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  1. Multi-Boxing Setup

    5 paladins
  2. Getting to Outland

    Done. Zangar easy, BEM painful, damn sneaky spiders, Netherstorm easy aswell. and stop all the get a p2p to bla bla bla.. Where is the fun and challenge in that?
  3. "Admin Gone To The Darkside?"

    AP horde signing up with 24s was pathetic on it's own.. this 24 a**kissing even more so.
  4. How do you deal with hunters?

    why oh why would any hunter trinket cripling poison if they just disengaged out of range? The only way the rogue is catching up now is with shadowstep or lucky evasion dodge+sprint. Save trinket for shadowstep - scatter shot/pet stun. Anyway... Feral use shapeshift macro, pop rejuv...
  5. Why I Twink

    I twink because I log on to do battle.. not to grind gear with slightly better stats every few months. I've twinked at higher lvl's before, mostly because i preferr AV over WSG, AB or EotS. In AV you can take on alot of different roles, defence, recap, sneaky sh*t, hunter killer, full offense...
  6. Viable?

    Flash of Light. Prot would have on demand mana regen, but still.. it's a healer with pretty much one very mana costly tool
  7. Viable?

    To what end? exo spam? For healing purpose.. no. You are gaining lovely spellinterupt, 10s cd reduction on HoJ and a bit of hp. Giving up instant Holy shock and more importantly, getting 20s CD on WoG. So all you really have is 2 heals, one fast, strong, expensive and one ultra slow and useless...
  8. I would like some help with "how to heal". (HPally)

    Holy paladin is best played offensively. You want to use judgement for the speed buff and stack up holy power with crusader strike and holy shock. Free WoG goes along way. You don't need friendlies hp bars up, you got healbot, grid or standard raidview window for that. Keep enemy hp bars up, for...
  9. Who are the best of each class on AP?

    Mage: Cotus Hunter: Realtalk Shammy: Lindyy (retired?) Onkelkonkel or Bone then I reckon Warrior: Nönsense Priest: - Rogue: Medanx Warlock: - Paladin: Sokia Druid: Wcer On that note.. wooooow the AP twinks have gotten bad. played wsg with 3 ally rogues and 3 hordes.. shaman, priest...
  10. Queue times EU?

    How are the queue times EU? I'm thinking about going back to EU servers and i'm just trying to figure out which side i should join really.
  11. Mageweave

    Yeah Kurzen for melee. Ghouls outside gurubashi for ranged easy mode. Kurzen are faster to kill, but i like the slowmo ghouls while i wait for bg or chest.
  12. Best F2P class for World PvP?

    While prot paladin might make them feel like it could be a fair fight, track humanoid and beast is win for world pvp. Stealth or shadowmeld could be cool aswell.. hell, as ranged you could try to hide outside SW/Ironforge or Orgr and just wait for some 85 to lose a duel and BOOM.. hope to hit...
  13. Mageweave

    Anyone found a decent place to farm mageweave. Silk farming was easy enough in stv, but hardly got any mageweave. I'm thinking EP, but figured i'd ask here before i set out. Added chance of a rare drop would ofc be nice aswell.
  14. For the Horde! Victorious screenshots for the naysayers.

    peptalk from a human paladin from the looks of it
  15. Feral druid questions

    Shfthappens has a clue about his class. His talentbuild and the playstyle i've seen is build around short fights, staying on the target. Keeping up to 100/100 energy is important when you have to spam "/cast !cat form" macro to remove the constant conc shots and the random frostmage slow aswell...
  16. So farming..

    Highly doubt anything will come from reporting them, seeing as corpsecamping outside bg's has got to be really extreme before anything will happen. Anything within a bg which isn't exploit/hack, botting, insults etc. will be within the rules of the battleground. Blizzard will say that they can...
  17. P2P talk on F2P Forums, is it fair?

    Free to play shouldn't be a sub anymore. It's filled with p2p 20s, 24s and randoms with nothing to say besides how the bracket sucks, is dead and how paying matters. Mods rarely step in and I find it sad how many 2000+ post posters are doing nothing but one-liner, off topic, useless remarks...
  18. This is why your bracket sucks

    I'm not sure if the GY farming is getting worse, but it seems like it. I get constantly insulted for running the 3rd flag winning the game early. I do get that honor is the currency and winning WSG and handing in flags is less honor rewarding, than GY farming, but what a shitty thing to do to...
  19. Aerie Peak AGM topic

    Sorry don't know about today, the episode I mentioned was when the 85 paladin.. Vake.. something like that, kept coming to harass us. Doesn't matter now anyway. Let's just agree that we won't f... with eachother if the 85s are around. Take your chance at the chest when/if we manage to get them...
  20. Hunter theme song

    Am I the only one who hear this song while watching S hunters? Itunes Version