10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]


Flag Carrier - Don't be an hero, always stay with at-least one person, even if it isn't a healer so they can pick the flag back up then you die. Learning the jumps does mean the difference between life and death sometimes. If you want to practice these jumps, make a level 10 (insert your class here) enchant your boots with minor speed and stack stamina so you don't die as fast to people trying to gangbang you along the way. Learning these jumps are extremely useful for PuGs because; some players won't know how to react to it, others will struggle to keep up with you, while the very few will mimic your movements and follow you. Always carry food and bandages as well, one runecloth bandage as a warrior FC (in example), can make or break you. Especially if your being chased. Healing potions are another good way to get health back.

Look, everyone knows that coordination will win a match, and lack of coordination will lose a match no matter how good your team is. If your with a PuG and you have a decent amount of classes (lets say for example, 3 paladins (holy), 2 rogues (sub), 3 hunters (Surv), 1 mage (Arcane) and 1 shaman (Enchance)). You can run a pretty solid setup with Defense as well as Offense! You can run 3 and 7, (2 pal, 1 hunter), 4 and 6 (2 pal, 1 hunter, 1 mage). It all depends on what classes come out of the random hat you get for PuGs. Now if you get a team of like, 6 hunters, 2 paladins, 1 rogue and 1 warlock. It is still viable to win with this. But it requires some creative thinking. Running around midfield like a chicken with your head cut off makes you and your team look bad. Like stated before, a little coordination can go an extremely long way.

-Dont- be afraid to ask other players for advice and constructive criticism. Granted, this works a bit more on a forum site like this one, or with a guild. However; I've gotten the best advice from asking complete strangers how I could better my playstyle and class. People are keeping an eye out to see how well you play your class and roll (this is how some players get into guilds). They will be the first to spot a flaw, take full advantage of it and then leave you like nothing ever happened. Now, granted making a level 1 and asking them out of the blue to give comments will often times leave you being trolled, flamed and what not. However; approach them like a friend and treat them with respect. If they still don't want to help you just tell them thanks for their time and log off.

If your having trouble making a few gold for a certain twink item. Be ballsy and ask an 85 standing around Stormwind doing nothing for a few gold. I've done this on a few servers and the gold range I was given was anywhere from 5g to 100g! That is -more- than enough gold to start playing the Auction House to make money. Making a Death Knight and getting him/her out of the starting zone should leave you with roughly 20g as well. If your still looking for money, consider selling runs through instances on your main / higher level character, pick up money making professions (I find Scription and Herbalism to be the best, but the most time consuming to level as well).

If your PvP on your main and have engineering. You may want to pick up the schematic for [item]Discombobulator Ray[/item] which is available to engineers who do a series of tasks in Gnomeregan. For more information on how to get this wonderful item, this link..
I'm glad that this thread has grown a little, even if it's been slowing down. I was thinking more of a "19s Priests* for Dummies" kinda thing, but it's all good.

The info here is probably only 10% or less of the knowledge-base of the Twinkinfo crowd, but there is some valuable stuff here already.

I'd love to see more contributions from some of the great 19s I see on this site/in WSG.

Those of you that have already contributed have added some of the most valuable info on this site, I bet !! (excluding Duckhunt vids, ofc)

Sure, people can use the search function and scan thru 8 pages of "ur trash brah" to pick up a gem here or there; but, really, consolidated info on play itself seems like a minor legacy.

A few minutes in Vent with most of this crowd may equal or surpass what's here, but not everyone has that chance.

Thank you to the contributors!

* insert any class there
Will get shaman contributions.

What happened to the name formatting? Made each tip pop out instead of being a wall of text.
Rogues - Something that may or may not be known to newer rogues is that, if a hunter does put Hunter's Mark on you, only -that hunter- can see you. Not the rest of the team. You can still effectively stealth. This allows you to sap another healer or even a FC if they are getting out of your team's grasp.

General - Learn to back strife, don't be a moron who holds the S key trying to avoid another player such as a rogue. Back striving is a more effective way to escape your enemies, because if done correctly you should go backwards as fast as you run forward. I'll do some looking around but there was a video on how to effectively back strive.
CIHC said:
Rogues - Something that may or may not be known to newer rogues is that, if a hunter does put Hunter's Mark on you, only -that hunter- can see you. Not the rest of the team. You can still effectively stealth. This allows you to sap another healer or even a FC if they are getting out of your team's grasp.

General - Learn to back strife, don't be a moron who holds the S key trying to avoid another player such as a rogue. Back striving is a more effective way to escape your enemies, because if done correctly you should go backwards as fast as you run forward. I'll do some looking around but there was a video on how to effectively back strive.

Theres a vid on how to do it in my druid guide. Don't worry about looking for one.

I'll get all these put up soon.
Shamans - As an enh shaman you have the luxury of instant cast attack, this makes it much easier to effectively interrupt that crucial heal or last cast before you die.

- as ele please use thundershock effectively, don't thundershock behind the EFC that is going UP the tunnel. You can use ghost wolf indoors (another advantage) run in front of them and thundershock to push them back down, it can be game breaking.

