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  1. GetGone

    Top 10 reasons to twink in Cataclysm Classic

    We need some pr
  2. GetGone

    Top 10 reasons to twink in Cataclysm Classic

    looking forward to twinking in cata!
  3. GetGone

    Anybody preparing to 70-74 twink in Cata Classic?

    Thinking of leveling a toon for twinking in 70-74 bgs once Cata drops. Hoping this will be possible. If anybody wants to level with me, or meet up at some point on a certain server, add my battletag: Gone#1921 Also if anybody is looking for some 70/85 twinking nostalgia from Cata-Mop I have...
  4. GetGone

    39s going forward

    Welcome. I personally can't attend wed/sat, and would love events on different days/at different times, as I'm sure some others would, too. Gone#1921 hit me up if you need people for any wargames or for any reason. Thanks! Good luck.
  5. GetGone

    What happened guys?

    yeah I literally just started twinking 19 and haven't gotten 1 bg q haha
  6. GetGone

    Saying hi, looking for connections.

    tyty, I added you guys
  7. GetGone

    Saying hi, looking for connections.

    thanks for the suggestions and battle tags, and I guess for the softcore prostitution ring? :) see you in the gulch~!
  8. GetGone

    Saying hi, looking for connections.

    Hello 19 bracket, I'm Gone, from 70's cata(and almost 10 other twink brackets since vanilla), and I'm just here to say hi. I'm in the process of twinking out my first 19 and will make more toons for the purpose of faction balance and to find the classes I enjoy the most. If you want to help me...
  9. GetGone

    Project 39 [Funding Applications here]

    1. I love twinking and am looking for an active bracket to join and assist. 2. I've twinked 29,30,39,49,50,70-74,85,99, and PvPed at max level every expansion since vanilla to moderate success. I achieved success in RBGs, arenas, and a tournament(controversially) in the 70 bracket. 3...
  10. GetGone

    70 RBG videos

    sorry it's my mic, but it's worth it to hear all the communication. it isn't really a special music-included entertainment pvp video, just a raw unedited stream of the game.
  11. GetGone

    70 pally

    not really, ret is kindof underwhelming in this bracket. you'll have fun in random bgs and 3s, but without tazik you won't have reliable burst, just procs. you could go 72 for wings though.
  12. GetGone

    70 RBG videos

    hey it's gone, I recorded two rbgs last night on 12/18 and have links to both of them here: check them out if you want to see how the RBG scene is looking in the 70 twink bracket! fun games, mad respect to all involved.
  13. GetGone

    Ele shammy arena.

  14. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    yeah, I've SW:deathed blinds, sapped off of frost novas, sapped vanishes, but I only have like 50ish GB to record on and raw AVI data is huge. I will try to make an epic video one day, but until then I can only record average BG bullshit. the times I pull epic shit/get in a position to pull it...
  15. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    oh and by the way, goneshort and Gone/Sauce deleted scenes have arena in them. edit: and gone/mikee and Gone 70 2v2 arena priest/rogue are arena videos but they are very old and I'm better now kinda embarassing.
  16. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    yeah Yowxd I agree, I'll try to get more arena vids up, I just don't like recording or streaming my serious arena matches because it screws my FPS/latency up respectively. I'll work on a 2s mashup me doing 2s on my priest, shaman, and rogue. I had a 2s video of my shaman but the audio was...
  17. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    "if you say so bro" haha
  18. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    the mikee 2v2 one was pretty funny back in the day too
  19. GetGone

    Rogue PvP Video(s)

    haha yes, got some gems hidden on that channel