Thanks for adding MetalSLAMZ to the list! I'm currently working on my 29 Shockadin, hope to be ready soon, but with RL>WoW, well see...
. I was able to pick up two of the Mail INT looms yesterday, so coming along...
scaling is shit, 29 is the only level if you wanna winGrimzee @ Exodar - Community - World of Warcraft combat rogue 24 (A)
running combat since beginning of MoP and love it so y change ... staying 24... experimenting with stat scaling and mostly doing 2v2s with some of my friends that are f2p. going with a crit build with EF on both weapons... love them big openers when they pop and running AGM and Gnomish shrink ray for a nice offensive and defensive depends how it procs ...sometimes bites you in the ass. but have good success. except against them spriest they deadly
Add my 29 enhance shaman please. (Horde)
Moriat @ Shadowsong - Community - World of Warcraft
Why haste?
Oh I had no idea that haste also reduced the cd of lava lash and frost shock.remember that the lower cd is on lava lash and frost shock too
I'm new to the bracket mind adding my paladin Duopaladin @ Azuremyst - Community - World of Warcraft
I got 15 sets I'm in Ret dps set I got crit, stam, prot stam prot dps and prot crit. If you need me to have any other gear let me know. I may work on holy if it becomes viable.
My Bis Ret Pally
Apeck @ Galakrond - Community - World of Warcraft