Good PvP/UI Addons?


Hey, everyone! I've been looking for some new addons that will make the old UI look nicer, and some that could help me in PvP. Thank you all! :)
Big fan of Elvui but it is a *comprehensive* UI and as such, can be a little overwhelming. But I like how clean I can make everything because it literally lets you adjust everything. I like have one UI package that does everything as opposed to a bunch of various add-ons to do bits and pieces.

As for PVP, the only add-on I'd call truly essential is BGEnemies. It's just too valuable to not have.
Losecontrol - cc timers for self, target, focus, group
GladiatorlosSA - pvp triggers/CDs sound announcer, extremely good, you can configure what it announces and add custom stuff
Capping - bg timers etc, dbm pvp mod both are ok
BGEnemies - enemy frame bars
Gladius for arena
Healers have to die (hhtd) - if you want healers marked
Quartz - good cast bars
TellMeWhen and Needtoknow, but not sure if they're updated, havent used since my arena days

Semi related also,
Dejacharacter stats
Bartender 4
Leatrix plus
Mik's scrolling battle text, you configure and show what you want including custom triggers
Threat plates nameplate, extremly flexible, configurable
Z-perl unit frames, personal favorite but you can use what you like

Don't use premade ui, only amateurs fall for that.
Make one yourself and research and do it well and go from bottom up, same goes for practice, you'll be a better player.
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