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  1. Better Luck Next Time The Guild Movie!

    Nice video, imo inspiering and I love the effort. Hope it continues to grow strong!!!!
  2. EU Faction balance.

    Comment removed.
  3. Jana, Hysteria i guess your 85s are bad?

    Look, instead of going at forums and doing public hanging of other people, just create a level 1 char and talk it out with them, ok? Kind regards Twinkensteinn
  4. Best day off ever.

    Good luck with everything man. Sometimes you just have to do what seems right, and who can blame you for it? Make sure to remain strong and stay optimistic, I really hope everything works out for you just fine, but really sad that ur mother reacted that way. If you ever seek someone you dont...
  5. Does Shadowfang still drop?

    I've spoken to four different GM's about shadowfang when taking tickets for various reasons. Three of them told me it still drops, the fourth one told me that it does not since they changed loottables. Kind regards Twinkensteinn
  6. EU queue times

    EU servers, for me its around 5-7 mins, sometimes its WAY faster and sometimes maybe you will just miss it. And yeah, around 12-01:00 i'd say ques are fairly reasonable.
  7. 19 druid LF server EU Horde

    Close to BiS all speccs, got arena experience over 2k+ at s2 season, been twinking since classic WoW, and playing druid since classic WoW, and been twinking druids since classic WoW.
  8. What started you in twinks/tinks.

    I started out back in vanilla. I hated leveling, and decided to take a break to do some pvp with my first character that hit 29. Logically I started to gather gear for it, and the twink was not even close to BiS, heck, dont know if people even knew if twinking existed back then. After that I...
  9. Balance druid suggestion

    Alright, I suggest you to take my advice on druid on what works for me. The gear I currently got equipped is quite ok and atleast gets me hitcapped, Will change the gloves to wolf riders once I get the crit enchant on. About the belt that I guess is personal. I would want to try to get the 8sta...
  10. How I got my shadowfang.

    This makes me wanna level a 19 lock and bind my shadowfang to it and put +30sp on it and /lol at the guys who dont got it :D
  11. Noble's Robe PC

    Well, it might share some value to people that actually want to look good when doing bg's. For instance, the robe + hierloom healer mace (not honor), the honor leather healshoulder with the lamp from SFK + the hierloom head looks in my opinion absolutely stellar on a night elf female druid...
  12. Resto drood glove enchant

    I would say 16 sp > 10 haste in this case. Kind regards, twinkensteinn
  13. WTB Stuff [EU]

    I got a shadowfang, buuut, im not interessted in such things as in game gold. If you truly are interessted in having one however, I wouldnt mind transfering to your server (for own money) if you trade me a riding turtle or a dragon kite (NOT tuskar kite).
  14. EU WTB Shadowfang

    I got one, but seeing as it doesnt drop anymore, i'd only sell it for either a turtle mount or a dragon kite (Not the tuskar one). Im willing to transfer servers, but the code has to come before I give you the item. If you are interessted in this, or anyone else, please reply to this. :)