Hi All -I'm Mooeycritmas and this is my Level 29 Shaman Deep Dive Guide.
A little bit about me, I've been twinking since Vanilla World of Warcraft, and have twinked in every bracket except 59.
I'm an Officer in <Pal> which is one of the most successful and competitive 29 Horde Guilds in the...
These cats get wrecked. Enjoy!!!
Let me know what you think!
Should I do some tbags and highlight rage whispers?
Should I team up with some other 29s and go raid Tanaris questers?
Should I do some commentary with my daughter, who is a PVP'er in training?
First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights.
Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there...
Just looking for some good armory for 29 disc with obtainable bis.
Also what leg enchant for boe pants? thanks in advance bfa gearing got me fucked up. feel free to add all your wisdom regarding gearing/consumable shit
Good Evening Comrades,
I've been playing 19s and 29s since vanilla and have never dabbled into wpvp on my twinks. For some reason it's always been arena, BGs, and maybe a little gurubashi here and there (trying for grandmaster but failing miserably). Is there opportunity for wpvp? Looking...
Good Evening Comrades,
As the title suggests, I'd like to know how ferals are in this bracket and maybe 29 as well. I've done research but I can't find anything significant or up-to-date. Most of the information pertains to Balance and Resto. Any info helps thanks guys and gals.
Hello my old friends Somalian Pirate Crew is going on elysium horde we gonna do raids 60 and 60 pvp.. but also twinks at 29 so you can find us there i would be really happy to see some of my old mates in our guild! see ya
Elysium(Nostalrius) new fresh private server(Vanilla)
hi guys, im max from italy...im back to twinking in legion. i twinked in tbc wotlk whit my rogue 19 and now im back!! im lvling a outlaw rogue and i have some questons.....i wanna twink lvl 29 because we have more controls and ambush (unlocked lvl 22) im using the guide for gearing up, i got...