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  1. Rogue.

    You could check my rogue (its in the signature below) aswell. If your planing to move BoAs it would be a good setup to aim for. But ofc replace my rings with dual Charged Gear of the Monkey or Agility, or one of each kind, as haste is not really neccesary for a subtlety rogue. I...
  2. 29 Priest BiS Gear

    My 2 cents, you might wanna change chest and shoulder, as Mialo is using BiS BUT Grandfathered ;)
  3. Draenor 29

    Yeah actually the situation for our bracket on EU is kinda sad. Plus, theres a bit new content to "enjoy" ... more or less. Well. Ill be moving soon and looking forward to have a decent broadband connection to finally participate in 29 PvP again. As soon as Im done moving I might take that part...
  4. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    Well Tapout, theres something I dont really get. Afaik if the Hit percentage of Skull reaches 0,00% your hitcapped. Means that you cant even improve your hit chance any more by gaining more and more hit. As I got the same miss chance with 8% Hit on my Hunter as I got with 14% Hit. What Im...
  5. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    Donteventrii, tell me about the other Racials, did I miss anything out? What I should mention, it is going to be a horde twink in the end. I got enough Alliance Twinks by now :P
  6. 29 ARMS warr

    Oh cmon, there really isnt =) That is just one of those less mature short 1337-nerd Answers I was talkin bout. Really not neccesary, is it?
  7. 29 ARMS warr

    This happens if people are too proud of being something, this whole discussions seems a bit immature to me. Cant we all just become a community again focussing on the things we like? Dont compare each others gear, help each other to get the most out of your character. Derth might be using...
  8. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    Well thank you so far, 12 Expertise that is so far. Do you know if this is the CAP for Exp-Rating? If yes that would be worth a try altough I lack abit other stats then. Still I like giving different builds a try =) - Hrani
  9. Rogue on 29 and the Expertise

    As I want to roll a rogue, mostly for 29 open world fun, against higher players and NPCs / Mobs aswell it will be an essential part of my gear to be capped with Hit and Expertise, what I was wondering is: Do we have any chance of getting a decent Expertise, maybe losing some health or lacking a...
  10. Oh hai just wanna post this pic

    We had a get-together at the gurubashi arena and I was forced to take a picture of it, here it is:
  11. Next EU night??

    Oh hai Gurubashi, and im back home wednesday. MADNESS! - Hrani
  12. Maraudon Boss [Rotgrip] Solo'ed by two 29's

    Tapout, why dont you run Lib once to get your awesome new Belt? Moar Crits! Moar Crits! - Hrani has spoken. In him we trust.
  13. WSG Timetable EU

    Hrani gives his support for this, but hes online 24/7 anyways.
  14. EU 29 Active Realm

    For surrrrr not. I eat you all. You will suffer in pain!
  15. EU 29 Active Realm

    Or just chose the dark side, and join me. [evilgrin] - Hrani
  16. Most active bracket on US Realms and the Pool to go.

    Well thanks for the information. Im not quite sure if I am moving to US then. Im not that interested in 70s. And as I cant move Accounts from EU to US that easily, I would have to buy another copy of Classic AND Burning Crusade :P But anyway, I might give the 19 bracket of US a try then...
  17. Maraudon quest..

    As the situation itself has already been mentioned on, I asume that its already known outside of or our community. I got no records about site visits for twinkinfo, but from what I know of those of wowhead are quite good ^^ We will see if theres a fix for the...
  18. Maraudon quest..

    As it is a Quest with just one ID available for both, horde and alliance, it isnt.
  19. Maraudon quest..

    What Obe said is 100% true. The quest is STILL obtaineable. I did the run on my 29 Lock for the gloves just about 12 Hours ago and it worked fine for me. I dont really believe that a fix for this is coming that fast. - Hrani
  20. Most active bracket on US Realms and the Pool to go.

    As I am kinda sad about the situation with the european brackets and I am willing to play more twinking BGs than just at weekends, I was planning to move to US realms with twinks aswell. Because I am a bit lazy and would like to have up-to-date information I am just aking this again, I...