I think i have waited long enough for someone else to respond because i'm not sure if my style of gearing and playing is the way to go.
First things first:
I did not test or compare different gear sets (like aurora to harm or full tbc gear)
If you do not want to farm BoE's or can't buy them off the ah (or being F2P) you can pretty much go with TBC gear.
It's not bad at all but in my opinion the stats you gain from BoE pieces are worth the loss of a second gem slot. Except it's the shoulder.
I'm not only doing BG's, sometimes i'm "boosting" someone through dungeons or quest through different areas.
For dungeons Aurora is a really good choice, because you can run either as Tank or DD without changing gear and still do some serious damage.
In BG's i think it only shines when someone is kiting or running away from you because of this:
Aurora gear is pretty solid imho, especially if your build relies on procs.
The combination of Haste + Vers is just too good to not mention it.
It also helps
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=232893/felblade (a really good gap closer) in both ways: Damage increase and Cooldown reduction. I couldn't think of playing without this talent.
Also really good if you want to play both specs without farming different gearsets.
But i have problems fighting a healer. If i mess up the correct use of my stun and kick cd's or getting baited with a fakecast, i can't kill them.
This could maybe work when you aim for Harm (Vers + Mast) or Quickblade (Vers + Crit).
With Aurora i have my constant DPS, with Quickblade or Harm you will have a much higher burst which could be the go to in Arena and pretty sure in BG's too.
What i found out after a
quick Meth session quick Math session is, if your chaos damage isn't >40% of your overall damage, crit will be a better stat than mastery especially in PvE.
I think as a DH every gear has its use. Just make sure you have enough vers, otherwise you will have a bad time as a melee brawler.
I will still stick around with my aurora gear because, like you, i also love the quick playstyle.
Also because i have tertiaries on all my aurora pieces.
I'm running proc enchants on both of my weapons due to my high haste.
Maybe +Wep dmg on mainhand and eleforce/lifesteal/dancing steel/... on offhand would be better if you use harm/quickblade/tbc gear.
I hope i could help someone with this information.