Search results

  1. Davidqt - 19 hunter

    Hey, i'm looking to get rid of my account. I have an 85 shaman, 85 paladin, 71 druid, 68 hunter, as well as several 19s - Including Davidqt, who has 2 titles, too many achievement points, BiS gear, and is currently xferable. If anyone is interested in buying the account let me know and we can...
  2. Arathi Basin Premade ~ Sunday 1/16/11

    Nice job, we got a pop right on time. It wasn't terrible but WSG is definitely more fun at this level. Arathi Basin is just too big without mounts. :(
  3. Vigorous Belt of Stamina?

    Rolling with that one now, tyvm (:
  4. Vigorous Belt of Stamina?

    I've been looking for a Vigorous Belt of Stamina (Leather Belt with 8 stamina) for my FCing set.. I've seen the cloth and mail versions of it.. but after countless randoms, i've had no luck getting a leather version. Anyone able to confirm whether it exists or not? Thanks.
  5. New guild name

    <Moar Srs Than Cancer> <Peanut Butter Smack> Dane Cook* <Scrotiemcboogerballs> Southpark* <Guild Bank Run by Jews> <Turbo Nerds for Life>
  6. IDK about you guys...

    Propagandhi, rank 1 drood. Johneffer, rank 1 nine year old troll. Senior Twink Umpteenthtwink, rank 1 comedian.
  7. IDK about you guys...

    How is i no twink? i dun understant. i has fishing hat and i gots lots of hp. why is i not a twink? r u a twink? Look, in all reality, most of my haters are just pissed that I've killed your toon in a bg. Whether it be in the Alliance flag room, Horde flag room, or Midfield. That makes me a...
  8. IDK about you guys...

    I feel so special guys. Thanks for the attention! :D MAH HKS R GROWYING MOAR N MOAR!
  9. IDK about you guys...

    Moar please. My Epeen is getting Huuuuuge!
  10. Proff question

    If you are just running around dropping totems, maybe attempt building a FC set? Mining and Herbalism is the way to go for that. Otherwise figure out a way to cast since that's what the elemental class is all about.
  11. Noob Question, Hunter Pets.

    I use a bat for the 2 second stun, my other pet is a Dragonhawk.. it breathes fire on an enemy and increase magical damage taken by 8% for 45 seconds. 30 second CD. Great for when you have a few casters in your group.
  12. IDK about you guys...

    I'm sorry. :(
  13. IDK about you guys...

    Mesh, umad? jealous? Quit being such a hater. It fuels my epeen moar.
  14. What guilds are premading?

    Midfield Superstars has like 3 dudes. We kill stuff.
  15. IDK about you guys...

    Haha. :D Much love.
  16. Phoetidtwo 19 balance druid

    I'd say so far your at 8/10. Need a fishing hat and 225 herb. 1h mace and Furbolg pouch might be the way to roll, too.. Idk. I think I'll stick to hunters.
  17. Phoetidtwo 19 balance druid

    Here ya go :) ---------> Phoetidtwo @ Garona - Game - World of Warcraft
  18. Daviddraiman- 19 Human Hunter, Survival.

    It took me a long time to decide between mining and skinning, but I chose mining since hunters get a 10% stamina increase. It may seem a little pointless but a large health pool never hurt anyone.
  19. Daviddraiman- 19 Human Hunter, Survival.

    I changed my shirt to a Yellow Lumberjack one just for you. <3
  20. Daviddraiman- 19 Human Hunter, Survival.

    So this is my hunter from Midfield Superstars on Garona. I think I'm all BiS but if you guys see anything I'm missing please post and help me out! Feel free to comment on play style, gear, etc.