19 twink

  1. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsong - Mankrik(H) - WOTLK Classic

    Warlords of Warsong is back! Come join us on Mankrik Horde, WOTLK Classic. We are recruiting for all twink brackets, though we will be mainly focusing on 19s right now. We will be accepting all twinks, wether new or veteran. We are looking to put together a serious 10 man team. Guild events...
  2. WoW19 WOTLK Classic

    WoW19 WOTLK Classic • What is this ? • WoW19 WOTLK Classic is a discord server for the twink 19 EU and US • What will you find in the discord ? • In the Discord WoW19, you will find: • Guides for all in-game classes (BIS gear, talents, glyph etc…) but also many other guides to help you...
  3. Mende

    Instant level 19 twink Pserver

    Came across this level 19 twink private server Twink Land. As the looks of it it looks pretty new and you get all your BIS gear and enchants right when you spawn in the game. After looking around it looks like you can transmog your gear as well. All the transmog gear costs gold and it looks like...
  4. Verum

    bg pop

    instapop on both sides omg
  5. Germinus


    Where and when (eu) duels happen.. I found 1 person to duel with and he was from classic. Feels like none want to duel anymore...?
  6. Nicozy

    Warrior gear

    Was considering making a warrior on ally side and you get access to some very nice items like chausses of westfall but heard rumblings about people going tunic of westfall instead on warriors and I wonder if thats just some agility meme or whats the deal. Got no clue on AP scaling with...
  7. Wereßear

    Seeking Active Guild 19s

    I am looking to return to the 19 bracket. Old vet twink. Can do any role. FC experience, healing experience, premade experience. Good attitudes, no cancer mentality. Thx! I listed a few builds I have generated in SixtyUpgrades as examples. But I can play any class. My designs: War (20% crit w/...
  8. Samhain

    US Classic (A) 19 Priest looking for competitive guild

    Title says it all, female human defensive priest twink looking for an active competitive 19 twink guild looking to premade horde guilds. I am a classic wow premade experienced player and best in slot.
  9. LeetMeep

    <Aspire> (A) Kurinnaxx is looking for a Dedicated FC and Healer! Will pay for your transfer!

    As the title says^ We've got alot of fire power here but we're lacking in other departments. If you're interested in this opportunity shoot me a msg on here or Bnet. #nuttybuddy#11752 -Learn (Kurinnaxx)
  10. Floormat

    Best 2nd Profession for 19 bracket?(Classic)

    Got a hunter in full BIS besides fishing hat w consumes stocked up, but was wondering about a 2nd profession. Obviously I'm using engineering =p But was wondering if there's anything else that provides a significant advantage? Was thinking maybe blacksmithing for sharpened weapons or alchemy...
  11. <No Ding> 19 Twink Classic - NA Horde (Kurinnaxx)

    <No Ding> 19's Twink NA Horde Realm = Kurinnaxx! About: <No Ding> is the first 19 Twink Guild on the Classic Kurinnaxx Realm. Formerly known as <Seven Deadly Smiles> from 2006-2009 on Nazgrel Horde, <No Ding> is a guild established by two cousins (Chief and Purp) who twinked back in Vanilla...
  12. US Guild Punishment Recruiting 19 Pagle

    [A] Pagle <Guild Punishment> 19 PVP Twinks The Guild Punishment Vision: We prioritize fun with friends in the best PVP bracket in the game - 19s! Part of that fun is competing against other premade twink teams. We also want to be a positive force in the battlegroup. We strive to be fair...
  13. US Guild Punishment 19 Twink Guild recruiting

    Hola, Guild Punishment from Gilneas is making a comeback on Pagle. Bulk of players have been playing Twinks since 2004 and our Core team is back together. We are looking for new DEDICATED players to fill our ranks. Our goal is to field two - three WSG teams, compete against other guilds...
  14. Unobtainable Items (8.0)

    Hello fellow Twinkers. As I delve into this wonderful world of Twinking. I find that information on gear are severly outdated. Each exp comes with new items and changes, then come BFA and item/stats squish, everything is all thrown up and mixed again. And the more I search the more I see old...

    US 19 rare unobtainable items bleeding hollow

    i have 2 goblin screws woodworking gloves metalworking gloves and for 30 twinks i have a scarlet chestpiece pm me Nutfartnarts-BleedingHollow
  16. US LF 19 Twink Guild BH

    I have a few 19 twinks and more in the making. Looking for a home to put them in on the Alliance side, Bleeding Hollow. Any recommendations would be awsome.
  17. FaucetLean

    US 19 twink guild on proudmoore

    We are recruiting ANY twinks to our guild <Hollow Busters> on proudmoore alliance, we will fund your prfessions and help you get geared! if you would like to join please watch this video with my contact info (btag, ect.)
  18. Bestworld

    EU Arena team: Twink Mentors - is looking for 3v3 practice games

    Twink Mentors: - @Razqt - @Vet - @Vianco - @Bestworld is looking for arena teams that are willing to run some practice games vs us. Times are an open discussion. Post here, or PM me or Raz. If you have either of us on Battlenet, feel free to contact us there too. Best of luck to future teams...
  19. Warlord Daboo

    US The War for Nagrand December 2nd 2017

    Hey guys! Warlords of Warsong will host our second War for Nagrand event December 2nd. Our goal for this event is to gather 75 level 19 Twinks from all around the community to compete in a 25v25v25 War! This War will promote World PvP and team work in an evenly matched battle. Warlords of...
  20. Steamyrae

    EU+US What Is Your Favorite Item That Is No Longer Obtainable?

    Spanning from all expansions. It can be armor, weapons, or just rings and amulets. My personal favorite is Wingblade for nostalgia reasons.