Hey Guys (and girls?) :)
I'm new to these forums but I've found my way here through Wowhead.com :)
I was looking on how to twink a rogue at level 19. I'm really excited to be a twink once :p So, I'm level 19 and my spec is subtlety.
I could use some help on what to buy or what gear to get...
Everyone's Avatars will most likely have a different story here is mine.
Was looking at an article about Wow's development and saw a screen shot of the first character selection screen built by Aaron Keller and noticed that one of them was wearing an Inferno Robe. Thought this was cool as it's...
First I want to say that @Roboartist was the first to post a Thread here on XPOff about his Official Forums' Thread in regards to Blizz keeping Invasions around as a Monthly Bonus Weekend. Please read and bump his Thread HERE, the more exposure we get the higher the chance Blizz might take...
Hey guys. This is my first post on this forums. xD Anyway, I haven't played WoW in 8 months, and I decided to come back for Legion. Except I'm gonna make a f2p twink. I don't wanna buy the game. Can someone catch me up on everything? Like I heard something about f2p's getting some sort of...
The guild <The Burning Crusades> on Kel'Thuzad Alliance are in search for active level 70 members who want to do Arenas, Battlegrounds, Raids, Dungeons and WPvP. The level 70 bracket is my favorite along with many others; but there hasn't been a dedicated 70 guild or community on US in quite...
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*****Classic ERA WoW*****
The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
Hello fishermen and fisherladies!
First off, I would like to thank everyone for their continuous support for this guide, as it is my most worked piece on XpOff. Some of you will notice this guide has...