This is why your bracket sucks

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allahkazam said:
pretty much this. the fact that i was on a 24 didn't stop the 9 other people on my team from having between 500 and 839 hp and didn't stop an entire 10 man alliance team from farming the GY for 25 minutes. They wiped horde in mid and went immediately to below the GY. They capped once when a prot pally used lay on hands and the rest of their flag room D killed me in tunnel and after that it was a straight farm for the next 15 minutes. I managed to get into the flag room and defended it a little but finally i just gave up and said to myself if they are going to run the flag that I might as well just let them to end the game for my poor team.

if i posted this on a 20 would the reaction be any different? probably not. i'm already being told by one person here that i rolled the wrong faction. as if all i want to do is steamroll all day long. none of those players were level 24 either. it's your basic free to play twink that's doing this. aside from my 24 which i'll admit is geared pretty well, horde had basically no one. it was killing a team over and over that couldn't fight back. had i been on a 20 i would have probably afk'd out. the fact that i could rez and kill 2-3 people before dying again meant that i could wait it out and wait for that opportunity.

also, saying you choose to play AB because of hunters is just ignoring the problem. the bracket isn't balanced. at certain times horde may be better, but by and large the average horde pug is probably 7-8 players with around 750 hp unbuffed, maybe a twink or a 24, and someone with rez sickness. yes rez sickness. i did 4 games this morning and in 3 of them horde had someone start the game with rez sickness.

if this stuff keeps up pretty soon you won't have any games at all because no one is going to want to play on the horde side. the alliance that are so used to winning and so used to being able to GY farm for 20 minutes every game will make sure of that. it won't be 24s that ruin the bracket, but stupid 20s who don't realize you need both sides to queue to get a game.

If you are trying to balance horde out when they have 500-850 hp guys rolling a 24 isn't the answer. Instead, recruit f2p twinks. I haven't seen many from Aerie Peak GY farming (I'm not saying there's no1) but mostly from the other servers.

Edit: If horde got so many bad trials we can't do much about it, they are new to the game and the playerbase is much bigger than we think. There will always come new people, and who knows? In a month maybe alliance are the underpowered faction.
Nicozy said:
lol so it's all about gy farmin and not general farmin? people like u who roll 24 huntards give twinks a bad name <3 and I would gy farm u alll day erry day

This is why your bracket sucks.
allahkazam said:
Says the 19 hunter.

Obviously neither one of you can read either because I've said repeatedly throughout the thread that I wasn't farmed. I guess stomping 600 hp noobs with a fully twinked team in the GY for 25 minutes is ok as long as the opposing team has a level 24 who is nowhere near the GY. People like you that gave twinks a bad name.

Who cares, the bracket is broken, if you roll X class you're considered a facerolling baddy which means the bracket sucks and go somewhere else.
this is like the 15th thread where this "debate" has taken place. it's the same arguments from both sides, every ****ing time.

yes, the faction imbalance is still the biggest problem in this bracket. yes, the same scrubs who rolled alliance twinks, keyboard turn, and can barely squeeze out a halfway coherent english forum post are going to keep arguing that it isn't. yes, we need to correct this problem by encouraging *ALL* the *REAL* twinks who play in this bracket to (re)roll horde.

if i was a mod on this forum, i would have stickied a general information post at the very top of this forum instructing all new and prospective 20 twinks to roll horde exclusively a LONG ****ING TIME AGO. that alone could have done wonders for evening out the faction imbalance.
lol i don't play this bracket and i never will because of this shit going on, but this is really sad =/

get the pricks to agree to gimp themselves like the more self-controlled 29s and 39s and maybe games will be fun

also verbally abuse all 24s to the point of them leaving (except OP, he's cool)

also: you guys aren't reading his posts which actually make a great point. didn't read the entire thread, but from reading pg 3, i can see that everyone is now hating the 24 hunter. that's completely irrelevant, how does one 24 hunter on horde side nowhere near the GY justify the entire alliance team farming?

god, this is worse than max level.
Druiddroid said:
Who cares, the bracket is broken, if you roll X class you're considered a facerolling baddy which means the bracket sucks and go somewhere else.

shut up, get out douche, why are you here, you don't have a toon in this bracket, etc etc etc

post reported
C O T U S said:
this is like the 15th thread where this "debate" has taken place. it's the same arguments from both sides, every ****ing time.

That's what a debate is
C O T U S said:
shut up, get out douche, why are you here, you don't have a toon in this bracket, etc etc etc

post reported

This is a public forum which means he is aloud to express his opinion of the bracket even if you don't like it.
Xtr3m3 said:
lol i don't play this bracket and i never will because of this shit going on, but this is really sad =/

get the pricks to agree to gimp themselves like the more self-controlled 29s and 39s and maybe games will be fun

also verbally abuse all 24s to the point of them leaving (except OP, he's cool)

also: you guys aren't reading his posts which actually make a great point. didn't read the entire thread, but from reading pg 3, i can see that everyone is now hating the 24 hunter. that's completely irrelevant, how does one 24 hunter on horde side nowhere near the GY justify the entire alliance team farming?

god, this is worse than max level.

