Spot on.
Nice list although we appear to be missing a fire mage setbut seriously nice work lol looks awesome
Nice work! I might mention the new BoA rings, but it is a "quick start" guide, and they seem to take forever to get.
you really only need 25% crit on WW and since you can easily get that else-where its just free haste... HB will disagree with me on this and thinks you should run crit everywhere so just put whichever shoulders you want
How would I gear a twink on a new server because my main server has no twinks at all. And i wont br able to buy enchants
Btw whats the best server for twinking on alliance?
assassination should be a bit higher than subtlety.
i'm new to this site but have a question about gearing.
So far i've created my own Worgen Arms Warrior Twink and i have been collecting the gear from the quick start list. However, what i'd like to know is whether this is specifically only a starter guide and if there is actually a definitive list of better gear/enchants that i could collect for my Twink?
I'm planning on making a few other Twinks (Hunter, Druid, Rogue) so would prefer to try get the best gear possible rather than spend my time getting things i'd only look to replace.
EDIT : Actually having now reread the item list, i am wondering if it is dated at all as from my understanding, the Heirloom gear that you can attain for each slot seem to be better than what is listed there? Is there any reason the Heirloom gear isn't liked for armor?
The heirloom gear is listed in the guides, however the links are all the same color. Click through the links to see more information on wowhead. All the information should be up to date, so if you see something that doesn't look right - let me know. Combat rogue is really the only spec that doesn't use heirlooms when offered.
This guide is meant to be a resource for new twinks being made. While it is a "starter" guide - it includes the BiS gear that is (reasonably) obtainable for twinks being created today. There is often better gear that is grandfathered and impossible to get (quest items like Inferno Robe), but theres also gear that is grandfathered (no longer drops) but BoE (like Woodworking Gloves). Since these items are either impossible to obtain or cost hundreds of thousands of gold (and the price will increase as supply dwindles) - they aren't on this guide. I've also not included the BoA shipyard rings - but theres a note about that in the original post.
So unless you have the cash to throw around for the rare BoE grandfathered items, then this guide should cover the best options available. If you want to see some possible grandfathered twinks and check their gear out, then take a look at the armory thread. For arms warrior, everything listed is a BiS option unless you have grandfathered gear. Here is what I would go with as an alliance arms warrior. You can choose between a more stam heavy set (fishing hat, stam enchants to shoulders/legs) or a more str heavy set (heirloom helm, str enchants). You probably want to have both sets of enchants so you can switch it up.
Head: [Lucky Fishing Hat], [Polished Helm of Valor]
Neck: [Eternal Emberfury Talisman]
Shoulders: [Polished Spaulders of Valor]
Back: [Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape]
Chest: [Polished Breastplate of Valor]
Bracers: [Sparkmetal Bracers] (A)
Gloves: [Thorbia's Gauntlets]
Belt: [Earthbound Girdle of the Soldier], [Silver Scaled Belt] (A) (both these belts scale to the same 5/5/5 stats)
Legs: [Polished Legplates of Valor]
Boots: [Gorewalker Treads], [Silver-Linked Footguards] (silver linked are for flag running)
Rings: [Bravo Company Signet] (A), [Band of Argas] (x2 T), [Silverlaine's Family Seal] (Band of Argas and silverlaine's family seal scale to the same thing - I'd use one of those and the bravo company signet)
Trinkets: [Inherited Insignia], [Inherited Mark of Tyranny], [Arena Grand Master], [Defending/Returning Champion] (I'd use the insignia and inherited mark of tyranny until you can get either AGM or def/ret champion)
Weapon: [Bloodied Arcanite Reaper]
Neck: Gift of Versatility
Shoulders: Greater Ox Horn Inscription, Greater Inscription of the Gladiator, Greater Tiger Fang
Back: Gift of Versatility
Chest: Peerless Stats
Bracers: Major Stamina
Gloves: Glove Reinforcements
Legs: Heavy Leg Reinforcements, Ironscale Leg Armor, Angerhide Leg Armor
Boots: Minor Speed
Rings: Gift of Versatility
Weapon: Crusader
So when you say "grandfather item", you mean they are no longer attainable by quest/drop/etc other than if a person owned it prior to it being removed from the game? So this basically means, the list you have in this thread are the absolute best choices outside of these "grandfather items"?
Since i re-subbed, I haven't even bothered with my 3x level 100 characters. However i do have all of them maxed out with garrison resources so i could take the time to start building the shipyard. Is it worth doing it for the ring and other heirlooms?
I'd also like to try get the fishing ring but sadly i never bothered to level fishing with any of my characters and i don't have the gear to competently attempt winning it on a Sunday. Is it even worth going for, for that matter?
Here is a link to my warrior so far. Kunchion @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft
To note, he is only Protection as i was grinding 5-mans. I'll be switching him to Arms very soon again. He also has
[Gorewalker Treads]
[Silverlaine's Family Seal]
[Earthbound Girdle of the Bear]
[Earthbound Girdle of Strength] pick from in his bags that can replace...
[Earthbound Girdle of the Soldier]
[Savage Trodders]
[Bravo Company Signet]
[Band of Argas]
If i were flag carrying i'd pretty much only for for STM so would pick items that specifically increased that stat at a detriment to other stats. Personally i'm looking to make a damage dealing character for fun rather than a flag carrier so a mix of STM/STR/CRIT is what i'll go for opting for what gives me the most overall stats. Therefore, i need to work out what to gear myself with from the items above that i have option for. Any suggestions?
EDIT: Another thing i've noticed. Are the enchants up to date as i was browsing other chest enchants and found Enchant Gloves - Super Strength - Item - World of Warcraft , which i believe would be more beneficial overall the use of Peerless Stats that is listed? ....Or is there a reason you'd go for Peerless over Super Strength?
Same goes for Hands in choosing Enchant Gloves - Super Strength - Item - World of Warcraft over Glove Reinforcements - Item - World of Warcraft , or am i missing something here?
From looking over Wowhead, i've identifeid the following and bolded ones that haven't been mentioned before?
Neck: Gift of Versatility
Shoulders: Greater Ox Horn Inscription or Greater Inscription of the Gladiator or Greater Tiger Fang
Back: Gift of Versatility
Chest: Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Bracers: Major Stamina
Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Super Strength or Glove Reinforcements
Legs: Heavy Leg Reinforcements, Ironscale Leg Armor, Angerhide Leg Armor
Boots: Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed or Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step or Enchant Boots - Earthen Vitality
Rings: Gift of Versatility
Weapon: Crusader
Anyone care to lend me some advice on these choices?
Also was there any reason the bolded enchants weren't mentioned before in the guide?
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