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  1. Brewfest

    trying to get as much tokens as possible so i can get the acivments :D my first year so :D just noticed that the purple keg weapon you get is as good as the best non hierloom weapon :D which made me happy cause those are hard to some by xD
  2. riding turtle

    yeah i was thinking of that too :) Only sad thing is that i wont get a nice card to frame up on my wall :D but who needs that anyways :D 149 USD (wowtcgloot price) is about 1050 in swedish money. and that is about as much as i have :D people is going to tell me im insane :D but who cares right...
  3. riding turtle

    i got like 1000 "svenska kronor" and that is roughly 140 USD so i am good to go atm :D just have to fins a good auction now :D
  4. riding turtle

    Yeah i have been stalking that site for quite a while now :D It´s really neat :) but any tips on how to NOT get scammed on ebay. since im in europe and all ebay auctions is US it could be a pain if i get scammed :O
  5. riding turtle

    Im playing on it more than my 85s soo i guess that means its my main :D i almost got enough money atm :D since im probably going to buy it over ebay, do anyone have and advise for buying things on ebay? :)
  6. Pirate day!

    Grettings fellow twinker i am proud to annonce its the 19:th september and that means it is international talk like a pirate day! to celebrate this go to booty bay and have a drink with captain demenza (spelling?)! 10 easy achivment points for just going to BB and talk to a npc :D I just...
  7. riding turtle

    @pwnadin ty bro :D @Fishnchips i do wanna test that sometime too :D @threesets yeah it going to look epic :D @chubs BEST quote EVER! :D
  8. riding turtle

    I have my birthday the 19:th september (tommorrow) and i know im going to get some money as a present. and i recently have started thinking of getting the TCG riding turtle for my beloved eclise... soo what do you guys think? should i do it or am i insane for even considering it? :P
  9. Engineering question

    Im soo jealous that you have engineering :( and i wouldnt risk it :O but accully i got no idea. it would be wierd if you could get the benefits from 3 different proffs at the same time though ^^
  10. Traveling UC to SW (horde)

    the spirit walk thing worked perfectly! :D
  11. Traveling UC to SW (horde)

    Tried joining a lvl 21 guild but no1 wants my 58 dk :( i think they are evil! but anyways will try dieing in org thing :D i really want to be able to start the grind for HKs :D
  12. Traveling UC to SW (horde)

    soo here is my problem i got 5 undeads in undercity... i need to get them to stormwind (or elwynn forest) What do you guys think is the best way of getting lots of level 5s to SW?
  13. Level 1 achievements - "Hall of Fame"

    It deserves a sticky! :D this hall of fame is one of the biggest reasons i really want more achiwment points :P to be able to say "this is a list of the best level 1 twinks and i am one of them!" it would be awesome! :D
  14. Level 1 achievements - "Hall of Fame"

    I like this forum post :P so im going to bumb it cause it will soon be falling down in too the oblivion of page 2 :O hopefully i can soon get on the list even :D 1210 and counting :D
  15. lvl 10 of the Horde

    You need to have level apropriate accounts to farm so those you kill need to be "green" to you. so they cant be level 5 ^^ they probebly need to be atleast 65 i belive^^ or maybe even higher.
  16. lvl 10 of the Horde

    i know it isnt impossible^^ im working on it atm on my rogue^^ 1000 atm but just fixed the auto rez at spirithealer macro. so now i just have to get my 5 farming accounts from undead starting zone to elvynn xD /elwynn is where my GY im using is :D
  17. lvl 10 of the Horde

    you can ress via spirit healer with macro :D but the 45 sec debuff holds ya down pretty much. :/ but hey 45 sec is better than 2 min :P but it is still a necro-bumb and this thread should be moved to the level 10-14 forum. or even better be locked... it contains A LOT of outdated info and it can...
  18. lvl 10 of the Horde

    Edit: Double post nvm this :(
  19. lvl 10 of the Horde

    Necro bump ftw! and isnt level 10 to high for this part of the forum? :D just sayin'. back on topic though... This thread is over 2 years old and its way harder now^^ but i still think that this should be moved to the 10-14 forum :)
  20. How should I go about farming HKs?

    Wow, ty m8 never though it would work but now my farming will go much faster :) just have to change graveyard though the scarlet monastry spirit healer is too far from where you spawn when you die :( but ty! :D