Hello guys, this is Lenny.
So, i wanted to see your opinion of doing a 10v10 is Arathi Basin, or even Eye of the Storm.
There could be a lot of strategies going on. And i for sure think [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] is an expert at Arathi Basin / EotS kind of games, as he came up with some amazing AB strats on the 15 men we ran back in MoP.
Let me know what you guys think and if i should organize these kind of events.
Thank you!
So, i wanted to see your opinion of doing a 10v10 is Arathi Basin, or even Eye of the Storm.
There could be a lot of strategies going on. And i for sure think [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] is an expert at Arathi Basin / EotS kind of games, as he came up with some amazing AB strats on the 15 men we ran back in MoP.
Let me know what you guys think and if i should organize these kind of events.
Question : What would comps be like in a 10v10 AB / EOTS ?
Thank you!
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