[19] (H)<Proxy> Vek'nilash Recruitment

Finally got agm on my priest. I'll be helping whoever else needs it. Also i think we could use some 85s in the guild for help with agm and maybe we could level the guild? we could def need a lvl 25 guild for re-rolls.
Finally back! Had a great time, didn't get any good kills but saw a few bucks. Friend of mine, Harvey, shot a doe on accident in the leg and it ran off >.<

Sunburned as hell right now... so much pain... but it's great to be back and finally shower in a real bathroom again!
Would you guys be interested in either a 5v5 or 10 man premade? Meat Puppet has many new members (alot which are completely new to twinking). We're definitely a B team guild right now, but we'd be willing to give it a shot. We are nowhere near up to par with some of the other horde guilds out there right now, but practice is practice right? Sorry if this is the wrong spot to put this, but I figured you'd notice it here Awesome :).

PM me here or in game on Azgalor

I'm definitely interested, I was talking to Sneaky last week about a possible PM with <LS> as well, so this should be fun >:) Probably later this month or early next month if that's alright with the guildies?

Prolly on wednesday but alot of our players do not have agm because of some douchedick and his friends
Douchedick and his friends? What happened... the vent get hacked or something?
Still recruiting guys!! Activity is looking WAAAY up! Just had a really fun experience with a bunch of bads at STV, currently have a situation with some guy named Blastian so he's hired a bunch of people to help him keep us away from the arena for a while. I reccoment getting your AGM before you xfer, but if you MUST, we can help you out. No guarantees, and we'd need a full group of 85s - which we can manage :p
Awesome is there any way you can give me your guys vent info? I want to talk to you more about a premade.
'fraid not man, but we can talk on the twinkinfo vent :) The <Proxy> vent information is reserved for members and recruits. Gotta keep it secure, you know? :p

When I was in TCF, some dickheads got our vent info and raided it 24/7. Don't want a repeat :p

PM me when you see this and we can work a time out :)
PM me with what times are available for you guys, Awesome. I'd like to set up one as well to help our activity.
PM me with what times are available for you guys, Awesome. I'd like to set up one as well to help our activity.
Oh yeah :p We still need I think 2 more slots, both CC... we can manage them now, but they log on rarely. I think we might be ready to PM next month, maybe ​later this month >.<
This seems like a great guild, if I was US and horde I'd definitely transfer. Sadly, I'm not :p
This is what other guilds should strive for :)

Fun game, even though it was pure hunter/pally/rogues :p Lost 2-0, of course, but that's sorta understandable, no? :p

NEVER Thought I'd be saying this, but we're recruiting hunters now, more than CC! We don't have much protection for our heals, and as we've learned the hard way, hunters are damn good at making sure no one can lay a sword on your healer!
Awesome lets set a 10 man up sooner than next month. Our guild doesn't have a balanced line up either, We will probably be running without a shammy, without a priest etc. We don't have enough active people who play every roll. We just need some activity right now, and I'm sure your guild does too. Nothing serious, whoever loses will still get practice out of it. Like I said before, many of my players have very low experience in Warsong. How about Saturday the 21st or Sunday the 22nd?
Awesome lets set a 10 man up sooner than next month. Our guild doesn't have a balanced line up either, We will probably be running without a shammy, without a priest etc. We don't have enough active people who play every roll. We just need some activity right now, and I'm sure your guild does too. Nothing serious, whoever loses will still get practice out of it. Like I said before, many of my players have very low experience in Warsong. How about Saturday the 21st or Sunday the 22nd?
That sounds perfect! I'll set it on the calendar, but usually we can only manage 7-9 people... we may get the tenth, but no promises =/

Should I PM you with some rules, or vice versa? Mine would be simple :p No GY camping (unless the FC is at GY, in which case it's not GY camping it's just focusing the FC :p), no lag macros, no excessive amount of hunters, you know :p

Looking forward to the game :p I feel our class makeup is pretty strong, though some of our members need a bit of work still haha.

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