
  1. EU Vicious Terrorists - Recruiting 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES

    Attention, twinks and thrill-seekers! Vicious Terrorists, a newly established horde guild, is on a mission to dominate every facet of World of Warcraft twinking. We’re recruiting level 10s, 20s, and 30s who are eager to bring their A-game and carve their names into twinking history. This is an...
  2. Elementalx

    [EU] WTB twink items pls

    Looking to find https://www.wowhead.com/item=87450/hood-of-alchemical-vapors Scaled to 20 also after: Feverflare cloth bracers and shoulders with socket + speed Feverflare Mail bracers and Boots with socket + speed Feverflare offhand with socket Intellect trinkets with Mastery, socket and...
  3. Nutsmite

    Possible meta shifts?

    Now that crusader is even more broken most likely hunter abusers will jump to fury warriors, and maybe dk's and paladins at some point. Do you think that will cause meta to focus on melee now? maybe we will see WW monks with fists pvp talent to counter them, and then rogues to counter monks? Is...
  4. Asylum

    20-29 party-sync pvp spec guide

    INTRO disclaimer: this is a work in progress! hey, twinks! i decided to put together a list of all the abilities that are available to each class (and spec) when scaled down to level 29 through the party-sync mechanic. the idea is to give people with active accounts something fun to do (queue...
  5. US Epic Battlegrounds

    TL;DR: Scheduling of this event has been put on hiatus due to lack of interest. Hopefully a break will rejuvenate public interest. With the expansion coming to an end and more people playing 20s than ever before due to quarantine, this is probably NA's only (and last) shot at getting epic...
  6. ohti

    General Party Sync Battlegrounds Consumables and Usables Compendium

    Introduction Welcome to the party sync consumables and usables compendium. The purpose of this list is to inform players of all the known consumables that work as a party sync toon. This is a highly unexplored topic that deserves more light to be shed on it. Despite popular belief, party sync...
  7. Omnistone

    General Arena Rating Guide + Macro to Check Your Rating (low-lvl)

    In this guide I’ll be talking about everything you should know about Arena Rating system on low-level characters. It will be very useful for hardcore arena players, and the core intention is to attract more players to que for Skirmishes. New PvP season is coming soon, and some of you might be...
  8. KPI

    EU+US Theory Crafting BiS Feral Weapon.

    Was doing my dailies in Mechagon after obtaining https://www.wowhead.com/item=168804/powered-piscine-procurement-pole After looking into it more the item itself does not have a scale by level filter on Wowhead, If this is obtainable on a level 19 Would it be BiS for a Feral Druid assuming they...
  9. Enchant glitch EU silvermoon, URGENT!

    Need someone to do the enchant glitch on some BoE shoulders really fast as I’m running low on game time, drop your btag or send me a meaaage on here or add my btag Erdo#2846. FAST!!!!!
  10. selvajetheold

    endless queue for 20-29 XP blocked with an active account

    Hi, I payed a mounth for feeding my twinks but I'm having problem with my 20-29 toons with XP locked, when queuing for bg, waiting time is endless, after 40 minutes I gave up. On the other account (not active) everything is working. I opened a ticket this is what I got after 2-3 brainless...
  11. Cattywompus

    US Shoulder enchant US Terokkar

    If anyone can legitimately do it, hit me up! Thank you!
  12. Cattywompus

    US Hunter and rogue gloves(Horde)

    How do you guys feel about slitherscale and gloves of the fang for rogue and hunter? I guess this would come down to preference, and you have the option to put a glove reinforcement on them, but for some reason I am uneasy about using them on these classes. The other options would be 6 ago 9...
  13. Oie

    Which Rares Should I Farm?

    Hi. I'm new to the forum, but I did spend some time looking for this topic elsewhere to no avail. If it has been posted before, please point me in the right direction. If not, can someone please tell me which rares I should be farming for possible epics on my lvl 20 vet resto sham? I have...
  14. EU+US BiS Talents Guide

    hey so heres a list i've put together for each spec talking about what talent you should pick and stuff if the choice is a no brainer I wont go into much detail but if you can pick and choose i'll explain why also theres apparently a photo upload cap of 25 so some of the last few specs are...
  15. Cattywompus

    EU+US Second account

    Good afternoon all! I am contemplating on purchasing a second account, does the account come with time, or could I transfer my vet to it and immediately start playing? I know it comes with 30 days game time, but could those 30 days be used on my main account, just like the 110 boost is account...
  16. ProfThiccamore

    US Bleeding Hollow Ally guild. Need names

    Alright, some of you may have seen my post about making a 19 hangout, while I'm taking it a step further and I'm making a guild. So, I'm looking for a good guild name that has some reference to everlook or winterspring or the cold in general. Any Ideas? (For those interested, it's going to be a...
  17. Cattywompus

    Foamspittle farm (H)

    Good morning, all! I'm checking in to see if anyone has groups during the morning/day hours farming foamspittle or the mystic staff. During the day is when I have the most play time, so I'm trying to be efficient instead of solo farming! Thanks guys! Edit US horde
  18. Cattywompus

    EU+US Crusader

    Good morning, vets I'm just giving you guys a heads up that the only enchant I found that I couldn't use after my time expired is crusader. Unfortunately it's the most important enchant, and I wrote a ticket about it. Just letting you guys know, and seeing if this ticket is a good/bad idea...
  19. US Questions For 29 Twink Druid?

    Hey all! couple questions: 1. Is it better to make a 29 twink or a 20 twink? What's the balance details on this? Seems like even people that pay for the game are making lvl 20 twinks instead? 2. What is the absolute best in slot gear for a balance druid for 20-29 bracket? have about 1mil gold...
  20. Nocontest

    BFA ScoreBoard Screenshots

    Lets get those epeens fluffed, lets see whatcha got.