
BoA's or no BoA's ?
As rogue, you might check out Tapout. Don't know his armory. His link should be hanging around somewhere in these forums.
You could check my rogue (its in the signature below) aswell. If your planing to move BoAs it would be a good setup to aim for.

But ofc replace my rings with dual Charged Gear of the Monkey or Agility, or one of each kind, as haste is not really neccesary for a subtlety rogue.

I personally Ambush my target and then keep on hammerin hemo for my dps, feels like its more than hammerin on backstab ...

For the ranged weapon you may switch to "Shutter Uppers" for a faster ranged attack (prevent restealth) or with poision on for slowing your target ;)

Glass Shooter is your choice for a maximum crit setup. Mine is with a fair amount of crit and >700 AP (Hello DPS!) ..

- Hrani

Edit: If you find a Cutthroat's Vest of Agility I would prefer wearing it, good HP, good Crit, awesome AP.

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