10-19 XP ON the new bracket for F2P?

I don't see how the OP's idea turns into "OMFG F2PS GY FARMING P2Ps?! HYPOCRITES ALL OF YOU!"

In your standard leveling bg, there is like 1-2 players with no looms (and ofc that 1 warrior in cloth looms lol). If we do get the Boa tab it would just make the playing field in those early bgs more even, because those 1-2 players would also probably have looms. Granted, they probably wouldn't be enchanted looms, so a f2p would still be at a disadvantage, but at least you wouldn't be completely helpless in your quest greens.

That said, I don't think it would be for me; I tend to invest too much in my toons to simply delete them at 20.

Please read it instead of talking shit. Stop trying to calling attention to others misgivings unless you're willing to admit your own.

Read above... http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1411534 read that too. You'll see that I don't lie, every one has been in response to agitation.

Your post history is false then? And what exactly is your definition of scuzzy? Someone who has seven F2P accounts, fuck knows how many "pure" F2Ps on them, but refuses to join in the anti-anything you don't like crusade? Because my F2Ps get out geared I should hate the people who spend their money on paying blizzard to keep the severs up? Should I hate the conquest geared players who out gear my honor geared alts too? What about HC raiders? They kill me in world PvP, should i hate them too?

You know how long we (as in P2Ps) have had the opportunity to go farm levelers? Since for ever.

If you (as a P2P critique) Seen us walking on water you just say it's because we can't swim :rolleyes: Fact is, we could never do anything to please you unless we do as you want. Sorry, but life don't work that way.

Again your post history says otherwise. Denerd for example is F2P.

Not the point I'm making. The point I'm making is farming levelers is ok just cuz you can do it for free o_O

As if i'd need to drop a subscription that costs £2.50 a week...

I can't CBA answering the rest. If however there's something you feel I'm dodging don't hesitate to bring it to light. I wouldn't.

Oh, almost forgot. That link in your sig... "Your bias is showing." Is that meant to be hypercritical, or was in an accident?

Heres the thing, I don't really mind Denurd, even though He's wrong. He at least tried to explain why pvping in the exp on bracket wasnt fair. Granted It's bullshit because players have no issues GY camping brazilians wearing all kinds of awful heirlooms. or mostly none at all. Compared too the exp on bracket where players at the very least have some play time in, and full sets up heirloom chanted gear.

You on the other hand tried unsuccessfully to troll. Which is why your tactics switched up each post, searching for something to set me off. As for calling my post history into the question... your links... don't work... I don't think you want to go down that route anyway bud. Literally every post you make is a troll post. Although, to your credit, i did once see you post a useful link, like 5 months ago. So were talking like, 99.9% of what you write is shit. Compared to your post history i probably look like a fucking humanitarian.

I realize as a troll your motive is to attempt to bring down everyone around you, so that by comparison you feel better. Which sums up every single post you and the other troll made in this particular thread. You belittle those around you. I don't give a fuck what your personal issues are, but this forum does not need to deal with the brunt of whatever the fuck your dysfunction is. Why don't you drop the WoW sub and invest into some therapy. You need it.

I still stand by that statement. You should get counseling.
I don't see how the OP's idea turns into "OMFG F2PS GY FARMING P2Ps?! HYPOCRITES ALL OF YOU!"

In your standard leveling bg, there is like 1-2 players with no looms (and ofc that 1 warrior in cloth looms lol). If we do get the Boa tab it would just make the playing field in those early bgs more even, because those 1-2 players would also probably have looms. Granted, they probably wouldn't be enchanted looms, so a f2p would still be at a disadvantage, but at least you wouldn't be completely helpless in your quest greens.

That said, I don't think it would be for me; I tend to invest too much in my toons to simply delete them at 20.

Hey guys, just speaking from my own experience, every time I level up a new F2P I always play 10-15 in battlegrounds in order to get a jump start on my trinket and honor blues. In my own experience I'm usually one of maybe two or three, or sometimes just me, of all 20 people in the BG, who are not in full chanted BoAs. That's been true for each time I've done this.

This is just my own experience of course and is anecdotally but not statistically significant. If my experience is close to the typical scenario though, then the percentage of "farmable noobs" in leveling BGs is much much smaller than the percentage of farmable F2Ps from a fully chanted 29's point of view in our own bracket.

So I agree with Vailent that the accusations of hypocritical noob farming are too extreme. However as I mentioned before, if you look at the idea from the point of view of wargames rather than open XP-on BGs, then I think the overall idea of quickshot single-serving characters does have merit.
Heres the thing, I don't really mind Denurd, even though He's wrong.

