Most active bracket on US Realms and the Pool to go.


As I am kinda sad about the situation with the european brackets and I am willing to play more twinking BGs than just at weekends, I was planning to move to US realms with twinks aswell.

Because I am a bit lazy and would like to have up-to-date information I am just aking this again, I guess someone did before.

My question is as simply as the thread itself says, which is the most active bracket for US Realms and what pool will I have to move on? A second account with a maximum of "classic" should be fair enough for having almost the full twinking experience for up to level 60. Or is anything important getting restricted if its just a classic account?

Well, thanks for your answer ;)

Regards, Hrani.
I personally believe 70s are the most active bracket, but I know plenty will argue with me that 19s are more active. That's besides the point.

If you're staying on a Classic Vanilla account your best bet WOULD be 19s, as they get pops daily. However, I do think 29s 39s and 49s have all seen BG pops, so you may want to check out all the brackets.
After playing 70s and 19s I can say that 70s have faster pops (q'ing for a random bg @70 vs q'ing for WSG @19) and you also have the option to arena, which is battlegroup dependant I think, but from what I've heard and in my personal experience the 2s q times are anywhere from instant to 5 minutes-ish.
Well thanks for the information. Im not quite sure if I am moving to US then. Im not that interested in 70s. And as I cant move Accounts

from EU to US that easily, I would have to buy another copy of Classic AND Burning Crusade :p But anyway, I might give the 19 bracket

of US a try then, seems like it is still more active than on EU.

- Hrani
Yeah, I've never thought about it, but I haven't really seen alot of EU 19s...

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