19 Twink Hall of Fame

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Was waiting for the descriptions lol... Not sure how my warrior got into the rogue description lol

All I'm going to say about my description is I merely flag carried for some friends because no one had a GF'd warrior except myself... Anyone would have done what I had done to create more premades for 19s as they had a line of challengers yet no FC. I don't really consider myself part of their guild... They have an unparalleled synergy that I was never really a part of.

In reference to RT winning premades, I consider Raw Talent as "they" and not a "we" simply because I literally did nothing but hold the flag and move to where I was told to. All credit to RT's premading victories goes 100% to the original guild members. Yes I did transfer on my FC Warrior and partake in games with them / share the Guild Tag but my respect for them as a guild goes beyond my own ability and I feel as though I am no way on as high of a level as they are. They are phenomenal players and have taught me very much about guild coordination and synergy. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the crew... I really hope no one actually quits :(

If people are referencing me as part of <Raw Talent> which it appears people are, I am very honored.
Pizza is bad, Best in slot always runs with pocket healers/a group around him. Not skilled im sorry
Pizza as a leader will always be respected as the greatest guild leader to partake in this bracket. No one has created such organization as he has.

Although I will admit I had never thought highly of him, he really has changed as of MOP and I was able to experience that firsthand. I wish the Pizza I met a few weeks ago when moving my warrior to BH was the Pizza that was in the bracket all through Cata.

As a player, Pizza is a phenomenal WSG player which is where he really shines whether he is group queued or not. The only player to catch him by surprise at times is Casino... often being across the map before anyone realizes he even has the flag.
Atax was the best guild leader.
Atax was great I'll admit that

But in my opinion I'll always think of Pizza as the go to guild leader over Atax merely because Pizza held his position about 4 years longer than Atax.. Idk I can see where you would say Atax over Pizza though for sure, but my opinion is still for Pizza.
Accidentally left Revolution out during the process of moving him to the miscellaneous category because he was exceptional on both mage and shaman in Cata and MoP respectively.

quite pleased with my description. could of been alot worse being i know how to get under people's skin.

kudos to OP.

Oh. So who is your twink? Sounds like it has to be one of them on the list.

Was waiting for the descriptions lol... Not sure how my warrior got into the rogue description lol

All I'm going to say about my description is I merely flag carried for some friends because no one had a GF'd warrior except myself... Anyone would have done what I had done to create more premades for 19s as they had a line of challengers yet no FC. I don't really consider myself part of their guild... They have an unparalleled synergy that I was never really a part of.

In reference to RT winning premades, I consider Raw Talent as "they" and not a "we" simply because I literally did nothing but hold the flag and move to where I was told to. All credit to RT's premading victories goes 100% to the original guild members. Yes I did transfer on my FC Warrior and partake in games with them / share the Guild Tag but my respect for them as a guild goes beyond my own ability and I feel as though I am no way on as high of a level as they are. They are phenomenal players and have taught me very much about guild coordination and synergy. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the crew... I really hope no one actually quits :(

If people are referencing me as part of <Raw Talent> which it appears people are, I am very honored.

The classes were just to categorize people to make it easier to view. The description was mostly about the player in general, not necessarily just the class they were listed in. You spent an enormous amount of time playing a rogue over the years so to put you under warrior or miscellaneous would be silly. Your warrior was mentioned because you did play in a good amount of premades for RT in MoP.

I feel that Silin deserves some recognition for being like a motherly figure for you during the premades, giving out directions like for you to "go to tunnel so you can run up it".

All credit to RT's premading victories goes 100% to the original guild members.

I'm just confused by this, who are the original guild members and are you saying they deserve 100% credit for premade victories even if they didn't play in them?
You dont just accept being on the list for several weeks and expect to get your name removed off when you aren't happy with the description.

Thanks for the quick reply DA. It's been weeks since I've visited the site. The description was fine mate, no drama as far as that was concerned.
I wasn't aware spamming lightning bolt on priest bubbles to top meters was considered "better than most".

But on a different note. Good job Bakked, you really have earned your place as one of the best up and coming priests in MoP. I look forward to partnering with you in some more war-games this week as well. The other ones were really enjoyable and played as a good crash course for 5.4.

lightning bolt on priest bubbles to top meters was considered "better than most". I never considered myself "better than most". Fucking around in pugs was fun ^.- The moment you take it too seriously is when the pug gets boring.
well i finally made a list but i fcked around alot in wsg in mop, some times my secert shadow meld repick move didnt pay off but when it did it was worth the 9 times horde returned it. ;) But i actually enjoyed playing wsg with many people on and off that list i think everyone has there good games and bad games and that makes it hard to say who deserves to be on the list and who doesnt when some times the worst of the players have there moment and shine bright like a diamond( i believe rhianna must have played 19s before she made that song and seen what i seen).but all the nostalgic talk makes me wanna play 19s so if anyone is queing or doing war games look me up im always down to play it seemed like no one would ask me im not sure if i come across that scary in wsg but im not scary.It seems though that if people belonged to a good guild that premaded they tend to get there names out there more then us guys who only random qued pugs.just saying.
I wasn't aware spamming lightning bolt on priest bubbles to top meters was considered "better than most".

