
  1. Eleannor

    Community for 15th Anniversary's Alterac Valley

    Starting next Tuesday (11/05/19), a special version of Alterac Valley will be available until the end of November(?). This time-limited battleground will be special because: Alterac Valley will be featured in its original state, when it was first release (most likely it will mean different NPC...
  2. DigitalChemyst

    WoW's 15th Anniversary XP-OFF BG's!!!

    *TLDR: If you queue with XP-OFF in the new BG on Tuesday, everyone will be in the same queue! If you want to do the other BGs, you MUST PARTY SYNC! Use the communities below to do that!* With the 15th anniversary event coming this Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to get in on the BG action...
  3. KPI

    Is Lag7 undetectable by WoW Classic Anti-Cheat?

    Rumors from a community discord server have peaked my interest, players have been using Lag-Manipulation since day one of wow classic launch from unlimited sprint on rogues to Forever existing Beserker Rage on warriors, these players have not received any punishment by blizzard almost 2 months...
  4. KPI

    EU+US Theory Crafting BiS Feral Weapon.

    Was doing my dailies in Mechagon after obtaining https://www.wowhead.com/item=168804/powered-piscine-procurement-pole After looking into it more the item itself does not have a scale by level filter on Wowhead, If this is obtainable on a level 19 Would it be BiS for a Feral Druid assuming they...
  5. Not Getting Any Queues With XP Off

    I am a lvl 29 twink with my XP turned off, but I never get any queues that pops. In fact I dont even get an estimated average wait time. I think there isn't enough lvl 20s with their XP turned off to form a BG. Is there a way I can keep my XP off, but still get queues?
  6. Embu

    EU Incursion in Zul'Gurub - 5th May

    Willing to do a PvP lvl20 event? Don't wait and take part in the Zul'Gurub event! Welcome for this new event hosted by the WoW20 community. After Lordaeron, Alliance wants to take the whole possession of the Eastern Kingdoms. Sylvanas asked the Horde to comeback in Zul'Gurub to...
  7. Warlord Daboo

    EU+US Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners Event descriptions!

    Here is a list of Community Event Ideas that Warlords of Warsong has hosted in the past and present. Post your Event Ideas below, let’s get some new fun Events to host! Warlord of The Pit - Warlord of The Pit is a 1v1 Dueling Tournament with a prize of 10k gold (and the “Gladiator!” Title/Rank...
  8. Skreamefex

    EU Warsong Warlords - Stormscale Horde

    Hey guys good to meet you. After twinking heavily in vanilla I am thankful it seems to be booming again, really. I have recently been recruiting twinks to my guild on stormscale, but with it already having hundreds of people who do not twink me and some friends have decided to branch off and...
  9. mczizegg

    Kazuz BFA - Level 110 Enhancement Shaman

    Hey guys, I leveled my 101 shaman up to 110 and I really enjoy it so far. Enhancement Shaman works really good, massive burst and good healing (with pvp talent) Feel free to check it out & leave some feedback ! :)
  10. FaucetLean

    US 19 twink guild on proudmoore

    We are recruiting ANY twinks to our guild <Hollow Busters> on proudmoore alliance, we will fund your prfessions and help you get geared! if you would like to join please watch this video with my contact info (btag, ect.)
  11. Embu

    EU [Announcement] The Burning League - 2018 edition

    Rashferoth is pleased to introduce to you the 2018 edition of the Burning League, the last tournament designed for lvl20 twinks. This third edition will unfold during July and will gather players from all Europe. The dates of this event are from Monday 9 to Saturday 14 (July). Each...
  12. Ripduck

    News The XPL 2018 Arena Sign Ups

    The Results of the tournament are as follows: 1st Twink Mentors 2nd LF PL 3K (paying cash) 3rd Amigos Twitch Vod Here https://challonge.com/XPOFFLEAGUE3V319 This tournament series is being brought to you by a dedicated group of contributors to the Twink community, which consists of...
  13. mczizegg

    EU+US Hfc mythic level 100 raid

    Was the first time i joined in a Xpoff Raid group and it was fun. Recorded our Kormrok mythic kill while I was using my Ps4 controller :D It was a bit rough to get some players in target who needed heals but i guess its just a setting thing. Overall it was real fun. Feel free to check it out :)
  14. 10-19 NWL Season 2: UGGTW vs GMYE

    <Ugly Girls Get Tap Water> Vs <Give Me Your Energy> Ladies and gents, fellow tinks - I bring to you, tonights - entertainment! ... The Saiyans face off against the so far undefeated Ugly Girls. Who will have the energy? Randy proclaiming to end their winning streak tonight. Tune in live...