IDK about you guys...

Steamed said:
This always happens to me: I am in a wsg with a bunch of newly made "twinks" with less than 800 hp. We start off getting the flag then lose it and ally scores. Then the allies proceed to farm our graveyard for the next 20 minutes while everyone on my team starts world war three arguing about who is a "baddie".

no raging here, just observing.

Sounds like an exact description of the Horde on Kul'Tiras. You nailed it.
Daviddraiman said:
Haha. :D Much love.

David. I just recognized your name, I usually end up playing against you, and almost always you make the alliance shit on us horde every time we go against you.

A tip of my hate to you sir.
curleypwnsu said:
Lmao you may think I Hack but I just play that good

I'm pretty sure he was talking about you deleteing johns toons and leveling his twink, nobody thinks you're so good that you might be hacking. lmao
pilgrim said:
Whats the name of your character because im sure I was one of them. Sorry if it felt like I was camping you. Were we still capping flags or did it seem like I was farming? If it did im sorry. I got Keeshan's bandana now, not good but it will work until I grab my fishing hat.

were your names (something)man and (something)sonn

if so, (im not mad) you killed me 3 times in a row in front of our gy.
Startled said:
I'm pretty sure he was talking about you deleteing johns toons and leveling his twink, nobody thinks you're so good that you might be hacking. lmao

John as in johneffer?

Anyway who ever hacks somebody's account and levels their twink is a cunt. Simple as.
Curley you hacked his account? you always seemed like a good guy to me, but now i understand why everyone on the forum hates you lol. (if the hacking thing is true)
Steamed said:
Curley you hacked his account? you always seemed like a good guy to me, but now i understand why everyone on the forum hates you lol. (if the hacking thing is true)

personally I thought he had downs, but now hes a real tool
Skullfokker said:
David. I just recognized your name, I usually end up playing against you, and almost always you make the alliance shit on us horde every time we go against you.

A tip of my hate to you sir.

I'm sorry. :(
Lawlpurge said:
Play objectively for once, you fucking toolbag, camping and farming shouldn't be a mark of pride for you. Also, nominating <Midfield Superstars> for trashiest guild name of 2010.

dang brah :(
if you guys didnt mid farm the name wouldnt matter so much, it would just seem like a joke, but since u do, its annoying and seems cocky.
Steamed said:
if you guys didnt mid farm the name wouldnt matter so much, it would just seem like a joke, but since u do, its annoying and seems cocky.

Sorry, but I dont farm mid, I made a 19 to play wsg not pwn nubz
Lawlpurge said:
Play objectively for once, you fucking toolbag, camping and farming shouldn't be a mark of pride for you. Also, nominating <Midfield Superstars> for trashiest guild name of 2010.

h.g.h. bra
Windsword said:
I haven't gotten asked where I got the AGM/fishing hat, but yeah, I see tons of under 1k xp-off characters on Alliance side and it usually costs us the game. It doesn't ever seem to work in your favor with the opposing team either, because those under 1k players will usually die around 10 times and quit so that the team is replaced in the second half with well geared hordies. Had a couple games going 2-0 in our favor, alliance resorted to gy farming and being baddies in mid, only to have it turned around with like 7 minutes on the clock.

My girlfriend keeps having people ask her where to get the bat. Why would you even queue for an xp-off game when you don't know where bats can be found in Azeroth? To each his/her own I guess.

Tell me about it....I spent half the last BG I was in telling another person where I got AGM, why I had 2 of them, where I got my hat from, etc... =/ I've never had questions about my bat...I do get asked a lot about the fox though.

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