AP F2P Account


For many reasons, none of which are relevant, I won't be playing my account anytime soon (most likely never).

I put a decent amount of time into it and don't feel the need to just delete it, so I wanted to pass it along to anyone who wanted it.

Again, I didn't grind anything amazing on any of my toons, but I do have 4 level 20s that are BG ready at least.

They are all on AP, 2 horde 2 ally.

Monkman - Human Pally

Notable gear - AGM, Magicians Mantle, BoA Chest (Holy) (side note, I took all the Ret gear from quests, but liked Holy better in BGs so I started to get his Holy BoAs. Nearly there for a second piece, so you can switch back to ret to be BiS if you would like)

Minimonkman - Gnome Mage

Notable Gear - Grand Staff of Jordan (side note, he also has The Hallowed title for what its worth [not much])

Medusah - Belf Rogue

Notable Gear - none that I can think of, haven't played her in awhile. Fairly certain she is BG ready though

Vigorup - Troll Priest

Notable Gear - none, but BG ready. Needs a better random cloak, but has "of the elder" i think (4 int 4 spirit 2 stam)

Again, its an F2P account that I just won't be playing anymore. I loved the time I spent, and most of the people I had the pleasure of meeting. However I just won't be playing anymore, and wanted to give the account to anyone that wanted it.

Let me know here if you are interested and I'll give you the account info via PM.
Ohh, nice can I take the account? I lost my phone... which has my authenticator on it and I can't get onto my f2p account.

Why leave? It's a free account that will always be there. Just turn off the computer, take a break and you can come back later.
True it is free, but if I leave it here in my hands I will be more tempted to play when I should be doing other things. There is always a chance I will come back at some time, but there are more important things for me personally to take care of right now.

I'll probably lurk on the forums every now and then still, mainly to give Baffi a hard time =P

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