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  1. AP F2P Account

    True it is free, but if I leave it here in my hands I will be more tempted to play when I should be doing other things. There is always a chance I will come back at some time, but there are more important things for me personally to take care of right now. I'll probably lurk on the forums...
  2. AP F2P Account

    Sold To earl, sorry I saw his first.
  3. AP F2P Account

    For many reasons, none of which are relevant, I won't be playing my account anytime soon (most likely never). I put a decent amount of time into it and don't feel the need to just delete it, so I wanted to pass it along to anyone who wanted it. Again, I didn't grind anything amazing on...
  4. Flightpoints Outland changes

    Seriously. Both ways out of Hellfire (either to Zangar or Terrokar) are loaded with Ravagers. I couldn't make it past with my paladin and HoP, so I'm curious how a mage did it. Would love to know the secret for my mage/priest!
  5. How would you balance PvP

    If you don't want to get facerolled by a team of 10 hunters, you are forced to roll one. Yes, 10 hunters would be quite rare, but I've been in plenty of games with 6, 7, even 8 hunters on one side. I played a game on my holy priest against at team with 6 hunters, 3 paladins and a rogue...
  6. Screenshot Thread!

    That pic of the orc on the little kids spectral tiger thing is awesome. It's like he's trying not to smile, but he can't help it
  7. Screenshot Thread!

    Haha, I remember you telling me to RP walk my AGM turn in. Glad to see it made it to the forums =P
  8. Where did Realtalk go?

    Not sure. ...But I'd be glad if he didn't come back
  9. Come up for air Lofi

    Before you call someone stupid, you might wanna read the whole thread. Hunter, Resto Shaman and Rogue doing it together. Those three would be Lofi, Atychiphobia, and Medanx.
  10. ...I think I hurt their feelings...?

    I had a group QQ about me starting the escort in WC before they were all there. The result? I killed the first pack by myself (on a rogue) then let the NPC die. I tried explaining to them he wouldn't be back and that I wouldn't die, but they refused to listen. I was "rude" for starting an...
  11. In game mail and contradictory GMs that can't spell

    Indeed. And to the comment about doing things that are "against the rules," how do you know it is against the rules? If one GM does it, but another says he can't, is that all we are going on? Have you read the employee agreement for GM's at blizz and know what they can and cannot do...
  12. HH Kill (Ally)

    Thanks to a friendly 85 on Ally side I was able to get this done today! Got a Goblin in my last BG too, so now I have the title! If anyone needs an 85 to group via Real ID, let me know in game (minimonkman or monkman) and I can log into my brothers account to help out. Thanks!
  13. In game mail and contradictory GMs that can't spell

    Anyone who has worked for a company that deals with people will tell you that Customer Service is the most important thing when it comes to making people return to your company. If you have shitty customer service, it won't matter that you have the exact same product at 30% less than your...
  14. In game mail and contradictory GMs that can't spell

    I know I have heard of other people getting satchels from the mail with GM help. This happened to me on my mage awhile back, where my bags were full so my satchel got mailed to me. I had no way of getting the satchel, as it didn't show up in my mailbox since I am on a trial. I opened a ticket...
  15. HH Kill (Ally)

    Looking for help with Headless Horseman. I have access to my brother's account, which has multiple 85's on a different server, so I can be logged into both accounts to help with grouping. Not sure what exactly needs to be done, but I think I need another 85 on AP Ally side to join with my...
  16. WSG Premade H v A @ AP

    I'm confused. I could have sworn there was a post awhile back showing 5v5 wargames were possible. The question was whether or not 6v6+ would be possible. What exactly did you guys try that failed? Saying we can't do wargames is false, because Arenas are Wargames too and those happen quite a...
  17. WSG <3

    We do premades all the time, even when it isn't a CtA weekend =P Just today we had 5 man premades going almost all day
  18. p2p 20's to 24's.

    Being immature is a great way to prove your point of being immature, but thats about it. Again I must say that without trials, there wouldn't be a 20-24 bracket. So in reality, the P2P 20's and 24's are only able to play here because of us. If you decide to pay to play the game, why not...
  19. p2p 20's to 24's.

    Most people in this F2P community would see you as breaking the "rules." If you are going to play without the F2P restrictions (enchants mainly, and any other gear/items from proffs beyond 100) then most people wouldn't consider you to be part of the community. Where the issue lies is that...
  20. Scientific chest farming

    Thanks to this guide I found a chest right away, in the second level of the crypt. Unfortunately, the blue inside was level 24 Now that my mules are in place I'm hoping to get lucky =P