There is no right or wrong on this subject. There's do/support it, or do not do/support it. That's simply your arrogance showing.

He at least tried to explain why pvping in the exp on bracket wasnt fair. Granted It's bullshit because players have no issues GY camping brazilians wearing all kinds of awful heirlooms. or mostly none at all. Compared too the exp on bracket where players at the very least have some play time in, and full sets up heirloom chanted gear.

This makes me wonder if you have as much XP of WoW as you claim.

You on the other hand tried unsuccessfully to troll. Which is why your tactics switched up each post, searching for something to set me off.

I'm not trying to troll you. I'm trying to talk to you. You just can't (don't want to) distinguish between the two. Every single person who's disagreed with you in this thread you've called a troll (including denurd who you supposedly now like o_O).

As for calling my post history into the question... your links... don't work... I don't think you want to go down that route anyway bud. Literally every post you make is a troll post. Although, to your credit, i did once see you post a useful link, like 5 months ago. So were talking like, 99.9% of what you write is shit. Compared to your post history i probably look like a fucking humanitarian.

I'm not sure why the links don't work. I think they change every time we post or something, but it's not hard to do. Click your name > view forum posts, it isn't rocket science. You just don't want to read that you are the agitator in most, if not all cases.

Do you honestly think I would of brought it up just to prove myself wrong? You don't have the capability to remember what you wrote in your the last post, so I understand how the concept of thinking ahead would be impossible for you, but for some of us it happens naturally :rolleyes:

I still stand by that statement. You should get counseling.

Your posts are getting that way if I'm honest. Would you happen to have the name(s) of yours? I'd like to know who not to use...

The Point Is Your Acceptance Of Farming Levelers While Crying If You Get The Raw End Of The Deal.

If you want to carry on this "you're a troll, no you" dance then I can only conclude you're trying to draw attention from that. I understand you don't like me, and that would be crushing if I was trying to win a popularity contest, but I'm not. I don't care in the slightest what you, or anyone for that matter think of me.
Hey guys, just speaking from my own experience, every time I level up a new F2P I always play 10-15 in battlegrounds in order to get a jump start on my trinket and honor blues. In my own experience I'm usually one of maybe two or three, or sometimes just me, of all 20 people in the BG, who are not in full chanted BoAs. That's been true for each time I've done this.

This is just my own experience of course and is anecdotally but not statistically significant. If my experience is close to the typical scenario though, then the percentage of "farmable noobs" in leveling BGs is much much smaller than the percentage of farmable F2Ps from a fully chanted 29's point of view in our own bracket.

So I agree with Vailent that the accusations of hypocritical noob farming are too extreme. However as I mentioned before, if you look at the idea from the point of view of wargames rather than open XP-on BGs, then I think the overall idea of quickshot single-serving characters does have merit.

Your missing one thing in all this. F2Ps (at least the ones around here) have been pvping in low level pvp since cata, while these levelers have no inclination of low level pvp. They simply don't know how to play their class at this level. Healing prot in cata for example. It will simply be a none contest.

Are wargames working for F2P? If so why can't they go there?
This makes me wonder if you have as much XP of WoW as you claim.

At this point in the games life cycle the majority of players are veterans. Which is why the majority in the 10-19s are in full. chanted heirlooms. If you were trying to argue this during the upswing from TBC to Wrath, your argument would hold more water.

I'm not trying to troll you. I'm trying to talk to you. You just can't (don't want to) distinguish between the two. Every single person who's disagreed with you in this thread you've called a troll (including denurd who you supposedly now like o_O).

Here's your first post in this thread, which had nothing to do with the topic.

Rollop, your excuses are thinner than a free to plays wage packet.

"Your" bracket going through a sticky patch so you abandon it to farm weaker players. Didnt we have this discussion a few days ago?

Ofc if you had read my first post in this thread , which you later stated I had somehow forgotten, you would have seen i had little interest in it, however when i tried to clue you in to this point, which lemme remind you, has nothing to do with the topic, and everything to do with me, this was your response~

Rollop, you are doing it and condoning farming levellers, there's noway out of that. You're looking for greener pastures after two weeks of long queues, but you condemed p2ps for doing the same after three expansions, hundreds of pounds of sever transfer fees and God knows how many threads trying to keep their bracket alive.

Youre tying awful hard to turn this into a p2p vs f2p thread when it's not. It's a rat leaving a sinking ship thread. So please continue.

