some survival hunters who do crazy damage with TBC socket gear with agility gems and harmonious offsets so could that also be true for DH?
I think i have waited long enough for someone else to respond because i'm not sure if my style of gearing and playing is the way to go.

First things first: I did not test or compare different gear sets (like aurora to harm or full tbc gear) yet.

If you do not want to farm BoE's or can't buy them off the ah (or being F2P) you can pretty much go with TBC gear. It's not bad at all but in my opinion the stats you gain from BoE pieces are worth the loss of a second gem slot. Except it's the shoulder.

I'm not only doing BG's, sometimes i'm "boosting" someone through dungeons or quest through different areas.
For dungeons Aurora is a really good choice, because you can run either as Tank or DD without changing gear and still do some serious damage.
In BG's i think it only shines when someone is kiting or running away from you because of this:
Aurora gear is pretty solid imho, especially if your build relies on procs.
The combination of Haste + Vers is just too good to not mention it.
It also helps https://www.wowhead.com/spell=232893/felblade (a really good gap closer) in both ways: Damage increase and Cooldown reduction. I couldn't think of playing without this talent.
Also really good if you want to play both specs without farming different gearsets.

But i have problems fighting a healer. If i mess up the correct use of my stun and kick cd's or getting baited with a fakecast, i can't kill them.
This could maybe work when you aim for Harm (Vers + Mast) or Quickblade (Vers + Crit).
With Aurora i have my constant DPS, with Quickblade or Harm you will have a much higher burst which could be the go to in Arena and pretty sure in BG's too.

What i found out after a quick Meth session quick Math session is, if your chaos damage isn't >40% of your overall damage, crit will be a better stat than mastery especially in PvE.
I think as a DH every gear has its use. Just make sure you have enough vers, otherwise you will have a bad time as a melee brawler.

I will still stick around with my aurora gear because, like you, i also love the quick playstyle.
Also because i have tertiaries on all my aurora pieces.

I'm running proc enchants on both of my weapons due to my high haste.

Maybe +Wep dmg on mainhand and eleforce/lifesteal/dancing steel/... on offhand would be better if you use harm/quickblade/tbc gear.

I hope i could help someone with this information.
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I read about armor+stam gems nerf. What is the best alternative? I was thinking about pure agility.

It is kinda sad, the 28 BoE is the best gear. All you need to make a new char is to pay like 10€ nowdays :(
2/2 AGI/STAM would probably be the popular choice going forward.
that being said: 2/2 AGI/haste is a gem i always try to stock up on.

i will try to make time to update the guide soon™.
Any reason in particular to farm the rare mob and not just the normal trash stuff? I feel like i get more XP/time spent killing the trash packs near the rare than i do killing the rare itself. Especially once I started getting AoE abilities and using BoA gear. Just curious, not sure if there's many fast spawns like those packs, havent done the zone in a while, but might be a better spot too.

Also doing it in the middle of the night with no competition, probably be worse crowded.
So the odds are not in your favor.

For the robe, at least, they are... pretty sure it's the only thing she can drop for a rogue in normal mode, only like 5 other things total for legacy. DM cannon-ed my druid up there a couple weeks ago and it dropped on the first kill, so yeah just bad luck @svinoman keep at it.
just made a DH and am stuck(?) trying to upgrade the class hall for the first time. i have the resources for it but any time i choose the upgrade it does not select. have tried restarting game, turning addons off, and just about everything i can think of. even downloaded the companion app to do it only to be told f2p accounts cant use it. might anyone have any ideas?
hitting accept on this screen does nothing


  • WoWScrnShot_022522_111206.jpg
    233 KB · Views: 164
just made a DH and am stuck(?) trying to upgrade the class hall for the first time. i have the resources for it but any time i choose the upgrade it does not select. have tried restarting game, turning addons off, and just about everything i can think of. even downloaded the companion app to do it only to be told f2p accounts cant use it. might anyone have any ideas?
hitting accept on this screen does nothing
There seem to be a lot of bugs with DH after 9.2 dropped. There was one on 1st day where mobs a DH targets turn invincible for a split second. Not sure if yours is DH-exclusive, though.
There seem to be a lot of bugs with DH after 9.2 dropped. There was one on 1st day where mobs a DH targets turn invincible for a split second. Not sure if yours is DH-exclusive, though.
gotcha, i'll do something else for now lol

found this on blizz forums as well

thank you for the guide btw! Volroth repeatedly felt my vengeance and much suffering was had
[doublepost=1645842403,1645822769][/doublepost]found a fix for that by accident. switching chromie time to not the present let me choose the upgrade without bugging, i know this isn't a solution for a pure f2p (im on linked f2p), but it should work for vet and linked accounts if you run into this issue

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