19 Armory Library

Guys, for the better of this thread, please do not post any non-twinks and any twinks that are not BiS.


yeah but not every1 has the hard to get bis weps like shadowfang etc. so a few shadowfang-less rogues wud b appreciated on the list

Edit: typo eu :pp
You guys are making fools out of yourselves. No matter what happened if it was a moderator/admin decision and it is something you do not agree with the situation should be handled privately. This site has gone no where but in good directions since the change in ownership. Yes tough decisions do need to be made and you all have the leisure of not having to make them.
The account sales and private server sections have had to be removed before by previous leadership for the same exact reason. Honestly I don't know how it got added back because having something on a site that goes against the game it is mainly promoting will limit it's growth. You may see this just as a place for your casual interaction but it could be so much more.
On the note of a thread removal, if it was obsolete then it was obsolete. Again that decision was made by the site's leadership and should be respected. If you do not agree with something go to them privately. Openly going against an action and especially directly at a moderator is not going to get you farther than a thread lock and the appropriate disciplinary action.

Cease the derailment.

Ur argument is wrong cause u like anime.
Here is my BiS frost mage, please add me to the library. Thank you.
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Why did Phonebooks thread get removed. It was good work and pretty updated?
You guys should just have copied what he made and maybe then just keep that updated instead of double the work :s

Bm hunter : Rastamán @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Resto druid : Rástaców @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Arcane mage : Rástâbrò @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Disc priest : Rástafari @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Holy palladin : Rástamóó @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

And some missing ones in the list so far:

Fury warrior : Quít @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Prot palladin : Latéx @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Fire mage : Limpkey @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Marskmanship hunter : Booyah @ Draenor - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Guys the whole idea behind this thread is you post twinks that need NO WORK i.e. you shouldnt be missing a vital QUEST item, or maxxed proffessions. If you are looking for advice by all means ask for it, but please do not post half finished twinks who miss only a few very easily obtainable things.

EDIT: What would be nice to see is something original from the old thread like:
BiS GF'd
BiS non GF'd
BiS ally only:
BiS horde only:

or something like that. I've stopped caring that the old thread was taken down, but why not try out something new rather than having this semi complete version of the old thread up.
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