Parasitic rats eh. Oh here's a real gem~

I only troll free to plays after they've already started on a anti p2p crusade. Please, I invite you to check on that..

As for Denurd, i don't hate the guy, even if i think his opinion on the topic at hand is stupid. Re~

I'd rather GYfarm jajas for entire evening

Is some how more noble and fair than

You are facing levelers.

In the in the first one, you're playing a terrible player with awful gear who is new to the game. In the second, you're playing a terrible player with near bis gear who has experience in wow.

You just don't want to read that you are the agitator in most, if not all cases.

Oh i am an asshole don't get me wrong. Mostly just to you, and other arrogant scuzzys on their high horses.

Do you honestly think I would of brought it up just to prove myself wrong? You don't have the capability to remember what you wrote in your the last post, so I understand how the concept of thinking ahead would be impossible for you, but for some of us it happens naturally :rolleyes:

Who knows, I've seen ya do some stupid shit before, like reporting yourself for no reason. So it wouldn't be that wild to think you were that inept.

The Point Is Your Acceptance Of Farming Levelers While Crying If You Get The Raw End Of The Deal.

Capitalizing Every Word In A Statement Just Makes You Look Like An Asshole And Does Your Claim A Disservice.

Go ahead and link those QQ posts, pretty sure you have me confused with someone else. I gave up on bracket balance some time around wrath.

If you want to carry on this "you're a troll, no you" dance then I can only conclude you're trying to draw attention from that. I understand you don't like me, and that would be crushing if I was trying to win a popularity contest, but I'm not. I don't care in the slightest what you, or anyone for that matter think of me.

Look dude, nobody cares that you have a chip on your shoulder. Suck it up and act like a fucking adult, because you sound like this


Your missing one thing in all this. F2Ps (at least the ones around here) have been pvping in low level pvp since cata, while these levelers have no inclination of low level pvp. They simply don't know how to play their class at this level. Healing prot in cata for example. It will simply be a none contest.

Most of your post's in this thread can be taken in one of two ways:

- trolling
- literally unbelievably stupid

so they have been taken as trolling.

it's pretty clear now that you haven't been trying to troll.

while these levelers have no inclination of low level pvp. They simply don't know how to play their class at this level.

For the 64 thousandth time, they are not levelers, at least not the overwhelming majority. They have made tens if not hundreds of characters, probably all with the same name, equipped BoA's, leveled from 10-14/19 in battlegrounds, delete, repeat. They mostly have full BoA's, sometimes fully enchanted BoA's. They are the backbone of the low leveling brackets.

At best, leveling f2p's with BoA's would be on even terms, or at a disadvantage to these players, from a gear perspective.

I'd bet that most in this sub forum would run straight past the ~5-15% of genuine new/leveling players in a bg, knowing exactly how they feel and that we were once in that same position.

To sum up. You're an idiot. You may actually be THEE idiot.

like any reasonable person is going to buy that
So let me get this straight, people like me who have played the 20-29 bracket since bc who spent more than a hundred dollars on server transfers, who have funded HUNDREDS of 29's over the years are scum.

F2P's who want to go back and farm levelers are the salt of the earth.

Hold on, have to clean the coffee of my screeeeeeeeeeeen and keeeeeeeeeeeeeey board
So let me get this straight, people like me who have played the 20-29 bracket since bc who spent more than a hundred dollars on server transfers, who have funded HUNDREDS of 29's over the years are scum.

F2P's who want to go back and farm levelers are the salt of the earth.

Hold on, have to clean the coffee of my screeeeeeeeeeeen and keeeeeeeeeeeeeey board

Where in this thread is anyone calling BC 29 twinks scum. Not everything is about you, whoever you are.
At this point in the games life cycle the majority of players are veterans. Which is why the majority in the 10-19s are in full. chanted heirlooms. If you were trying to argue this during the upswing from TBC to Wrath, your argument would hold more water.

Bullshit. No other way to describe it.

Here's your first post in this thread, which had nothing to do with the topic.

Ofc if you had read my first post in this thread , which you later stated I had somehow forgotten, you would have seen i had little interest in it, however when i tried to clue you in to this point, which lemme remind you, has nothing to do with the topic, and everything to do with me, this was your response~

Your first post in this thread was to condone anyone who does this and a dig at "pay to wins". at this point you can go look your self cuz I CBA linking it.

Parasitic rats eh. Oh here's a real gem~

It is isn't it? Considering it doesn't mention parasitic anywhere in it... LOL you have it in front of you and still can't get it right.. Is your head that far up your arse?

