PvP trinkets


Just a quick question, im making a warlock at 80 (68 atm) got maxed alch and engi and all that good stuff so im getting the alch trinket, but for the PvP trinket is the ressi version still available and if so would the wintergrasp ones still be the way to go?

I did already say im getting the alch trinket and the engineering tinker so dunno why you needed to tell me that, my quetsion was ressi trinket or wintergrasp int trinket that is also a freedom trinket,
I did already say im getting the alch trinket and the engineering tinker so dunno why you needed to tell me that, my quetsion was ressi trinket or wintergrasp int trinket that is also a freedom trinket,

I felt the need of telling you that just to give you a complete answer, which i did.

- Nesy
well ill try to answer this in a suitable manner.

1) yes the resil trinket is still available. you can get it in sw/org from the legacy armor qm

2) whether or not the resil is better depends on the rest of your gear, your level of comfort/skill based on your gear, and if you solo que or not.

if you play in heavy pvp gear, then you might prefer the wg one (95 int, not too shabby) as opposed to stacking more resil

if you play in more pve gear you might want the resil boost of the medallion (153 resil = ~6% mitigation)

but it all comes down to your set up and your level of comfort with your resil level. and then comes who you play with, if anyone. if you reliably have a healbot and or dps peeling off you, then less resil should be fine. if you solo que, you might want that resil one.

also if price is a factor, the WG one is significantly cheaper. best case scenario get both and switch around as needed.
Buy both, test, form conclusion.

Also what Falkor said, but as warlock you probably want to have high resillience when solo queuing, so I'd go for the Resi trinket.

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