
  1. EU+US Weapon Swaps

    Can someone explain how this works to me? I always see it mentioned, but I don't understand how you can swap weapons while in combat.
  2. EU Guild stormreaver Horde

    Made a Guild <Pepega> for all my f2p alts if any1 wanna join just write name here! Im pretty sure xrealm can join as far as they are on same battlegroup.
  3. Cattywompus

    Some screenshots from 2007

    Stumbled upon these bad boys today, I was an alliance player until wotlk, and I had a 19 hunter and rogue since vanilla, and a 29 ret/holy paladin, 39 lock, and the warrior was leveled, but he was a 39 that I twinked with 3 pendulum of dooms, 1 with crusader, 1 with savagery, and 1 with 35 agi...
  4. tomxoqt

    EU+US Unsubbed? 4 days to make a Vet this weekend FREE OF CHARGE I'm in London for a protest and a birthday celebration, but I'm going hard Thurs/Fri/Sunday night boiiii
  5. Reddawg

    US <Advanced Target Dummy> - (Horde BH) is now recruiting!

    <Advanced Target Dummy> is a new 20/29 twink guild now recruiting on the Horde side of Bleeding Hollow! We are looking to recruit geared/skilled/chill members to the guild. The goal is to create a community of geared players to queue bgs and arenas with. If you wish to join the guild, we have a...
  6. Reddawg

    US Sub runs out in 6 days - HAPL - RATE ME?

    Open to suggestions for improvement before my sub runs out. Thanks!!
  7. Best in Slot Repository

    [WORK IN PROGRESS] With enchants and gear working in Instanced PvP again, I thought I should make a list of Best in Slot gear for Mages, since that is what I'm playing. However, I realized that this is only scratching the surface for us, so I wanted to start compiling a list for everyone. If...
  8. Orcbeard

    Outlaw Rogue

    Got back into 20s after a break since early WOD(especially since the stat templates in Legion) Just want to ask the more experienced rogues as of 8.0 how my 20 vet rogue is looking. Unfortunately I missed out on the Legion prepatch gear.
  9. jackblood

    Class changes for level 20 tank twinks

    Some of my thoughts: Primary stats are now way more important for Prot Warriors, Prot Paladins, and Brewmasters. Stagger now scales with Agility while Armor scales with Strength. Prot warriors also scale their Stamina. This also means Landslide is no longer a good enchant for Brewmasters. I'm...
  10. icehawk

    EU+US Elders of Azeroth - painful?

    Has anyone tried to go through and collect all the Elders as part of the Lunar Festival? It has got to be one of the most painful achieves! The majority are in $hit locations - FFS couldn’t they be near some flight point or something close - not in the middle of some random location surrounded...
  11. Embu

    EU+US F2P ranking: must we include veteran accounts or not?

    Hey people, I would like to know your opinion about the decision to include or not veteran accounts in this ranking: It is true that since the beginning, the "true F2P player" wasn't accustomed to bring some items than the...
  12. icehawk

    EU+US Never noticed this before - Revenge!

    I don't seem to recall this happening before, maybe I just never noticed it but even at lvl 20 a Prot Warrior now seems to sometimes proc I noticed it for the first time only after 7.2 dropped. I even tried to make a macro to see if I could use...
  13. icehawk

    EU+US Legion neck chants - worthwhile?

    I was just wondering if anyone has experience with the latest neck chants from Legion? Are they worth it for lvl 20's? I was just doing some snooping and noticed the odd Vet with chant on their neck. Only a few, not many but there are...
  14. SharkShark

    US LVL 20 - VETS

    Where are all the Ally guilds? I'm looking to move 10 twinks from AP-Horde to Ally anywhere else. Please let me know any these guilds are around.
  15. icehawk

    EU+US Cheeky way to ruin Hallows for the Horde!

    Not sure if anyone is interested, but thought I'd just post this neat little tip which could save some Alliance toons many GY runs. Trying to get into UC to ruin the Horde's Hallows End isn't the easiest task as a 20, but if you have the trusty ol'...
  16. EU+US PTR 7.1 Impressions for 20's

    7.1 PTR Impressions I know things are subject to change, but I decided to compile a list of changes for classes on PTR and include my general impressions of the changes. If I'm missing something let me know, I briefly skimmed over the spellbook to see what changed. Warriors Arms Warrior-...
  17. US The solo q Pug Life level 20

    Just doin my thangg :cool: shout out to Zara for some clutch heals!
  18. Ravingrabidmoose

    EU+US Which class is the least gimped at 20?

    Hello there. Long time lurker, first time poster. Anywho, was looking at my f2p twink rogue the other day, and noticed that 29's in the bracket get all kinds of great spells... (gouge, sprint, between-the-eyes, cheapshot, etc.) While my outlaw still hits like a truck, and I can still contribute...
  19. icehawk

    EU+US Vet Hunter tests - post Legion Pre-Patch FYI

    For anyone that's interested in Hunters in this bracket (well Vet's and F2P's that is - this info may not be the case for 29's), I've done a lot of DPS testing and bg tests on all 3 specs now and can confirm the following from my findings post Legion pre-patch (I'm sure this is already common...
  20. EU+US Legion Scoreboard Thread

    Post Legion bg scoreboards here :) Lets see dem numbers! It would be a little more interesting if you include a little story or explanation for the scoreboard you are sharing. This was a bg in which both factions had strong classes+players but silly mistakes on enemy team and near flawless...