And yes, anyone who does this is a rat. My opinion end of story.


Look at em carry dem BoAs to safety.

As for Denurd, i don't hate the guy, even if i think his opinion on the topic at hand is stupid. Re~

You're entitled to think what you like, but not wanting to farm levelers I personally wouldn't call stupid.

Is some how more noble and fair than

Being a bracket full of twinks and not gearing up is their fault.

In the in the first one, you're playing a terrible player with awful gear who is new to the game. In the second, you're playing a terrible player with near bis gear who has experience in wow.

You make it sound like everyone has fully chanted looms and years of WoW XP, that's simply not true. You can look at the stupid questions in /2 or on the wow forums and see that. Even you can manage that... I think.

Oh i am an asshole don't get me wrong. Mostly just to you, and other arrogant scuzzys on their high horses.

My high horse is not wanting to farm levelers, and my scuzzyness is playing a p2p while also having multi F2Ps myself. Again, this is your bias towards p2ps and me in particular. As for you being an asshole.. we finally agree on something... But I seem to remember you constantly claiming to be innocent and not instigating ANYTHING.

Now you're admitting to you're agitation and that you aim at me?

Who knows, I've seen ya do some stupid shit before, like reporting yourself for no reason. So it wouldn't be that wild to think you were that inept.

I'm not. Having a heartbeat is over qualification for out thinking you.

Capitalizing Every Word In A Statement Just Makes You Look Like An Asshole And Does Your Claim A Disservice.

I'm So Sorry.

Go ahead and link those QQ posts, pretty sure you have me confused with someone else. I gave up on bracket balance some time around wrath.

You won't look at your post history, why on earth would I take the time to walk you through it? It's there go look.

Look dude, nobody cares that you have a chip on your shoulder. Suck it up and act like a fucking adult, because you sound like this

You just admitted to being an asshole and spewing your hatred at me and I'm the one with a chip on my shoulder? It seems you care more than you care to admit.

[MENTION=13868]Pixel[/MENTION], wait your turn. One idiot at a time please.
You just admitted to being an asshole and spewing your hatred at me and I'm the one with a chip on my shoulder? It seems you care more than you care to admit.

Pixel, wait your turn. One idiot at a time please.

I care enough just to call you on your self righteous trolling drivel, which i have done in spades. I don't hate you, but i do feel sorry for ya, and i do feel sorry for anyone who's had to deal with ya. Have a good day Saint, really. I think you've gone A long time without one.

I realize as a troll your motive is to attempt to bring down everyone around you, so that by comparison you feel better. Which sums up every single post you and the other troll made in this particular thread. You belittle those around you. I don't give a fuck what your personal issues are, but this forum does not need to deal with the brunt of whatever the fuck your dysfunction is. Why don't you drop the WoW sub and invest into some therapy. You need it.
I care enough just to call you on your self righteous trolling drivel, which i have done in spades. I don't hate you, but i do feel sorry for ya, and i do feel sorry for anyone who's had to deal with ya. Have a good day Saint, really. I think you've gone A long time without one.

Aaaand back to you're a troll again. You're pathetic. Please save your pitty for your self, you are the victim after all... And please keep calling me, confirming your stupidity is always fun.
You make it sound as if obtaining heirlooms is hard or requires any sort of skill man..for "p2ps" that is,not entirely sure if you have seen endgame or anything so yeah.

I really suggest you break the piggy bank and try out that p2p.

Go ahead and level through bgs, and you will be surprised that even people at 40-50-60 aaaalll the way till 90,yes even 90 or whatever,are way worse or equal as "ordinary trials", you know, they just have more buttons to mash.

Anyway friend,i have to sleep now.
Hopefully you will have loads of fun playing 10-19s.
Good night :)

Pretty much this. Gotta love seeing the level 73 troll rogue using the Dreadmist gettup.
Heres the thing, I don't really mind Denurd, even though He's wrong. He at least tried to explain why pvping in the exp on bracket wasnt fair. Granted It's bullshit because players have no issues GY camping brazilians wearing all kinds of awful heirlooms. or mostly none at all. Compared too the exp on bracket where players at the very least have some play time in, and full sets up heirloom chanted gear.

You on the other hand tried unsuccessfully to troll. Which is why your tactics switched up each post, searching for something to set me off. As for calling my post history into the question... your links... don't work... I don't think you want to go down that route anyway bud. Literally every post you make is a troll post. Although, to your credit, i did once see you post a useful link, like 5 months ago. So were talking like, 99.9% of what you write is shit. Compared to your post history i probably look like a fucking humanitarian.

