19 Hunter, The "Int" Build.

Prettypwnie said:
yes, they vary depending on buffs and aspects. :)

It is more than that though. For example, check out my armory entry linked above and compare that dps and AP to the unbuffed in-game dps that I posted above. There is a significant difference. The wowarmory entry says 37.6 dps, but my in-game unbuffed dps is 41.6

What's yours?

In a VC PVE run with a DPS meter, I was putting out a steady 60 DPS, which I presume is due to Aspect of the Hawk, Hunter's Mark, crits, and the Venomstrike proc. I don't know if it included my pet's damage.
I honestly think to go all INT for a 19 hunter is not the best way to go, maybe for 29 when you have aimed shot and what not i can understand, but at 19 i would go mostly agility over intellect. (Im not ignoring intelect because it is very important still)

But to take Intellect over AGI is crazy IMO, you lose out on a ton of crit chance + dodge
I'd go even further and say stamina > agility > intellect.

In a 30 second fight, I think 3 agility produces less than 1/2 point dps per second for a max of 15 points, including crits. And that's being generous. There might be a little bit of decreased damage from dodge, but then again, not if you stay out of melee. So 2 points of stamina seems like it is worth as much or probably even more than 3 points of agility.

By that logic, toughened leather armor with it's +13 stamina is at least as good a choice for a hunter as blackened defias armor, with its +11 stamina and +3 agility. The +4 strength bonus from the blackened defias armor is nice for a Rogue, but a lot of Hunter's don't care about strength.

I choose the defias armor (along with some other items) because I do like having that extra strength for when I get roped into a melee contest with a rogue or warrior or shaman. I can still win most of the time, especially if I have either or both of lifeblood and agm available, and the other guy does not. And against other hunters who catch me low on health and with my lifeblood and agm on cooldown, I can close in and melee them and totally pwn them, especially the ones that stack intellect.

Meanwhile, the tree bark jacket at +6 sta and +10 intellect seems to me like a poor choice, even for a hunter with the talent that makes intellect = attack power. That 10 extra ap is only worth about .75 dps. In a 30 second fight, that can't possibly justify the loss of at least 5 points of stamina, which is worth 50 health. And if you can get that stamina back, plus much of the dps, by taking the defias armor over tree bark jacket, it seems like a good deal to me. You just miss out on that extra mana that you hardly ever seem to run out of anyway, because you die first, or you drink when out of combat.
Note: My avg. dps with AoTH on and unbuffed is 45.6:)
Just wanted to say thanks for this guide... used it a TON to help find the best gear for the build... I still need a few items but so far I am kicking ass in WSG!

I've found so far it's not too bad to sacrifice a little bit of int or agil for stamina... a little bit of a balance never hurt anyone! I lean heavier on the DPS stats myself, with some stamina, and make up for the lack of a huge health pool by being a little bit more careful about what's around me and in range.
Unfortunately this build will die come Cataclysm and I will not be updating this thread. Thanks for all the support everyone. =)
Prettypwnie said:
Unfortunately this build will die come Cataclysm, however it will be updated as needed. :)

Yes, but in the mean time, it sure is fun. I am building a 19 tauren hunter "Buffchip", and using this guide for most of my build. Having fun so far and doing very well in WSG. Usually top on kills or near the top.

My 19 warrior is much harder to play well with, so the hunter is a fun, kinda no-brainer diversion. Thanks for the guide, thanks to all who posted and keep on twinkin.
On second thought, I can see how this build has a place in premades when you have heals, and when you are running around following your jumping FC unable to stop and drink. But I think it is a poor PUG build, and a horrible dueling build.
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squidmagnet said:
On second thought, I can see how this build has a place in premades when you have heals, and when you are running around following your jumping FC unable to stop and drink. But I think it is a poor PUG build, and a horrible dueling build.

I learned at lvl 29 some time ago that int heavy hunters are invaluable for slowing down Druids. I imagine it's similarily valuable at 19 now that travel-form has been shifted to our bracket.
squidmagnet said:
On second thought, I can see how this build has a place in premades when you have heals, and when you are running around following your jumping FC unable to stop and drink. But I think it is a poor PUG build, and a horrible dueling build.

It's not a horrible dueling build, in fact you're going to need an efficient mana pool to beat any decent healer at 19. I'm going to have to disagree with it being a poor pug build too, if you didn't sit midfield multi shotting people and actually wingclipped EVERYONE like a 19 hunter should do you would understand. The agi build will shine again in Cataclysm but since 3.1 Int has been the best overall build for a fact, not just my opinion.
the fact is if you have multiple sets of gear you'll be able to do well in most situations

the int build is argueably* better than other builds in many situations but sometimes you need that extra agility (for burst), or if you're flag carrying/dueling hunters that extra stamina (i would assume)
Druiddroid said:
the fact is if you have multiple sets of gear you'll be able to do well in most situations

the int build is definately better than other builds in many situations but sometimes you need that extra agility (for burst), or if you're flag carrying/dueling hunters that extra stamina (i would assume)

I found that most times, int hunters get 3 to 4 crit streaks once in a blue moon and lose reliability at scoring kills when healers become involved. Stamina oriented Hunters don't fair well vs int hunters, while Agility oriented hunters typically destroy Int Hunters while a stam hunter with a healer behind em can typically outlast most any other hunter type with healer support in a shoot out. I found that my build destroys any hunter as long as I avoid getting root/snared while my own conc shot is active.
Druiddroid said:
shrug, to each their own

do you really think stam hunters are best with a healer?

I'm talking of huntard shooting out against another huntard with a healer at either one's back. The fight's usually last long enough for the stam hunter to score a 3 crit streak on auto, multi and arcane which seals the deal quite often on 1.1k hp huntards while extended and painful crit streaks are at least survivable for 1.5k+ hp hunters...usually long enough to recieve a healing crit.

Make no mistake Agi, AP and Int hunters will still rake in the kills better than a stam hunter.
I would add [ITEM]Simple Pearl Ring[/ITEM] under the rings.

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