Traveling UC to SW (horde)


soo here is my problem i got 5 undeads in undercity... i need to get them to stormwind (or elwynn forest) What do you guys think is the best way of getting lots of level 5s to SW?
Take them to org, die, hop on the zeppelin to grom'gol (STV) as ghosts, run north through STV and Westfall, go to a Spirit Healer in Elwynn and log out. Don't resurrect.

I haven't found out exactly how long you need to stay completely logged out, but I usually do it for at least a few hours. Then, log back in and click the Return to Graveyard button. You should be brought to some GY in Elwynn. Then use the Spirit Healer to resurrect.

That's how you ghostwalk after the nerf.
get one invited to a lvl21 guild and mass summon them
Tried joining a lvl 21 guild but no1 wants my 58 dk :( i think they are evil! but anyways will try dieing in org thing :D i really want to be able to start the grind for HKs :D
you could just ask any mage to port them to the city, or anyone in a lvl21+ guild to summon them, doesnt even need to be your own toon, but there are lots of 21+ guilds that are just for lvling, try the lf guild tab on your dk.
Dangerdoom said:
you could just ask any mage to port them to the city, or anyone in a lvl21+ guild to summon them, doesnt even need to be your own toon, but there are lots of 21+ guilds that are just for lvling, try the lf guild tab on your dk.

A horde mage can port to SW? Since when?
Ok for one I never logged out just stood by the spirit healer and pushed return to grave then resed there but either way and two honestly I did tower azora first until friendly lvl 85s started to ape my trials lol but if you have the same prob try gilneus no one goes there unless its the instanced version Plus close for those undead lvl 5s

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