EU+US +10 item level or socket


Hi I had a 100 monk sitting around so I made a 101 twink with the windwalker spec. and artifact. I make gold easily so I spent a lot of gold on gear.

My question is as follows. What is more important or what has a greater impact an 850 item with no socket or an 840 item with a socket? Thanks in advance!
Hi I had a 100 monk sitting around so I made a 101 twink with the windwalker spec. and artifact. I make gold easily so I spent a lot of gold on gear.

My question is as follows. What is more important or what has a greater impact an 850 item with no socket or an 840 item with a socket? Thanks in advance!
iLvl for iPvP
Socket for everything else.

And even then 840 vs 850 I wouldn't buy that, socket all the way.
When you're buying items, the value of having a socket varies depending on the slot. These are some rough estimates of "equivalent ilvls" using a BM hunter's stat weights where secondary stats are mostly equal to agility:

Head: 8-10
Neck: 22-25
Shoulder: 10-13
Back: 13-17
Chest: 8-10
Wrists: 13-17
Hands: 10-13
Waist: 10-13
Legs: 8-10
Feet: 10-13
Ring: 22-26
Trinket: 8-10

So if you have the choice between an ilvl 855 ring vs an ilvl 835 with socket, take the ring with a socket since it's equivalent to ~857-861 ilvl.
Depends on whether your primary stat gain outweighs the benefit of that socket.

Let's say you're stacking vers for overall dps (I stack vers for my surv hunt). If the agility gain from the item increases my overall damage (deja stats is wonderful), ill go for the ilvl upgrade. But when it comes to haste/mastery and such, that can be trickier, as the effects of mastery or the dps/hps of haste may have to be calculated from testing (target dummies).

Then there's that relatively minor 2ndary stat upgrade from the ilvl upgrade, but that won't be much. Except when it comes to rings (which have large upgrades in 2ndary stats since its limited to stam/2ndary) or obviously a HUGE ilvl upgrade.

I say take off any other items that may provide procs to get a consistent dps measure between the 2 items you want to test.
Sockets add an average of ~16 iLvL equivalent, some pcs more and some less. What @Naxxramaskid linked is where I get my info from and one could argue @Aelobin is smarter than most of us in regards to the maths ;)
Do not listen to people saying it's always one way or the other. It's not. It depends on the item and your class/spec. 10 item levels vs a socket is not always going to be an automatic socket choice since the items scale differently as they increase in ilvl. As Roboartist mentioned there are multiple variables involved and it can be a tricky decision to make.

One thing to consider, as the item levels increase, the primary stat of many BoEs increases faster. This creates a curved graph instead of a straight line for primary stat in relation to item level. Example:

Aethrynn's Everwarm Chestplate
835 = 1184 str, 1777 stam, 509 crit, 787 haste (old base ilvl)
840 = 1241 str, 1861 stam, 519 crit, 802 haste (+57 str, 84 stam, 10 crit, 15 haste)
845 = 1299 str, 1949 stam, 529 crit, 816 haste (+58 str, 88 stam, 10 crit, 14 haste)
850 = 1362 str, 2042 stam, 538 crit, 832 haste (+63 str, 93 stam, 9 crit, 16 haste)
855 = 1427 str, 2140 stam, 548 crit, 848 haste (+65 str, 98 stam, 10 crit, 16 haste)
860 = 1495 str, 2242 stam, 559 crit, 864 haste (+68 str, 102 stam, 11 crit, 16 haste)
865 = 1566 str, 2349 stam, 569 crit, 880 haste (+71 str, 107 stam, 10 crit, 16 haste)
870 = 1641 str, 2461 stam, 580 crit, 897 haste (+75 str, 112 stam, 11 crit, 17 haste)
...continues to slope upward...

Since str is king for my DK, choosing between an 860 socket vs 870 non socket chest piece for me would be the 870 since 146 str, 219 stam, 21 crit, and 33 haste is better than a 150 secondary stat gem. If I had no sockets at all then maybe a 200 str gem would be better, but I know I'll eventually get the legendary armor piece which has 3 sockets so that is automatically a moot point.

Some classes such as my BM hunter prefer a secondary stat over a primary stat so the circumstances have change and 10 ilvls may not be a better choice of a socket.
@Naxxramaskid @DeLindsay @Haachuu The quoted socket values were from before the changes to secondary stats so they're not accurate anymore. Here's the new ones:

A socket is worth roughly the following ilvls (higher ilvl = lower value, doesn't take Stamina into account)
- Head: 5
- Neck: 5
- Shoulders: 5-10
- Back: 10-15
- Chest: 5
- Wrists: 10-15
- Hands: ? (probably the same as waist/feet/shoulders)
- Waist: 5-10
- Legs: 5
- Feet: 5-10
- Ring: 5-10
- Trinket (agi): 5 (for agi classes)
- Trinket (int): 20 (for non-int classes)

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