19 Twink Hall of Fame

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From back in Rampage BC the names that come to mind for me come from various guilds such as Purple Pony Crew, Is Legend, Dominate (I know they migrated over), Volatilus Letum and Ho Ho Laundry Service. Off the top of my head are Sheep, Prettypwnie, Cirran, AKFortyseven, Noein, Jericho, Scrappy, Walle/angrybeavers, Juniors, Dannyburrito/Quillmes, Madae, Collision, Gypo, Mandark, Msdink, Bactatank, Utterz, felshot and Bekatu. I'm sure there are many that I missed and I'm also sure most of you have no idea who many of these people are/where. Just some fun times in Rampage when I started twinking that at least some deserve mentioning in the Hall of Fame talk.
My vote is Casino is lightyears beyond Sqooshi... But then again all I've seen from Sqooshi was an attitude like Kancer and group queuing... I never saw anything remotely above average from Sqooshi... To me his name by far surpasses his ability and influence in the bracket....

When Casino can single handedly embarrass Pizza, Myself and the rest of the Horde team who's literally spamming mid looking for his exit only to find him already in the Ally base..... there's just no argument.

Here's what a FC does in premades:
  1. Grab the flag when your team has made it safe for you to do so.
  2. Be escorted back to your tunnel
  3. Wait until Boomie goes stealth mode
  4. Run to be in range of heals
  5. Be escorted to flag cap
  6. In most cases pass the flag to your druid for a quicker cap

There is no skill there. There is no display of "well thanks to (warrior) he held the flag well without being touched near our tunnel and then ran up tunnel when we returned it."

Here's what Casino does every day in a pug:
  1. Sneak through mid undetected
  2. Grab flag
  3. Outsmart an entire offense to exit horde base successfully
  4. Outrun several boomies to cross mid
  5. Kite through the entire map until his team returns the flag
  6. Outsmarts the entire enemy offense again to cap before they can repick
  7. Did I mention he does this all by himself with 0 support 9 times out of 10?

Not even a competition in my opinion... All I've seen from Barb in pugs is literally play arms and ragequit where as Casino singlehandedly queues prot warrior and carries. Do you know how hard it is to solo queue prot warrior? I know it's too difficult for Barb to even group queue as prot.

Just my honest observations. No personal vendettas, I could care less, just the reputations that each player has constructed via mass psychology when playing 19s... I know many people won't have the guts to voice their actual opinions but you now have mine.

The formula for starting an argument online goes as follows:
  1. State your opinion.
  2. Wait.
What is there to compare? For prot fcs....
The class is literally so dull and limited its painful thinking over 500words have bee typed about this topic, yeah sure in a perfext world the traits that mocha listed of casino jst shows him over exaggerating a prot war can't rwally solo kite boomkins even on a great day unless its exp on and they are afk... movement speed to get to him no problem and he can't selfpeel (cause 9/10 times he's alone) unless he charges them. Can't heal an ample ammount bandage tick through dots hpots agm are about it. You overexaggerated quite a bit. Yeah casino does that but so does sqooshi and its often with the support you're trying to say isn't there.

But yeah casino is a solid warrior sure when he's actually there.. the premades of mop where he was asked or often offered I'm pree sure he showed up hours late or not at all; unreliable...

Sqooshi is an unreliable pug warrior sometimes.... but when it comes to premades or competetive play I.e premades wargames arenas places were the class comp teamlayout doesnt factor in as much as pugs (why he ragequits majority of the time) he can be relied on 110% of the time, he's a solid leader has good ideas and is willing to do stuff no1 else will, he made the mop meta with his premade team if you dont remember...

Yeah I know/talk to sqooshi more than I do casino but atleast give the guy some credit and stop exaggerating about warrior fcs lmfao it; warriors. Are dependant on their team at this level.anyone who says differently is lieing...
Here's what Casino does every day in a pug:
  1. Sneak through mid undetected
  2. Grab flag
  3. Outsmart an entire offense to exit horde base successfully
  4. Outrun several boomies to cross mid
Meanwhile all of those boomies and wizards are sitting in the graveyard not caring at all.
19s :p
you need to add Flyphlosion or how ever the hell - daymen, nightman fighter - spelled it

if i need to xplain as 2 y then commitee needs 2 look up dayman champion of the ninja warcraftmovies.com

Lord Puri was and will go down in history as the biggest game changer in gulch history, anyone that disputes this does not have the cognitive function to understand why and how he was such an irreplaceable asset to any team.

Also i would like to nominate r9 aka roguenine aka roguenineo aka 9r for the introduction of the greatest coordinating tool that any bracket has ever developed. This was commonly known as "The Grid" and was used to defeat many enemies.
Agreed with the nod for Dayman, he makes most of these rogues look like chumps.