I fully understand the thread, heck I even posted a old thread about GY camping so more people can understand and make macros but I can't just ignore that he's 24 AND a hunter. If you have rolled 24 and still playing it the OP is still dumb to realise that he's doing something wrong.
Druiddroid said:
That's what a debate is

you're randomly showing up in our forum and throwing out nonsensical, irrelevant posts and spamming us with garbage


is that how you amassed 3321 forum posts? just being a dick and spamming stupid shit? did i just answer my own question?
augiddin said:
This is a public forum which means he is aloud to express his opinion of the bracket even if you don't like it.

no, sorry, posting nonsensical 1 liners backed up by nothing and irrelevant youtube links is not his "opinion" of anything

try again
I'm not sure if the GY farming is getting worse, but it seems like it. I get constantly insulted for running the 3rd flag winning the game early. I do get that honor is the currency and winning WSG and handing in flags is less honor rewarding, than GY farming, but what a shitty thing to do to fellow players. As predicted alliance side is seeing a rise in 24s, some as a response to the retarded 24 guilds on horde side. Alot of twinks are now only going AB, meaning more baddies in wsg per game - being both bad and undergeared players and players just looking to farm hks. I don't see a change coming from blizzard, 'cept maybe a higher honor reward for capping flags.
when i first heard about f2p my hunter already had about 2500 of the 3400 honor needed to convert to JP and get an heirloom. i didn't roll the hunter specifically for this bracket. i don't know if you guys aren't understanding that or not, but it bears repeating. I wanted to finish the honor grind that i started before I had cataclsym to be able to get an heirloom piece.

also you say doing something wrong like playing a 24 is in anyway comparable to GY farming undergeared people for 25 minutes. The game after the one I posted I could have easily held the flag for the horde to GY farm and I even had people in bg chat begging me to do so because they had been farmed earlier in the morning. I told them no. Not prolonging a game to farm noobs is what separates horde and alliance at this level. Alliance it would have been a race to the GY. Horde I actually had 3-4 people escorting me up the tunnel with our last flag cap.

i definitely will not apologize for playing a 24 or a hunter or a 24 hunter. I've got my honor to convert into JP for a 2175 JP heirloom which is all I wanted so you probably will never see that hunter at 24 in xp off games. i won't apologize for gearing up my 24 in MMB either. Playing the game I pay for isn't wrong at all.
mindfake said:
I'm not sure if the GY farming is getting worse, but it seems like it. I get constantly insulted for running the 3rd flag winning the game early. I do get that honor is the currency and winning WSG and handing in flags is less honor rewarding, than GY farming, but what a shitty thing to do to fellow players. As predicted alliance side is seeing a rise in 24s, some as a response to the retarded 24 guilds on horde side. Alot of twinks are now only going AB, meaning more baddies in wsg per game - being both bad and undergeared players and players just looking to farm hks. I don't see a change coming from blizzard, 'cept maybe a higher honor reward for capping flags.

you just have to stop playing wsg. it sucks, but that's the way it is. the mods on this forum should have also done a general information post stickied at the top of this forum a loooooooooooooooong time ago that instructs players to avoid wsg.

we've been grouping up and doing ABs for a while now. there's just no good reason why anybody who posts here or reads this forum should *ever* be in a wsg in this bracket, unless they've also grouped up.

if all horde twinks stopped queuing wsg, there would eventually be only a handful of f2p non-twinks who queued it, and eventually they would stop too, or there would be so few that the alliance scrubs would stop getting regular wsg pops.

there's no point in just sitting here complaining about this stuff. we need to offer SOLUTIONS. my suggestion above is an example of a SOLUTION. there are many other ways we can go about fixing this, so i encourage other people to suggest SOLUTIONS and not just make these threads that bitch about the same old problem that we all know isn't gonna magically go away on its own.
other things that aren't SOLUTIONS: asshole kids coming in this forum and posting dumb, blatantly trolling irrelevant shit.

and allahkazam, i apologize if my above post sounded like i was coming down on you, because that was not my intent. i was trying to refer to the glut of complaining posts about the faction imbalance that we have seen recently (i have done them too).
allahkazam said:
Yeah because completely giving up on ever winning a WSG and only doing AB is not totally indicative of the larger problem of runaway faction imbalance. most definitely is. i'm not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic, but we're obviously in agreement here. :)

you can't stop the scrubs from continuing to roll alliance rogues, hunters, and pallies. nobody can. it's going to keep happening. that's the way it is.

i've already posted 2 potential SOLUTIONS that could help to deal with this problem and preserve a halfway functional bracket. i'm sure that other people have ideas too, and they should share them.
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