
  1. Wool

    EU+US Legion 20-29's Transmog Thread

    Since I couldn't find a 20-29 Transmog Thread, I decided to make one. here are some of my twinks that I thought had some cool mogs - 29 Feral Druid - Tupac Transmog Here - Click here 24 Beast Mastery Hunter - Spooksir Transmog Here - Click here 20 Retribution Paladin - Sadbøy Transmog Here...
  2. Nocontest

    EU+US 20-29 BiS Legion

    http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/bleeding-hollow/Nocontest/advanced While digging thru the gear shed, this is the best i could come up with.
  3. Falendor

    EU+US F2P Level 20-29 Tier List

    Hello all. I'm new to the community and overall new to twinking, although I suppose I already got the gist of it. I have a F2P account only at the moment and therefore would like to compile a tier list, in terms of which classes are the more formidable enemies standing at level 29 and which are...
  4. Zuro

    EU+US PTR: Legion Invasion Loot.

    Green box (first stage reward) Blue box (final stage reward)
  5. Axoume

    EU Is the bracket dead?

    What about que for bg?
  6. Wag Swag

    Wag Swag

    took me a bit but I've managed to get a battleground to pop up.
  7. Prolapse

    US Back after 5months. Wondering where everyone is? :(

    Hey guys! Just returned after a long needed break. just wondering if anyone is keen to get 20-29s bracket shooting off? Add my Btag. couchlockd#6819
  8. Arathi Basin Dominance: WoW

    Arathi Basin Dominance: WoW

    here's a battleground match that I've made a little while back.