- Because heals are weak and slow make use of bombs that stun, this can get a bandage off which is much faster and heals for more
Shamans - purge the hell out of your enemies. maybe its just me but when i first started playing shaman i always forgot about purge, and get good at doing wind shear fast so you dont miss when trying to interrupt.

EDIT: and this go's for warrs too. Imo use engineering because with a lack of CC you will want at least some sort of stun. I once beat a close to BiS feral druid on my semi geared warrior because of a bomb.
nother goblin tip . you can rocket boost into the water wheel horde side . this is the ultimate turtle casue nobody can target you.
I got a few tips for warriors.

-Always keep Piercing howl up, even if it means spamming the hell out of it on those feral druids. Being far away is never a good thing for us, because generally we have no gap closers.

-Your main role is CC'ing large groups of people, again, always keep your piercing howl up, it can usually make the difference between 2 rogues keeping up with your flag carrier and ganking him, or an easy cap.

-If you happen to play protection, and assuming you specced into Blood and Thunder, this multiple target rend ability is your FRIEND! even though your rend may not tick for very much at all, it can throw off a novice enemy healer and force them to hard cast for a 100hp deficit as well as divert their attention.

-For the flag carriers, it's always daunting seeing that large spawn of horde coming from behind you while you're just leaving the tunnel. Don't be afraid, you see that one straggler sitting around by the middle stump? (For the most part there always is): assuming your charge is up, charge over to him, that extra 20 yards can really make a difference.

ill post more once i play alittle more
a few extra, fast tips..

make macros, "efc is going down, get ready to cap", "efc comming tun/ramp/gy", all those macros.. make one goign "/y sap".. it helps alot :p

clear out your interface. learn to use keybindings. be careful with a select amount of addons, since some are kind of pointless to a twink.. i don't see alot of use for recount, and many people have reported lag.

encourage instead of raging... instead of going ASDF WHY U NO LEAVE BG UNDERGEARED SCRUBS?!?!11!!one!!1, make macros.. (god i enjoy macros..) example: i've seen people, making macros, explaining how they got their AGM, LFH, rings, (argas is relatively unknown to the less experienced..) end the macro with "for more information and tips, check www.twinkinfo.com"..

useless post is useless<3
chíll said:
does the tank have debuff stack? how many? i'd say, if he has 50% and up of stacks, sap the priest around the end of the CD of the shield. a priest bubble doesn't absorb 50% less, its still a shield that takes a ton of damage off, unlike a paladin's heal that can be screwed over with a well played kick, or a bat stun. (holy shock not included.)

For the flag carriers, it's always daunting seeing that large spawn of horde coming from behind you while you're just leaving the tunnel. Don't be afraid, you see that one straggler sitting around by the middle stump?
emilysoft11 said:
For the flag carriers, it's always daunting seeing that large spawn of horde coming from behind you while you're just leaving the tunnel. Don't be afraid, you see that one straggler sitting around by the middle stump?

lol i like this bot
I love the idea of collecting play ideas and different skills from a group of players. One tip I can think of as a rogue is when an efc is crossing mid with 2 defenders sapping the fc is rarely the play to make. If you notice a group of your team on the chase it may be helpful just to allow them to catch up, but I always find it is more useful to begin to sap the support off of the efc. If you can time your saps and alternate between the support players the efc will often times outrun the healers and support they are running with. If your team is chasing hopefully they will recognize this and continue pursuit straight for the flag carrier. The efc will often think they have heals coming much sooner then they will becuase the healers where slowed during the cross. Being a rogue you can usually cover the distance you lost while sapping the efc support and either solo the efc if your quick enough, or enter the battle at the crucial time towards the end with some extreme burst damage.
Punkinyou said:
I love the idea of collecting play ideas and different skills from a group of players. One tip I can think of as a rogue is when an efc is crossing mid with 2 defenders sapping the fc is rarely the play to make. If you notice a group of your team on the chase it may be helpful just to allow them to catch up, but I always find it is more useful to begin to sap the support off of the efc. If you can time your saps and alternate between the support players the efc will often times outrun the healers and support they are running with. If your team is chasing hopefully they will recognize this and continue pursuit straight for the flag carrier. The efc will often think they have heals coming much sooner then they will becuase the healers where slowed during the cross. Being a rogue you can usually cover the distance you lost while sapping the efc support and either solo the efc if your quick enough, or enter the battle at the crucial time towards the end with some extreme burst damage.

Also you can sap support and follow the FC, when your team mates kill the support you can throw out a new sap on the FC. This time waiting for your team.
Stunggix said:
Remove S keybind so you don't backpedal :D

Backpedaling still has its uses, such as getting in position for particular jumps. I S-keyed all the time actually in certain circumstances.
As a sub rogue needing to flee form a fight in order to reposition to renter the fight it is still very helpful to use stealth even if you have dots applied to you. You will be removed from stealth as soon as the first tick occurs but you will gain the second of speed burst and drop target from any pursuers. The extra speed will help in ranging your opponents attacks and allowing you to regain the advantage in the fight.

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