20-29s Armory List

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Re: 29s Armory List

Boomon @ Skywall - Community - World of Warcraft i took a large stam loss for a bunch of items, but i still rarely die and have a noticeable increase to damage, i made sure i had at least a 50% crit chance for ferocious bite, i have had a 5 point ferocious bite hit a rogue for 3500 (a non crit) without berserker buff. i went for lvl 28 for the 1 lvl of scaling which gives a few agil and stam + wep damage. might get a landslide enchant for weapon once i can buy another staff.
Currently NOT a valid list.

Needs to be updated.

Many on the list do not have the new enchants.

My 29 Ret is stronger than pretty much every Ret listed, and I'd challenge any one of them to a 1v1 throw-down. I've ran a few 2's skirmishes with Atkme (and have screenshots), who put out half (or less) my dps and damage. Just sayin'...

In my opinion, many of these folk are Stam-addicts who gimp their ability to put out enough damage to make a quick kill. I'm not perfect by any means, but I know that I need to focus on STRENGTH as a melee Paladin. Crit only gets ya so far. Even with 22-23% Crit, I'm not seeing that many Crits. Too much RNG. But STRENGTH is consistent, so I'll keep some Crit around for good measure, but focus on a build that produces results.

That being said, I'm speaking of skirmish/arena situations. Stacking Stam makes sense for BGs, as you have potential for more people beating on you at every turn.

My 2 cents. I'm sure many here will disagree, as is their right. :)
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