Search results

  1. Shaman ?

    hey im kinda new at this level 1 twinking - not copletely ive had a 1 rogue on dunemaul, and now i wanna try out the level 1 shaman just for the lols and achievement points, can someone tell me whats bis ?
  2. what u say ?

    Hey fellow Twinks, me and a couple of friends wanted to play some twinks but didnt wanted to spend our money on wow again (there was a reason we stopped..) so one of us tried to start a private server but his connection is crap, so i was thinkin, is there someone in here that knows how to make a...
  3. Old level 1 Worgens

    bon gm wow gz
  4. 19's transmogrified

    hey guys'n'girls i was just wondering who got the coolest gear atm - im sorry i got no pic, ive quitted wow /:
  5. Garrosh Ring ?

    ive just done it. thx for your help Tinkerton.
  6. Garrosh Ring ?

    stop being a ball head and tell me...-_-
  7. Garrosh Ring ?

    Wtf is mor'shan front ?
  8. Garrosh Ring ?

    i tried to find it on wowhead but couldnt figure it out, how many quests req ? and where do i find the "Pre start quest" ?
  9. Garrosh Ring ?

    hey i just have a quick question, how do i get Garrosh Ring ? im horde level 19 FC druid but i cant seem to figure out how to get the quest ? ive read that there are Pre Quests but dunno where. help pl0x
  10. [Level1] Rate my gear!

    Woooow u have BoA leggs that aint implented yet cool. and nice rogues can wear Mail now, that aint OP...
  11. Lets Unite !

    get a larger moniter lol!
  12. Lets Unite !

    ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░...
  13. Lets Unite !

    Hello Fellow Twinks ! me and some friends have decided to move to StormReaver and Twinkin ! atm i dont think there is a twink cummunity over there yet, but if we stand together we can do everything ! its a PvP server so we are able to do some harrasment :b atm im thinkin about doing it a...
  14. Ss/vids

    hello fellow twinks, im on vecation in Turkey, and atm its night time so cant go to the pool, and one of my favorite things to do at night time is looking at other twinks, SS or Vids, but im looking on youtube everyday for new vids, and atm nothing new, so this thread is for post pictures and...
  15. Chardev

    yes this is about 19 twinks, cuz i used chardev to make 19 twink :)
  16. Chardev

    thx alot, btw how many threads do i need to make to become higher ranked :p ?
  17. Chardev

    how do i watch my saved Chardevs ?
  18. Patch 4.3

    one of my friends told me that u have to be able to equip the gear before u can get the looks of it, soo a lvl 85 warr/pala/dk can equip every gear :s
  19. Patch 4.3

    hello ive just read the new patch updates and as far as i see u can Transmogrifaction - means that u can make your gear look different, so i was thinkin, cool thats nice for the low lvls with shit lookin gear, but what about the 85 that have worked for the looks of their gear ? 19 twinks will...
  20. Warlock.

    i had a priest (lilcupcake EU) and he was ALMOST bis, but than i started to play 85 again, and now my firends tell me next patch there are gonna be the patch Deathwing comes out and that is waaay to fast in my opinion, us casual raiders dont stand a chance getting FL hc gear before next raid...