I still stand by that statement. You should get counseling.

I need some salt for my chips pls.
Aaaand back to you're a troll again. You're pathetic. Please save your pitty for your self, you are the victim after all... And please keep calling me, confirming your stupidity is always fun.

A few posts ago you were calling me an "alligator" which is it bud? And why am i stupid? Because i highlight and shine a light on the kind of person you are? Without even bothering to dig through your post history no less. I'm far to lazy for that. It's not needed anyhow, you prove my point with each and every one of your bitter posts.

Pretty much this. Gotta love seeing the level 73 troll rogue using the Dreadmist gettup.

You should see what the brazillians are sporting in the 20-29 bracket, but you already know what they're sporting dontcha.

I need some salt for my chips pls.

Ask Saint for some of his tears.
Rolled a 10, put some looms on it, and actually played a couple of games to see who is in 10-19 XP-on for real, instead of spouting horse-shit in this thread with no facts to back it up.

Clawwy - guild looms
Stealthypuss - guild looms
Frustyd - guild looms
Icetrax - guild looms
Mithosfear green/white, new char (armory took a while to show) achievements show brand new account + char
Shwizz - non guild looms, achievements show level 90s, and date back to 2008
Finntroll - guild looms
Chancê - guild looms
Dodlotus - blue/green/white, achievements show level 90s, and date back to 2013
Boadegradabl - me

Pmphand - guild looms
Juza - guild looms
Aula - green/white, achievements show a level 20, and date back to march
Targetthis - guild looms
Combatmedicj - guild looms
Kukine - guild looms
Bunsfordime - guild looms
Fabtol green/white, achievements show a level 80, none earlier than 01/2014
Shenzhu - guild looms
Walks - non guild looms, achievements show a level 90, date back to 2009

Bayonetta - guild looms
Cortes - guild looms
Landen - guild looms
Goodwhiskey - guild looms
Illsbeth - guild looms
Léi - guild looms
Yoshammy - green/white, achievements show level 90s, date back to July
Monkoy - green/white, achievements show a level 90, date back to July 2013
Samuraixi - green/white, achievements show show brand new account + char

Jam - guild looms
Pursulp - guild looms
Fhri - guild looms
Brannded - guild looms
Frôstfìre - guild looms
Jeddek - non guild looms, level 90s, from 2008
Zalal - (1) non guild loom, level 90s, 2011
Daìsy - blue/green, several 90s, 2008
Soconfused - guild looms
So 90% of the players were good geared --> someone on this topic does his daily routine on the only place that gives him satisfactions in life, TI that is :)

But... but... the show must go on so, "special one" keep us entertained :p
Guys, guys, guys.

I think the claim, that playing in the 10-19 XP-on bracket is tantamount to noob-farming, is statistically inaccurate. As I said it's been my experience that the overwhelming majority are fully loomed and chanted experienced PvPers.

Now, the claim that they are the overwhelming majority would be easy enough to objectively confirm, by simply taking a level 10 character into a number of WSGs that we would all consider statistically significant enough for this argument, and screenshotting the roster, and linking their armories here. Anyone who wanted to convert this discussion from opinions into facts would be able to easily do this. I might even do it myself over the weekend when I have some free time, if this discussion is still going on. That's point one.

Point two, in response to what I understood Saint to be replying to me, Saint I believe you were trying to say that even if those players are fully chanted and loomed, they are newbie at PvP. I'd like to address that argument just on logic rather than evidence since we can't interview all people. But clearly the players have enough time in WoW to have earned the looms, and enough experience in PvP to know what enchants to get, and let's not overlook the elephant in the room which is these people are choosing to play battlegrounds rather than PvE to level... that implies at the very least a familiarity with PvP, if not outright indicating that they prefer to PvP rather than PvE. Logically speaking, these are not PvP noobs we're talking about.

Nor for that matter are all F2Ps total experts either. In fact I would say the percentage of loomed P2P levelers who know what they're doing in BGs is much higher than the percentage of leveling F2Ps in the same battlegrounds.

Overall, then, statistically and logically, I really don't see how the claim is sustainable that playing in 10-19 XP-on would be a faceroll for F2Ps nor that F2Ps who do this would be even remotely considered to be "farming" anyone. I mean, I do see the argument, in that it is easy to think of XP-on as a total noobfest, but actual experience bears out a totally different picture, and I think that picture really needs to be considered more carefully before quick accusations of hypocrisy are thrown around.
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