But on a different note. Good job Bakked, you really have earned your place as one of the best up and coming priests in MoP. I look forward to partnering with you in some more war-games this week as well. The other ones were really enjoyable and played as a good crash course for 5.4.

Nah I honestly think bam was a good shaman not only in wsg but in arena aswell but that's just my opinion :)

On a side note : Marry me you pussy slayer <3
Sqooshi- Best warrior FC of MoP? Very funny guy as well, and led a lot of real-ID premades.
Huh. I wonder who had an influence over the voting...

Casino/Randylayhee- Best warrior FC of MoP.

Fixed that one for you guys, seemed a little biased before. You must have missed that one jerking each other off during the voting process.

Definitions of "Best" from Merriam-Webster- 1. better than all others in quality or value 2. most skillful, talented, or successful

There is no warrior in the 19 bracket that compares to the individual quality and value that Casino/Randylayhee (Same guy on both characters for those of you who are late on that one) brings to the Gulch day in and day out. Whether it be buying his team time in the horde base, fearlessly shadowmelding with the flag and charging into an enemy to give his team a few extra seconds to get to his position, or slipping behind enemy lines to the alliance base as if he was invisible. His persistence and motivation for getting his team the W is admirable to any team that he plays on.

I seriously wish i had a timer set for when he picks up the flag, to when he gets his first heal from a teammate, because his ability to survive without support is unmatched to any other non-healing FC in the bracket. Casino is the Peyton Manning of Flag Carriers, knowing where everyone in the Gulch is at all times. He not only knows exactly where every player on his team is ready to assist him, but understands where the enemy players are located and how to manipulate the movement of the players on the opposing team.

It is during these cat and mouse dashes where Casino shines; his ability perform multitudes of terrain jumps. Casino is arguably the most skillful and talented player in the bracket throughout cata and mop at executing jumps under pressure, and this sets him apart from most the other Flag Carriers and Players in the bracket. How many other gnomes can you name off that flawlessly hurdle over the middle of the fence on top of the horde tunnel? I bet that the majority of you do/did not even realize that there are three different jumps to get over the same fence unless you have had the honor to see Casino work them for you, leaving you dumbfounded in the dust. And the thing that amazes me, which i think we sometimes forget... he is doing all of this while on a Warrior. For obvious reasons this point sounds odd, but it is one thing to be able to show off these jumps on a class such as a druid where you can shapeshift out of slows and attempt these jumps at an increased movement speed. Casino executes his jumps while having to deal with the movement impairing effects and the lack of added movement to help make these jumps easier to accomplish.

Along with the ToT fence hurdle on the gnome, Casino patented the creative use of the body resurrection feature in early Cata. When faced with a sure death situation, Casino often makes the best use out of his death by having his body be in certain locations to put himself in a great position to help his team when he can res. Whether it be dieing in the horde tunnel, so he can go to the horde roof and shadowmeld res there waiting for the rest of his team to ambush the enemy FC, or to die on top of a stump in midfield where the enemy team can't retrieve his insignia and reappearing on the other side of the midfight.

The only quality of the definition of "best" that i believe can be argued for in Sqooshi's favor is successful, for those of you who would like to whip out the premade records and analyze the W/L ratio in the premades of Cata/Mop may find Sqooshi to have the better record. I do not know the finer numbers on that one. But success caries over solely a players premade record.

I usually am not one to come out and make these kind of elaborate posts, but this entire thread has bias written all over it. It frustrates me to see so many players not get recognition or over recognition in their nominations, and for Casino, a player that Revolutionized the Warrior FC class not get his dues, I take a stand.
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Huh. I wonder who had an influence over the voting...

Fixed that one for you guys, seemed a little biased before. You must have missed that one jerking each other off during the voting process.

Definitions of "Best" from Merriam-Webster- 1. better than all others in quality or value 2. most skillful, talented, or successful

There is no warrior in the 19 bracket that compares to the individual quality and value that Casino/Randylayhee (Same guy on both characters for those of you who are late on that one) brings to the Gulch day in and day out. Whether it be buying his team time in the horde base, fearlessly shadowmelding with the flag and charging into an enemy to give his team a few extra seconds to get to his position, or slipping behind enemy lines to the alliance base as if he was invisible. His persistence and motivation for getting his team the W is admirable to any team that he plays on.

