19 Twink Hall of Fame

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How the fuck are we more american then america? lmao

i was kidding, i know its some 7 foot black man that dunks balls for a living and jumps like a jew on acid

Yeah, I could totally see your overwhelming sense of sarcasm through text. Jesus.
So do we know yet who these judgmental overlords are?
Leusha > Resto
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Here are the correct answers. As a reminder, I went to Princeton and you did not. So, if you disagree, you are wrong.

Painaid- yes
Restosexual-God hates fags.
Darkchewie-"watch my stream lol" Irredeemably bad.


Discover-is he the cripple or the retard. No.
Hass-Proud member of America's bottom ten percent. Yes.
Erotk- filthy minority.no.
Hajima-European so probably awful, no
Xenaria-welfare leech. No.


Deathsstone- trash.no.
Mocha-lmao, no.
Ko-lost to train cow.no.
Curley-see Ko.
Rural-who? No.
Trilium-some Emo fag who blew up when exposed for the scum he is. No.




Uraflamer-lmao. No.
Kitn- lost to lsftw. No.
Lobstrosity- yes
Revolution- yes


Twiggi- willing to take on all comers behind the dumpster at the 7/11. Borderline.
Bakked- Aussie trash. No.


Kancer-shamed out of the bracket for losing to train cow. Taught reckful everything he knows. No.
Stubs-go back to Europe where the competition is easier. No.
Dirty auction-yes
Blurz- no
Pwntage- no
Silin- chicken nuggets and multiple chins. No.




Ghostfighter-p4p greatest of all time. Forsake all others before him. Yes.
Casino-why not


Dasfizzla-paid twiggi$1500 to choke him with a belt while he masturbated.
Nicozy-like a fat bitch in a small car. Emphatic no.

Derv-snitch nigger. Absolutely not.
Flop-strong yes.
Vianco-this nerd must be retarded. Listening to him attempt to speak English is almost as sad as watching him play.
Pizza-lazy eye/lanyard. Yes.

The committee thinks it's impressive that you went to Princeton, but doesn't think your mediocre gameplay qualifies you. An okay rogue in cata, and a mediocre mage in MoP slightly better than the likes of Srphordganic. Your lack of knowledge and extreme inactivity in MoP lead to you not knowing a lot of the players in the list who stepped into the scene during MoP.

Although I myself agree that some of these are iffy, the fact that you think Hajima is European or don't know who Youredead is shows that a couple games as an awful mage in MoP doesn't qualify you to give judgement on the "MoP players.

Erotk and Hajima were top hunters of MoP and Erotk is a pug hero. The committee thought it was funny when you called Deathsstone trash. Think about it. Mtvriffraff calling Deathsstone trash. Mocha, Curley, and Ko were top candidates when the committee first started suggesting names and one premade loss doesn't mean much. Neither does their ethnicity in real life. Uraflamer and Kitn were the best mages of MoP and Cata and the committee thinks you should go to them for advice on how to be better at mage than Srphordganic. Bakked is a very deserving MoP priest and it was puzzling how you knew who Rance was but didn't know who his healbot, Seley is. There is no way Kancer doesn't belong in the Hall of Fame, Stubs is possibly the best healer of MoP. I was very shocked when I saw a no for Blurz. The healer of the tRain cOw team that beat WT and a top paladin along with Stubs is very disturbing. If you don't know who Youredead is, you didn't play in MoP. Like the others, I think Bam and Arkant are a result of you only playing a few games as a mediocre mage in MoP. Vianco is possibly the best player in the bracket, both US and EU. Nicozy is very deserving as well.

It is clear that you have an extreme bias towards Europeans as well as minorities. This is something the committee didn't like. You pretty much didn't play in MoP and that it why you are unable to appreciate the MoP or European players listed above.

Also, the committee was very disgusted with your comment on Sneaky. Extremely disgusted. You are the likes of Beau. Stick to stealing guilds, please.
its a pretty good list although i think you are missing a few people who i think deserve to be mentioned




good list of players :)
It is clear that you have an extreme bias towards Europeans as well as minorities. This is something the committee didn't like. You pretty much didn't play in MoP and that it why you are unable to appreciate the MoP or European players listed above.

Also, the committee was very disgusted with your comment on Sneaky. Extremely disgusted. You are the likes of Beau. Stick to stealing guilds, please.

1. Biased towards Europeans and minorities? What are you, stupid? I called erotic out for being a filthy spic. Wouldn't that make me biased against minorities?

2. Tapout deserved what he got.

yours in Christ,


You only addressed a small portion of my post, and your answers were pretty pathetic. You go to Princeton but don't know how to use quotes on a forum site? You're almost as lost as Abigail.

The committee doesn't think your opinion holds much weight, seeing that you were an average rogue in Cata and a very sub par mage in MoP.

The highlight of your career in MoP was Sqooshi's real ID premade team deciding to use you for half a minute then deciding to use a player from the guild they were playing against instead of you. During this very short moment that the team was going to use you, you were added to the call and had an orgasm and screamed in vent like you were on nitrous oxide. After entering the call, you were kicked out because the team had already decided to use a player from the guild they were playing against. All while Stubs was streaming as viewers and even the premade team laughed at how big of a fool you looked like.

Stay small, Mtvriffraff. Leave things like this to the big boys of the bracket.
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