19s Armory List

cuz its a biased "unbiased" list

doesn't even make sense this armory honestly lols look @ the sub rogue links, only one, that has arcanum on goggles and westfall tunic... so little of this shit is viable for people to build their own chars based off if they're lazy they give up right there but yea
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Why was i taken off of this?

I do believe you were one of the cases who constantly changed their specs. I had you down for Guardian which really helped people out but then you went to resto and we already had a sufficient amount of different geared resto druids. I believe yours was the exactly the same to another persons or something like that, can't really remember.

Like I said at the start of thread
''Please don't try to change specs''.

I know it may seem annoying but I really want people to see the right spec and not have a feral druid listed under resto for example. You can submit again but make sure you don't change specs frequently.

cuz its a biased "unbiased" list

doesn't even make sense this armory honestly lols look @ the sub rogue links, only one, that has arcanum on goggles and westfall tunic... so little of this shit is viable for people to build their own chars based off if they're lazy they give up right there but yea

I'm not biased at all, and I do mean that. Concerning your rogue suggestion, I do believe you're right, but no rogue links have really been submitted. I'll do some digging on that and find some appropriate ones to put on the list. I think the list makes sense as a whole, but yes I do agree with you on that rogue situation.
This is my old school rogue twink, starting him back up with some of the new stuff. Few notables is fishing hat with +8 agi lib, 2 arena grand master, 9.2k HKs.

Can use a few different enchants that didn't exist back when I played, but will be getting those as I can.

Omoker @ Steamwheedle Cartel - Community - World of Warcraft
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Jétlifé @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft

prot DPS finished

as there are no prot pallys in the armory, just one and its not even prot its ret... might help to fill out the slots there needs to be more links in

Edit: no longer add this char, been 2 long anyway and now im playing diff specs/not keeping heirlooms on this toon as no need if its not in armory section
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I thought i should join the thread..... My rogue...

Tônks @ Nazgrel - Community - World of Warcraft

To be honest- i have not been keeping up with you new schoolers and am told i need a different cloak enchant etc. If i could have any and all tips on gearing- it would be very welcomed. I thought id try and play some games for this summer comeback.

Notable GFd Stuff

OMGWTF 30 AP shoulder enchant <3
Xmoged head (i also have LFH +8 agi)
Tunic of Westfall

Also some other random stuff.... Seal of Wrynn..Dartols rod.. Furblog pouch (is that GFd?)

Tabby of frost/void/competitor.. Arcanite fishing pole + the hook.. I have it all. So yeah.. What am i still missing? Thanks in advance.

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