19 Hunter, The "Int" Build.

Only thing I would add is another possible bracer.

Wrangler's can come with the "of Power" suffix for +10 AP. If you can't get falcon, I would prefer the AP over +5 Agi. With +7 int, your bracers give you 17 AP.
Hey, On the server <Mal'Ganis> I'm in the process of completing a 19 twink hunter.

I will provide a link in this post to my character. Can anyone give me advice and tips on his gear? I'm trying to make him the "Int" build, but have some crit chance.

Boomboompow said:
Hey, On the server <Mal'Ganis> I'm in the process of completing a 19 twink hunter.

I will provide a link in this post to my character. Can anyone give me advice and tips on his gear? I'm trying to make him the "Int" build, but have some crit chance.


Some of your choices are...interesting.

I understand you want crit, but really, you need to hit cap yourself.

Option 1: Move three talent points from Leathal Shots to Focused Aim.

Option 2: Use an Elixir of Minor Accuracy (only for WSG). This would be enough hit to allow you to ditch the Deviate belt in favor of the [ITEM]Girdle of the Blindwatcher[/ITEM]

Just remember, your stings, conc shots, and wingclips can't crit. But they sure can miss.

Also, for someone trying for an Int build, you may want to max out the Int talent rather than leaving it at 2/3.
How am i doing? Any changes you think would be for the best, please go ahead :D

I have treebark jacket, and 10AP bracers. Not found any 3/3 falcon yet.

Armory: [char=Garrosh]Zenkytsu[/char]
having a bit of trouble with the scope to venomstrike i got someone else to put it on for me and it says u can only do that to your own weapon which sucks
did you mention bat as the best arena pet? jw'ing because I was too lazy to read the 2-4 pages. Its the best pet imo because a lot of the times in many arenas the healer (if the pet is still alive) will drop to a spot where the pet has to go the long way around and still get a healer off if the hunter is using a ravager. BUT if they have a bat it is a ranged stun, so when the healer drops the bat has a much much better chance of hitting that clutch stun that the hunter should of been saving it for.
Misterflix said:
Was bored today at work and created this AP/Int Gearset

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Anyone think this is a viable option?

I mean only ~700 would Suck Hard i think.

check the gear on my hunter. Less ap but 9% more crit and near to the same ap. And more health. Plus Giving up a trinket isn't worth it imo... I was thinking about it and actually have 4 arena masters but when you are wsg'ing and a warrior gets on you... pet stun, trinket, clip and go. its needed badly if they sneak up on you.
the only thing i see as not too accurate is saying that headmasters charge is best in slot...

i tryed it and versus the twisted chanters staff...

twisted chanters staff is better !

besides that its cool !
Check Headrazor dorf twink hunter lvl 19 on Terenas/EU. It took me a real long while to calculate a decent balance between AP/Int/Sta. A pure Int built is a pure fast death imho. 600-700 HP unbuffed is 1 ambush and another melee by a rogue:) So AP/Int is useless. I basicaly went to the below stats:-

HP: 1153

Mana: 1048

AP: 277 (AoTH on)

Agi: 140

Hit rating: 7

Critic % with ranged: 18.31%

Dmg: 82-110

DPS: 45.9

Gear is fairly survival with decent DPS and a fair critic %:)

Feel free to inspect thru armory.


6 CSR is 2% crit at level 19 so I would say that is a slightly higher advantage than the couple ap and like 45 mana you get with TCS.
May I please ask what the stats are of your Int Build Hunter? I'd like to compare them to those of my hunter. I notice that my in-game stats are a bit higher than those reflected in the armory, so I provide them below. I'm not sure why there is a discrepancy.

Health: 1343

Mana: 853

Str: 55

Agi: 149

Sta: 133

Int: 47

Spi: 38

Arm: 819


DPS: 44.5 or 41.6 without Aspect of the Hawk Buffed

ASpd: 2.09

AP: 259 or 224 without Aspect of the Hawk Buffed

HR: 3

Crit: 19.26%


DPS: 36.3

ASpd: 3.4

AP: 222

HR: 3

Crit: 14.26

Exp: 7


Armor: 819

Def: 95

Dodge: 13.95

Parry: 5%

Block: 0

Resil: 0

I know you have a lot more mana than I do, but it seems to me that I am doing a lot more damage and have significantly more health. If we were to meet on the battlefiled in WSG and face off one on one, I don't see how you could possibly win. And then I would drink and replenish my mana. And if I am outnumbered, going low on mana is the least of my worries. In general, I feel like I've done a very good job if I live long enough to run out of mana. So, what am I missing? Why is the Int build better?
Yes. I visited you wowarmory entry first thing, but my in game stats are different than my wowarmory entry, so I thought maybe yours are too.
yes, they vary depending on buffs and aspects. :)

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