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  1. BiS 80 pve lock

    This is my lock atm in pvp gear, normally using deathsilk boots and braces so dotn whine at th emissing gem just bought em, but messing around on some dummies in my pvp gear and gemming i can confirm ove rlike 10 min fights that destro is **** and with my current reforging demo is above...
  2. PvP trinkets

  3. PvP trinkets

    your complete answer was in my question but okay thanks for nothing i guess lol
  4. PvP trinkets

    I did already say im getting the alch trinket and the engineering tinker so dunno why you needed to tell me that, my quetsion was ressi trinket or wintergrasp int trinket that is also a freedom trinket,
  5. PvP trinkets

    Just a quick question, im making a warlock at 80 (68 atm) got maxed alch and engi and all that good stuff so im getting the alch trinket, but for the PvP trinket is the ressi version still available and if so would the wintergrasp ones still be the way to go? Cheers
  6. Ele shammy arena.

    just bought te necklace, was using a sunwell ressi one before didnt realise. happy? also, whats your point i checked your armoury and you d indeed have all your sockets gemmed and yet still no 2k acheiv in 3s as a mage? =/ inb4 "i dont pvp much", well you have 1750 acheivement in 3s and...
  7. Ele shammy arena.

    On my ele shammy ive played with a disc all the time with either a mage destro lock or rogue rogue was prolly the most fun then destro but at 2.1 atm with mage/disc, started off in the team playing my warrior but logged when we met double mage disc after double mage disc, hence the team name...
  8. 70 balance druid?

    ill work on it, nothing special just a few clips, cant promise anythingstraight away cos ive got work to do (:
  9. 70 balance druid?

    Get synapse, pop starfall. i could post a vid of it in 3s if you want i guess
  10. Warsong gulch farm

    I think he is just trying to tell us that: Organised groups of people > Unorganised groups of people Mankind has been around for a current estimate of 6 million years, i dont know how no one figured this out sooner? =/
  11. Confused @ 70 prot war

    As a general rule be near 30% ressi, tends to stop you getting instantly rolled. i had no problem killing healers with that amount even got luky a few times and sheild slammed off natures swiftness n all, priests are easier bcause of it, so if your worried about killing stuff while having more...
  12. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    ah glad i could help a lil^^
  13. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    um, for the prot warrior he has a spirit cloak on atm, might wana fix that, and ide like to know the reasoning of the pvp boots over dreadboots of the legion (2 sockets) and the brutal sword over the hand of the deciever, also 2 sockets, just curious (:
  14. In-depth Level Seventy Hunter Guide (MM PvP)

    Looks good but ide add /use !flare to the flare macro and also /stopcasting /use [@focus,pet] growl /use trap launcher the growl will eat any grounding totems or spell reflects that can affect traps. its at focus because the shamman is usualy the focus so the grounding will be near...
  15. Feeling down

    wouldnt surprise me, every time i run it on my shammy the wand of the demonsoul drops and everytime im on my mage the off hand fist drops, well not every but enough to make me want to hate sunwell trash drops
  16. Feeling down

    lol at least your honest... ...tah i guess
  17. Feeling down

    Never thought ide bewhining about legendaries dropping, thanks anyway i guess^^
  18. Feeling down

    7 runs on my warrior, 3 thoridals but no hand of the deceiver ): some one just pitty me please
  19. Unholy DK?

    Unholy was viable before this frost resist thing but it wont affect frost dks that much considering oblit in physical, ive seen 2.2 unholy dks who seem to get around the lack of lichbourne by just not taking damage with the "passive" snare and tools like improved AMS and AMZ, only problems is...
  20. Arena 2 vs 2 (EU)

    ah had a few decent games vs some priest lock as boomkin priest with that name thought it was you ):