And I agree with all mentions of Casino. He's an awesome dude and just as amazing of a player. Considering pug games are (or used to be) 90% of what happens in this bracket, I think his skill demonstrated in pugs is way more relevant than the few premades that happened. People in this bracket place so much stock in how people perform in premades. While this is usually considered a matchup between the best of the best guilds, it's still with 10 players who have practiced with each other and are comfortable with each others' playstyles and synergies, and they all usually know what to expect of each other. Casino dominates in games where he doesn't know what to expect from his team and adapts on the fly. I can't count the number of times I thought I had him dead to rights for a return, only to find him utilize some jump I never knew existed, or charge off into a random unsuspecting teammate and get away. I've also seen him pick some amazing flag handoffs that I was certain would be ninja'd or returned, his reaction speed is unmatched, and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that his presence in the game makes me alter the way I play entirely.

Any list without Casino at the top of the warrior section is flawed at best.
Any list without Casino at the top of the warrior section is flawed at best.

You guys are all making it out like the committee thinks he is garbage which is far from the truth. Reread the post, the committee thinks he has been made out as a top warrior.

Hopefully Amazon detective is not too lost and could see something this obvious. So the committee would like to ask, which list is it where Casino is not made out as a top warrior? Or are you just making up scenarios here?

Have you ever considered that perhaps someone is in the committee and doesn't want to give themselves too much credit?
You guys are all making it out like the committee thinks he is garbage which is far from the truth. Reread the post, the committee thinks he has been made out as a top warrior.

Hopefully Amazon detective is not too lost and could see something this obvious. So the committee would like to ask, which list is it where Casino is not made out as a top warrior? Or are you just making up scenarios here?

Have you ever considered that perhaps someone is in the committee and doesn't want to give themselves too much credit?

Well I now know who at least 2-3 of the people on this committee/account are based on this response.

I think that we (being HB, Mocha and myself) take issue with the wording of the nomination, as evidenced in HB's original reply endorsing Casino.

"Very crafty FC, great in pugs" vs "Best warrior FC of MoP" - Casino is thoroughly deserving of the latter description.
niini 4 shaman reflexes on hunter hbotz on paladin zenocide on rogue...

or just delete the thread because its garbage anyway..

Am honored to have made it in the great hall and hey, great write-up, boys. You clearly did your homework and learned from the best.

With pride, thanks much,


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Sqooshi- Best warrior FC of MoP. Very funny guy as well, and led a lot of real-ID premades.

Have you ever considered that perhaps someone is in the committee and doesn't want to give themselves too much credit?

I think quite the opposite. I think someone in the committee gives themselves too much credit with little reasoning to back it up.

Just how it comes off...

Edit: If Casino is really on the committee that is very honorable that he would give himself less credit than he deserves.
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[5:54:18 PM] Robrt: Everyone in that thread that has mentioned me doesn't know how little I care about prot warriors or even the warrior class its dull at best in pugs reason why I put so little effort into them, being the top warrior FC is such a hollow award it means nothing and if you take it as some sort of accomplishment you shouldn't, especially with the current meta and how uninvolved kiting or any serious play from warriors are.

Mochas exaggerated post makes me want to roll the type of warrior casino has where 90% of the time he can solo kite classes that have much more utility's to use against the lone warrior then the warrior has to defend himself or even prolong his life long-enough to be notable. Casinos a nice guy I don't plan on bashing him or ever bashing him he's taught me some nifty jumps but none that are ever game-breaking or even relevant in any SERIOUS play even in pugs the jumps become void in situations; unless I'm being soloed by some unaware/lost/inept/retard who lets me get to the fence and doesn't know how to follow me which I wouldn't even want to be proud of nor should onlookers expect me to be proud of.

the class lacks allot of utility's and for casino playing it through thick and thin kudos, I doubt he can honestly say he does majority of what mocha listed alone or without any help from his team at all whether it be being a distraction or peels. Now why people even care about this is mind aching, I could careless if I'm known as some warrior icon; if people are saying casino deserves more credit it wont hurt to listen but slandering me for someone else's opinion on me is petty at best I tend to stray away from pugs on my warrior due to how detrimental it is to que any non fotm class when RT group que isn't happening for horde, or at-least it was in 5.3.whole reason behind my druid reroll . I'm satisfied with what I do, I don't try to impress even if it comes off that I do try. I'm fucked out of my mind half the time I played 19s which is why I would stay logged in on the toon as much as I have I hope or at-least want to think.

Big thanks to my favourite moderator ever CIHC, for hopefully putting this msg on TI :)


Can you fanboys not be happy that Casino is even in the hall? He is among hallowed company.
Congratulations to the following players on being inducted into the 19 twink Hall of Fame. Trying to keep it somewhat recent, with players from Cata and MoP for the most part. Not really any particular order.


Idiote- Of all of the 19 twinks in the Hall of Fame, the committee has no doubt that Idiote is the greatest of them all.

Kancer- Has many haters but is a great paladin. The committee likes his attitude and thinks he can be pretty funny. Also went at it with Idiote multiple times.

Stubs- EU player, has proven that he is the best healer in the bracket.

Blurz- Was decent in Cata as TC's paladin, in mid MoP became a top paladin along with Stubs.

Pwntage- Very good player that hasn't been seen for a while. Most likely he won't come back, since he has said he doesn't have an interest for the game anymore and would rather stick to free games.

Silin- Gross. I personally did not vote for her, but others in the committee did. Decent paladin I guess.

Wapstur- Lol.

Still no love... SMH.
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