I seriously wish i had a timer set for when he picks up the flag, to when he gets his first heal from a teammate, because his ability to survive without support is unmatched to any other non-healing FC in the bracket. Casino is the Peyton Manning of Flag Carriers, knowing where everyone in the Gulch is at all times. He not only knows exactly where every player on his team is ready to assist him, but understands where the enemy players are located and how to manipulate the movement of the players on the opposing team.

It is during these cat and mouse dashes where Casino shines; his ability perform multitudes of terrain jumps. Casino is arguably the most skillful and talented player in the bracket throughout cata and mop at executing jumps under pressure, and this sets him apart from most the other Flag Carriers and Players in the bracket. How many other gnomes can you name off that flawlessly hurdle over the middle of the fence on top of the horde tunnel? I bet that the majority of you do/did not even realize that there are three different jumps to get over the same fence unless you have had the honor to see Casino work them for you, leaving you dumbfounded in the dust. And the thing that amazes me, which i think we sometimes forget... he is doing all of this while on a Warrior. For obvious reasons this point sounds odd, but it is one thing to be able to show off these jumps on a class such as a druid where you can shapeshift out of slows and attempt these jumps at an increased movement speed. Casino executes his jumps while having to deal with the movement impairing effects and the lack of added movement to help make these jumps easier to accomplish.

Along with the ToT fence hurdle on the gnome, Casino patented the creative use of the body resurrection feature in early Cata. When faced with a sure death situation, Casino often makes the best use out of his death by having his body be in certain locations to put himself in a great position to help his team when he can res. Whether it be dieing in the horde tunnel, so he can go to the horde roof and shadowmeld res there waiting for the rest of his team to ambush the enemy FC, or to die on top of a stump in midfield where the enemy team can't retrieve his insignia and reappearing on the other side of the midfight.

The only quality of the definition of "best" that i believe can be argued for in Sqooshi's favor is successful, for those of you who would like to whip out the premade records and analyze the W/L ratio in the premades of Cata/Mop may find Sqooshi to have the better record. I do not know the finer numbers on that one. But success caries over solely a players premade record.

I usually am not one to come out and make these kind of elaborate posts, but this entire thread has bias written all over it. It frustrates me to see so many players not get recognition or over recognition in their nominations, and for Casino, a player that Revolutionized the Warrior FC class not get his dues, I take a stand.

Premade experience plays a big factor and Sqooshi has had a lot of it. Casino was supposed to premade for <Ne Obliviscaris>, Agonist's guild but 3 or 4 scheduled premades didn't happen and the guilds disbanded.

Credit was given to Casino for being very creative and great in pugs.
Edit: lolits about fc warrior of mop figured was more broad, casino was unreliable as fck in mop and the warrior class expesh prot spec is so dull expesh with the meta strats

Casino:best mop fc k
But wait why not cata?? Cause dazzle
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Premade experience plays a big factor and Sqooshi has had a lot of it. Casino was supposed to premade for <Ne Obliviscaris>, Agonist's guild but 3 or 4 scheduled premades didn't happen and the guilds disbanded.

Credit was given to Casino for being very creative and great in pugs.

I agree with you when saying Sqooshi has been in a few more premades than Casino, what i don't agree with is how this makes him less of an individual player because of that, especially with Casino having a backround in the premading scene from Cata and a few games in MoP.

Casino had a major impact in premades/pugs in both Cata and MoP (less premades in MoP), and i have presented my argument as to why in my post above.

Sqooshi had a large impact in the community as well but only during the MoP scene.

I feel in the Grand total of all premades between Cata/Mop they have played close to an even amount of games, so where does Sqooshi stand above Casino as an individual player that makes him the superior?
I agree with you when saying Sqooshi has been in more premades than Casino, what i don't agree with is how this makes him less of an individual player because of that, especially with Casino having a backround in the premading scene from Cata and a few games in MoP.

Casino had a major impact in premades/pugs in both Cata and MoP (less premades in MoP), and i have presented my argument as to why in my post above.

Sqooshi had a large impact in the community as well but only during the MoP scene.

I feel in the Grand total of all premades between Cata/Mop they have played close to an even amount of games, so where does Sqooshi stand above Casino as an individual player that makes him the superior?

Casino has had WAYYYYYYYY more premades than sqooshi.

sqooshi came into 19s around cata where as Casino was doing premades during cyclone wayy back in the day

what i dont agree with is how does being in more premades make you without a doute better than the other player. if that was the case then there would be alot different list
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